Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 297 - Two Hundred And Ninety-seven

The Donna.The only woman that everyone in the mafia that everyone respected without looking at her achievements.

The position of power was what she had been after.

The Donna.

How life had webbed its tail in the name of power and life she wondered.

She was once the most popular student ever existed. People used to glance at her hoping to get noticed and everyone excused whatever the wrongs she committed then how had she gotten pregnant and thrown out of the house in one day was something she could never understand.

Her father had loved her to bits and so did her mother, both of them dotted on their daughter and spoilt her rotten. Yet all it took was one pregnancy for all the efforts to go down the drain.

How was then that a nobody like her had gotten what she wanted for all of life? A rich husband, who everyone feared the name of?

It was such a mystery That one girl who was a nerd, who no one noticed and people picked on, got into the highest position of power in an organisations crime family that was practically untouchable.

And with that face? She scoffed.

The tale of destruction had begun and she was adding her own two cents in it.

She was a part of something great and she was going to be the new true Queen.

Who would stop her? Nobody.

She looked at the old woman at the end of the room reading a few scrolls written in a probably old language. She had found her lurking around Lexus just as she was and they had clicked.

The old women in her seventies wanted power now, Madison laughed at that. She was too old probably even think straight. However was she going to command a thousand men when she was not even going to live for a year or two for sure?

That woman was dead anyway. She had resorted to using her to get what she wanted. She has become Julia's pet for thought that Madison would never betray her.

She hissed as her wrist pained. She had tried her level best to bandage it but the pain was still there no matter how many painkillers she took. At least the blood had stopped.

She looked at the gauze longingly. It was one of the sacrifices she had made for a better future.

She had to tell Angelo that those were the bastards and the children that she would give him would be the true heir of his organisation.

She had already picked out the names of the children that she was going to have with him. Even more if possible he agreed she would make sure that he would never have to look out for any kind of pleasure.

"Girl!" Julia and Madison looked her away.

"What?" She barked at the elder woman. "What do you want now?"

Julia stood up and with the help of her stick, she walked to the young girl. "Where were you last night? Do not tell me you went to their residence!"

Madison scoffed. "First of all, it's none of your concern and second, even if I went there what could go wrong?"

Julia snarled and grabbed Madison's hair, pulling hard at it making her cry. "What could go wrong?!" She yelled. "I will tell you what could go wrong. There are three cameras in each corridor after Alexis got kidnapped 5 years ago, every camera is positioned so that they can capture your face and every staff member knows who has classified enough to reach the resident floor of the don and his family. So if you, say even remotely that you can enter their house and think that they would never catch you, you are dead wrong!"

"Leave me!" Madison gritted and pulled away massaging the sore area. "And I was wearing a cap whenever there is there was no chance that anyone could have seen me I knew that time where the guards were and the maids were eating food. I am well aware of the changing positions!"

Julia raised her stick and hit the girl with it. "For merely 5 minutes that there are those guards change their positions and the hallways were empty and you used those— do you have any idea what you have done?!" She hit Madison again, "They are going to get even more vigilant now which means that the guards would be doubled and with the securities around her children and there is no way that we could ever kill them!"

Madison would have understood if she wanted too but the woman had lost too much to now consider anyone's opinion but herself.

So she simply smirked at the older woman who was hitting her. "That is what you think. I can still enter if I want, any time I want and no one will stop me."

Julia laughed at the young girl. It made her pity those women who have not involved in The Mafia as those were truly stupid. They have no idea how to deal with people who have immense power in their hands.

Madison was just one of those. She had no idea who she was dealing with especially when it came to the don itself. Even if Alexis and Angelo were no longer together did not mean that she was no longer under his protection. As his wife and the mother of his children, Alexis was always going to be under its protection no matter what happened.

Julia had a bigger force behind her making her powerful than a whole big Mafia family. As compared to the one that she was married into it was still can small but as a force that backed her, it was quite packed.

She had back up now so she had no use of Madison who had killed her family member and given her mental condition she would agree to kill Isabelle if anyone asked.

Julia smiled at her, mocking her to do something which she knew Madison would. "Why don't you do me a favour and go to the mansion again?" She turned around and started to walk away, "I am sure Angelo would love to see you." She closed her bedroom door and dailled a number.. The number of her biggest supporter.

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