Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 287 - Two Hundred And Eighty-seven

Breakfast was over and so was her torture time to look at Angeles's face. Now she was sitting on her desk reviewing the accounts of a firm and her restaurant while her children were studying. She tried her best to give the illusion and atmosphere of study around them by working on sheets herself whilst they studied.

She looked at them her saw Agatha poke her head in and more come inside the room.

"Madam, a soldier is waiting outside but he is not classified enough to enter the Dons office and they don't need the file and Tonio is not available at the moment so you need to get the file from his office." She hurriedly whispered everything. "Please madam we need it."

She glanced up from her sheets and nodded at Agatha. She placed a paperweight on her sheets and closed the laptop before following Agatha out to Angelo's office but her eyes caught something.

Bella Rosa was staring at her laptop. So being the best mother like kids had said Alexis was she took the laptop with her.

Entering his office at the files before giving Agatha the one she desired as there were many kept on his desk. Thanking Alexis for her help an Agata hurriedly moved out to give it to the soldier they arise Alexis followed her out leisurely.

When she turned around to close the door her eyes once again met with the painting that was right behind Angeles desk but this time there was no one inside his office but her. She partially turned around and look for anyone else who could be lurking in the hallway but found none so she hurriedly closed the door without making any noise.

She crossed the room keeping her laptop on the desk again and the painting in her hands before moving it up and removing it from the wall. It was heavy as hell and she winced at the weight that her shoulders felt. Stumbling across she crystal tried her best and kept the painting safely on the ground.

She huffed and looked up and sighed. There was a lock on the safe which had a passcode on it and suffice to say Alexis had no idea what it could be. She had no idea even remotely.

Even though they had been together for the past 5 years he had lived a completely different life away from her where Alexis had no idea what happened. So if it came to guessing a password it could be anything.

Still, she tried.

The safe must have had secrets inside it so she went with the first one that she knew about Angelo.

Lucas's birthdate.


She shook her head. Having Lucas's birthday as his passcode was a long shot anyway as anyone could figure out that it was all I could be his children's birthday. So technically she had to rule the twins birthday out as well.

Could it be hers?

Without it that it could be hers after last night's escapade but he would not have changed it just after one night.

She had no idea why her hands shook as she raised them to enter the letters of her birthdate in the dial.


Fucking bastard.

Even after relentlessly repeating that he had only love for her he could not even set her birth date as the password to a safe that hid all his secrets!

What else could it be? She sighed and sat in his chair.

They were going to be leaving Italy in two days and Alexis knew that she had to act while she was given the chance which was today.

Lucas's birth then the twins and before that Alexis coming into her life. Those were the three things that she knew as main events in his life and all three she had ruled out as possible passwords. To a certain degree, she agreed that all of these were very easy passwords for someone to guess.

Then what could it be?

She frowned as she glanced around the room. Could it be Isabelle's death date?

She stood and up and typed it. The machine unlike the previous times did not hurriedly give out the beep that her access had been denied.


And the safe pushed open its door to her.


His daily routine now consisted of many walks daily. Earlier it used to be going out with his wife on lunches and dinners and different to countries enjoy their retirement. He remembered how his wife used to beg him to take a vacation from his job and take her somewhere nice and tropical. A sad smile reached his face as he remembered the replies that he gave way of saying he did not have the time or no one else could take over and do the job said.

Now his son was there but his wife was not. The son who he had trusted to do everything right had done something entirely wrong that could never fix marriage back.

When Gabrielle saw a woman barely dressed leave his house early in the morning he knew that it could be no one else other than his son who could invite her in for the night and a fact Gabrielle was aware that his wife and children lived in the same floor as he did.

"Oh Isa. . . ." He sighed looking at his wife's grave, "He ruined it for himself. What to do now?"

He had taken a stand for his daughter-in-law in front of the whole house he knew that if Isabelle was on his side she would have asked him to do a lot more which he would have been capable to do but right now he seemed to be useless.

"I . . .cacan't think without you." He revealed with his eyes casted down. "I will kill that hollow of a woman who is going on a killing spree for no reason. She is a real psychopath and I will make sure that she is in the ground just where she belongs.." He placed a case on his wife's headstone and then got up to move inside but he has started to train Salvatore mentally making sure that he understood his surroundings from an early age.

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