Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 291 - Two Hundred And Ninety-one

She came down after getting dressed up for the day after half an hour. The skin tingled a bit and was red given that she had repeatedly bathed in quite hot water for several days.

His touch still lingered on her body.

She stepped and down saw someone sitting on the couch.

Usually, she would how to look the other way but she had grown to realise that it was her house and every guest that came in had to be attended to and greeted by her.

"Good morning . . . ." The words were stuck in her mouth as she looked at the person in of her.

"You look like you were not expecting me," She stood up in respect, "Like. . . alive."

The words left her mouth sooner than she would have realised. "Yes, I was." The girl smiled and Alexis scrambled to get to her words right. "I mean that . . the conditions that I saw you in last time were . . ."

The girl caught the drift. "Not liveable, yes." She then cheered up, "I can't believe you are The Donna now."

Alexis nodded not knowing what to say. She had been The Donna only in name.

The real one was her mother-in-law.

"With all the respect to you Donna," the girl slightly shivered, "Have I offended you in some way? I was told that you called for me."

She breathed a bit for courage for the question that she was going to ask next. It was embarrassing.

"What is your name?"

The girl looked visibly taken aback but that. "Lola. But I honestly thought you would know."

Now that was something Alexis could not possibly reveal so she settled a lie. "I do know but I wanted to make a conversation with you, to make you feel more welcomed."

Lola nodded, understandable the attempt of making her feel at ease.

"Now," Alexis straightened up and so did Lola but ended by sliding off the couch clumsily.

"Sorry." She whispered with her cheeks reddening.

"That's quite alright." Alexis smiled back, "Now, I want you to write down on a piece of paper what problems have you been facing for the past 5 years. I remember you telling me that I can make it better for all of you and I want to. I do not have the power to completely stop at all . . . . But somehow I can try and make it easier and to someone else comes and picks up this fight."

Lola nodded and Agatha handed her a notebook. "But what I did not understand from you was the fight. Why would someone else pick up your fight?"

Alexis laughed at that. Those were Isabelle's words. "I am not talking about someone else picking up my fight. I am talking about someone else picking up the fight for the greater good, for all of us." Alexis looked at her confused expression and explained in simple terms. "It means that you have to continue fighting your fights but there are a few fights that involve a collective effort and sometimes you do your part and leave it there. Then someone else, better and powerful than you with better resources come in and take the fight to the next level."

"Like the women from our past started their fight and the others picked up!" Lola perked up understanding it finally to which Alexis nodded and then pointed to the notepad.

Lola began to write the problems and Alexis leaned back into the seat and watched the clock.

A minute passed away and the hand-kept on ticking.

Another minute.

And then another.

Filled up with impatience, Alexis's eyes darted towards the paper which was quite filled.

Maybe, a lot more things were to be done by Angelo to ask for her forgiveness. But how would we get them all done?

"Done!" Alexis jumped upfront from the voice and looked at her hurriedly and then to the clock. She had taken seven minutes to write it done.

Alexis took it from her and read it over. Half of the things she understood that man would never take care of the other half was basic needs and she did not understand why was it happening?

"Ahem," Lola cleared her throat to get her attention. "Donna, you asked me me to write down about the problems that we were facing and I did as told. But we don't need everything to be done it's just a few things that I underlined immediately need. . . " She suddenly fidgeted and pointed at the paper. "If you could excuse me I forgot to underline the main things . . "

Alexis nodded and excused her mistakes. She handed her the piece of paper once again and Lola circled the items that she wanted to be done first. Alexis glanced at the list and knew that they were of the utmost importance and needed to be completed immediately by the looks of it.

"Thank you, Lola." She smiled and placed the paper down. "I will make sure that this is all done with time."

Lola smiled brightly. It was not something that happened regularly. Someone wanted to make a change for them and without having to ask them anything in return, it was a blue moon sighting.

"Thank you. Thank you!" She rushed out to tell her friends.

Alexis watched her run out with a small smile on her face. She didn't want to Agatha who was already looking at a madam expecting the question.

"Is he on his way?"

Attach nodded and Alexis waited.

This time to get the job done she was not going to turn to Angelo. Instead, she was going to make sure that his men knew that when she wanted something done they would get it done themselves.

Adriano arrived and Alexis kept on sitting not even bothering to greet him.

"Madam," he greeted and took a seat when she pointed at it. "You called for me?"

She nodded curtly.. "Yes, I had a few things which are to done quickly."

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