Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 314 - Bonus - II

~Timeline : birth of the twins.~ 

Giving birth, let alone to twins, was a very difficult and painful experience. So much so, she had not gotten up from the bed after one week of dilvery and since she had the luxury of resting, she did exactly that.Salvatore was nursing from her breast and she patted his back very lightly for him to go to sleep. She had even covered him up whilst feeding so that he would fall asleep more comfortably.

Agatha very quietly drew the curtains and the room fell into a hushed environment. Perfect for the children to sleep in.

"Little baby," she cooed at the suckling baby. His eyes were heavy with sleep.

Angelo was laying on the foot of bed, sleeping on his stomach as he was not getting much of the space because she and the twins are occupied most of it. Yet his eyes were half close as he watched them. 

"He sleepy?" 

She nodded, "Yes, just as his father is." She she said pointedly. "Go to sleep Angelo. After Salvatore is done, I will go to sleep as well." 

He nodded but didn't close his eyes right away. 

She looked down at her baby mesmerized by the fact that she had actually given birth and survived the excrutinating pain that came along with it. 

Two beautiful and healthy babies. 

Just perfect. 


She sighed and closed her eyes. Alexis felt pretty today. After the pregnancy and having twins inside her belly her stomach and not to the point where for the past 6 7 months she had remained at home trying to feel confident again about herself. She had also slowly started to exercise which had somehow brought her back to a new normal where she did have a slightly prodded belly but now she was comfortable and confident about it. 

She was comfortable addressed in a khaki colour pants along with the white blouse. She had paired it with dainty gold jewelry and other had brought out her shoes.

"Where are you going?" She turned around to find if fully dressed Angelo back at home in the middle of the day.

"I am going out." She answered. "I'm just going to go to the mall with Nikita and come back. We are having a break from the babies today. The nannies along with Agatha will take care of them." 

He stared at her and that's when she noticed that he was not looking at her with the softness that usually dead. It was a mafia Boss that she was talking to. "No," he said, refusing her. "I will call silvano and tell him that Nikita and you are not going anywhere." 

She raised her eyebrows for a quick second when she heard that. In shock she did not even know what to say immediately. But she soon gained controll of the situation. 

"What!" She said back incredulously, making him hold his footsteps as he was leaving the room. "Why am I not going anywhere? And I have been inside the house for 6 to 7 months now I am going out for a day." She waved hands around in frustration not understanding his point of you. If it was about the Guards and Liam have prepared a team for her and there was nothing to worry about especially when they were going to public place. 

He cracked his neck to the side and she watched him. He walked clower to her, leaving a distance of two to three inches on in between them. She could almost feel his breath fanning on her face as he looked down on her. 

"Just because you have my kids Alexis, it does not mean that you will get to do whatever you want. Do not forget whose wife you are and what it entails. No Mafia wife steps out of the house until unless it's a family function for one year after giving birth." 

" When did that happen?" She hissed in anger. "Isabelle told me no such thing!" 

He shrugged. "I don't want you to go out. Thats it." He started to walk away and she scoffed again. "Stop!" She called out. 

"Don't forget that I can take a divorce anytime I want. And look we have kids but that does not mean that I do not get a say in this relationship." She argued, "I get it that you ban most of the things I do but such small things, you have no control over them." She argued to whatever came to her mind for stop this was not done. How was it that he could even think of controlling such a small thing for stop she had been insecure all these months and he had been supportive of a full stop but when it came out to something that she wanted you certainly he was backing away into a corner. 

"Alexis," he sighed, as if tired already, "do not talk about taking the kids away for stall if I want without getting a divorce I can take them away from you. So far away that you will never be able to hear anything about them even with the connections that you will have as my wife." 

She blinked back at that and the straight and spine of her that resemble the tigris slumped down a little bit. He had trust her hope as he had heard the life of a kids in front of her. " You will take my kids away from me? Just because I don't listen to you? Are you that hungry for power in such a. . . Small matter?" She could cry out. This was frankly unbelievable to what he was doing. 

He didn't laugh along, there wasn't even as small as it to which on his face or even his fingers. He was far from the man that she had called her husband for the past year. 

"I am in power, Alexis. You should get used to the fact that I am going to be the one who is always in power." He stepped closer and held her chin, "Next time, when you want to go somewhere, inform me first." Tilting her chin up slightly, he placed the small kiss over her lips before he walked out of the room and closed the door shut behind him. 


THE SEQUEL IS UP (check it out and lemme know) ↓↓

→Chaos in the darkness; Salvatore's salvation. ←

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