Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 289 - Two Hundred And Eighty-nine

Miscarriage. A tear slipped her eye. 

She had a miscarriage that he had conveniently never mentioned to her. Even though she had asked him the question again and again no one from his family had ever answered her including Isabelle.

The reports with the time and date written in the files confirmed that it was the time when she was on bed rest and Angelo did not even let her get up for the bathroom. They would act as if she was weak from something but on the contrary, she had lost something inside her. She had lost a baby.

No one had ever bothered to tell her that.

This was the first file that she had touched and it revealed something so huge.

Her cheeks felt itchy when she sniffed due to the dried tears on them. She had had a full-blown breakdown when she saw that the name written on the documents was hers and the report only told her of one thing that was a miscarriage. No matter how the man she tried to look again and again to make sure that it it was hers and no one else's The result only e seemed to tell her that it was belonging to Alexis de'Alessandro.

The name that she hated.

He was the cause of the miscarriage and he never bothered to tell her. It was him who had launched himself into her office and broken everything in her office along with something inside her. She had been physical and because of his abuse, she had lost a child that she was never aware of.

She looked at the safe once again wondering what more could she find inside her about her self. She had only read one file and by far she had cried more than she had in the past four years. 

But once again curiosity was going to kill this cat as she stood up to pull out more files. A pen drive slipped and fell to the floor too. She picked it and made a note to go through it.

Keeping that in the side she once again took a seat on has chaired and used the table. She opened the file and saw the names of various people in it and then looked for the details more specifically.

Girls. Girls for the clubs.

A flash came through her eyes.

Her breath hitched as she remembered the scene from years ago, something forgotten. A promise.

The promise that she has made to someone about making sure that she would make sure that their living conditions would be better.

Her chest felt heavy as her lips quivered. Where was that girl be by now? How could she forget this for 5 years?

She closed the file and moved to the next adding that to the to-do list on her phone.

The next file she opened made her frown even more. It made her question his love that he claimed to have for her in the very beginning. It was a file that held her records and even a paternity test linking her to Alexander Williams.

Which only further confirmed her suspicions that he knew who she was by her blood before marrying her just as her supposedly father had said.

Once again Angelo had lied.

She wanted to continue with the search but the Pendrive seemed to something far more interesting.

She picked up her laptop and inserted the drive. Her leg bounced up and down due to nervousness and anticipation of what could be in the pen drive. When the pop up came there was only one file that you found thereafter clicking on it which only contained a few videos.

Videos of what?

She tapped on her knee, the anticipation was getting to her to find out what was it but she was too nervous to do it. One file was all it took for her to cry and break down for an hour so what could a few videos show her?

It could either be the very end of the relationship she had with Angelo whatever it was or. . . . .

There was no or. . . She clicked on the first video.


Alexis, hours later came down from the office. Her children were out playing and she watched them for a while. She went out and greeted them with a smile on her face. Her behaviour was normal, not even a hair out of its place.

She even cut out fruits for them and made a glass of freshly squeezed juice for them. She made sure to tell Agatha to inform her kids that she would be needing some time alone and would be down there for dinner till then Agatha was in charge.

Numb of the whole situation. She went to her bedroom and fell on the bed with her face towards the ceiling and stared at him.

He knew what happened. He was fully aware because he was there. He was the one who had kidnapped. He knew about the woman that she talked of in her dreams, in her nightmares, the one he promised that he would make sure to find out who she was and then bring her to Alexis.

Once again until he had conveniently made her forget about it by throwing and another nuisance her way and she had dumbly forgotten about it.

It was thrown to her to see about how fast she could move on from it and then he would throw new problems in her way to make her move on from the next one, constantly engaging her mind into battle mode. Never letting her settle.

She sniffed trying her best to control the tears. The man she had grown to trust and had grown to attach herself with had have once again broken heart trust in numerous ways that she could not even count now.

It was useless to place her trust in a man so. . . . Messed up.

Fucked up as the word he used for himself and that was what he was. Exactly that.

She stood and unzipped her dress, letting it fall on the floor. Moving to the bathtub in the bathroom she let the hot water flow and fill the tub as she took off her clothes. His touch disgusted her. 

She stared at herself in the mirror as she had done years ago.

Just when she had a miscarriage.

She slapped herself.

She trusted him. Again.

She made the mistake.

She looked at the tub of hot water.. She made a mistake and she must pay for it.

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