Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 311 - Three Hundred And Eleven

For a second or two, both of them were stilled at the spot.

CIA? He frowned.

Alexis looked at him. For a moment she had genuine and unadulterated fear in her eyes for him.

"Angelo?" She whispered. She hadn't expected it to be this soon. She wasn't ready. 

"That's alright." He reassured her. The papers had been sent by Adams and he just had to show them to get the police out of a house. "Agatha, children."

The maid immediately walked the children and ran with them inside. 

"Don't worry," he said to her and walked inside the house where the police stood as she followed him. 

"What is it?" He barked as soon as he saw them. His tone cold look had returned. 

The man smiled. Same from before. "You, my friend, are under arrest for the smuggling of drugs into the country." He showed them a page and stepped closer to Alexis making her take a step back. "Here, Madam." And then he looked back at Angelo, "Wanna call your lawyer's? We can wait for ten minutes." 

Angelo without answering him stormed up the stairs to get the papers that Adams had given him with Alexis hot on his tail. 

He banged open the door and closed it short while telling Alexis to wait outside for a few minutes. 

He looked through the files but they weren't there. He searched for them one by one with his heart thundering for the first time. 

He could go to jail. Fuck. 

"There aren't here." He concluded while running a hand through his hair roughly. 

They were not there. 

Login to his computer and opened up the camera app. He had a camera installed in his office secretly to make sure that if anyone ever entered he would know. He rarely checked that but today he had to know who took the papers behind his back.

He frowned. The gunshot was captured . . . But nothing was out of the ordinary here. It was like any other day. 

He stumbled back. Where did they go?

He moved the tapes forward and back, trying to catch something but it all the same. His routine and the papers just fucking disappeared. 

"Fucking Damn it!" He yelled. What the hell was anyone thinking before taking on such a traitorous against him?! 

He turned around the room and his heart wanted to kill someone when he saw something. The very painting, with the upside-down world. 

The one thing that his mother had gifted him when he had taken on the title of the don.

The upside-down painting represented the two words that they lived in and one, where he lived what his family and he was just a normal citizen, two, where he was the leader and everything happened according to him. 

He loved Alexis but this was too much. She was involved and he knew. 

But as he continued to look at the painting another thought walk into his mind. Had he not betrayed her numerous times? Broken her heart, broken her, taken advantage of her what had he not done? 

Yet, she never said anything when these grounds would have been enough for a divorce and she had the protection of her family now too. 

"Mother, is this a punishment I should take?" He mumbled and stepped closer to the painting. He shifted it slightly as it was a little tilted when something dropped down and caught his eye. 

A riddle. 

He read it, understanding what it meant. 

Maybe, he did deserve it. Maybe, she did love him to challenge him. 

Maybe he was just atoning what he was supposed to do for his crimes. 

Opening a draw he took the papers out. The same papers that Adams had given him only a copy of them that Angelo had made just for safety. He slowed walked to the Shredder and placed the papers on its mouth and he watched as it swallowed it whole. 

Opening the door to his office, he saw his wife standing there with nervousness in her eyes and slight fear. He did see a slight satisfaction too. She was enjoying his dear and he knew that he was right about her mind. Attachment she said, how nice of her to not understand that attachment only happened when there were feelings involved that she denied having. 

He stepped closer and kissed her forehead. "Maybe, all the problems I have caused you have brought me here. To atone wild the world watches me." He kissed her nose. "I have been all about that, haven't I?" The world watching him fall. 

He looked at her and saw tears in her eyes, "It's alright love. When I come back, we would start again." Saying so, he kissed her lips sealing the promise made. What his life wanted, she got. 

His way through her heart. 


" . . . The members of the jury find the accused, Angelo de'Alessandro, guilty. The punishment given to him would be of 10 years in jail." The judge banged his hammer, closing the case shut. 

Everyone from the family that had been sitting in the cold room closed their eyes. For the past week everyone, every lawyer had been on their toes trying to find something even remotely close to making sure that Angelo never went there but there was nothing. 

He was going to jail and the whole world knew it. For the man who never wanted to be humiliated, he was quite enough. 

Alexis stood up and walked closer to him. "I'm sorry." What for? She didn't know. She knew that deep down this was the perfect punishment for him, that he deserved for hurting her time and again but the fact that he took it willingly and made sure that she knew he was aware that there was something she was not prepared for. 

It hurt her. He had a love for her. He was capable of it. 

"It's alright love." He smiled. "Wait for me, yah?" He was pulled back and the cops took him through the adjacent door. She watched him disappear through a heavy heart. 

They all went home after that because there was no use in waiting anymore. Gabrielle had moved in and taken in the reigns along with Silvano and Vincenzo for the past week and it seems like for the next ten years too. 

The kids did not immediately come to her and she was grateful for that. She went to their marriage bed and this time laid there alone looking on the side that he slept in. 

"I'm sorry." She whispered again through tears as she caressed his space. 

How would they be treating him?

Was it worth it? Deep down in her mind, she knew the answer to both the question. 

It was necessary for her sanity. She felt better. Relief, happiness, satisfaction all were there. Then what was this? 

Her phone rang and she declined the call. She was no need to pick up. 

It rang again, she declined it. This happened for the next four times and in irritation, she picked it up and said, "What?!" Or yelled. 

"Come on now love," she heard and sat up immediately. "Don't cry for me."

"Angelo?" She palmed her mouth as she felt mixed emotions run through her. "Is that you?" She asked. 

She heard his carefree laughter. It was rare and she immediately knew it was him. 

"Yes, it is." He answered and she could think of the smile. "I told you I am powerful. The jail's got nothing on me." He laughed. 

She giggled and for the first time, she was happy while she talked to him. 

She felt free of the burden.

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