Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 35 - Thirty-five

Thank you for coming this far. Kindly drop a power stone(the red one). 


"So you're saying that one of my bullies work for you?" Alexis was shocked at the revelation or maybe she was shocked at the time he took to find her bullies. That meant that either he was planning on it way before he touched the topic or his resources were pretty good. The latter option seemed to scare her more.

"Two of four. One is a stripper and the other struggling to make the ends meet." Angelo spoke as he continued with his files. He seemed to be least bothered to her for the topic he had chosen to give her worries about. 

She recalled as the conversation started. Maya left as she saw Angelo wanting her out of the room. The conversation had started as her asking him if he knew where her bullies were, to begin with. To which he said, he never would have started the topic if he didn't know.

"And the other three?" She asked. 

Her question made Angelo smile, "curious one aren't you?" He huffed a little laugh as she looked down, embarrassed. Perhaps she shouldn't just, "the boy- parker is a waiter in a restaurant and Noah is working under his father, getting ready for the future take over. The third one, Taylor works for a drug dealer, supplying them to teens and college kids." Leaned back in the chair, he told her everything she needed to know.

"Oh.." she whispered. Was it going to be good enough? But she never thought of it. Maybe she could feel the satisfaction once in her life.

"I am thinking of something, Angelo." She whispered.

"And I think I will like it." He whispered back. "I have the evidence already." 

"Wait what?" She couldn't help but give a bewildered expression at what he went with. She was thinking about Liza. "I was thinking about Liza. Does the Mafia, like you say you the head of does not happen to sell drugs?" Alexis knew one thing for sure. This guy was not going to sabotage his own life or plans for her. That simply seemed to be unrealistic. 

"I won't have offered you that then," he immediately denied, which again made her speculations come true. 

"But since he does not work for me, I can have him arrested or whatever it is. He sells it to a bunch of kids anyway and given that he does not work for me, works in my favour." 

"How? How does that work in your favour?" She asked. If he didn't work for Angelo then it was a given that Angelo won't take a hit for it but how could it be possibly working in his favour. 

"I don't think you should know that," he leaned back into his chair. "That information will do you no good." 

"But I want to know, is that now enough?" 

"Okay then," he agreed. "Marry me and I'll tell." 

Stunned for a moment, Alexis's mouth couldn't help but open and close like a fish's. She had not expected that from him. "I—I um, I don't want .." 

"To know now?" He completed her sentence. "Yes, it seems to be obvious." He opened a drawer and took a folder out, sliding it in front of Alexis. "Open it." 

Sighed, she dragged the folder across and the table and picked it up. She opened it and took the contents, the photographs as it seemed to be out. The photographs of Taylor exchanging money and drugs. The kids seemed to mostly college students which made them even angrier. 

Drugs were not a necessity, hell they were the opposite, so she made the call. Angelo gave her a phone with the photos attached as evidence. She hit sent. 

Half an hour later, this had made the news not a breaking one but enough to cover it for a few hours. Taylor was taken from his apartment in a drugged state and his handcuffs. 

Watching the TV in Angelo's office she couldn't help but feel extremely.. satisfied. Her heart wanted more of this. Because to her, now it seemed like harmless fun to laugh on. Just as they had done. 


"Hi," Liza looked up to a woman familiar to her.

"Hello?" She hesitated.

"I'm Alexis. We were together in high school remember?" Much opposite to her current feelings, Alexis very cheerily talked to her.

'Shit. I might or might not have bullied her. If yes which one was she?'

"Hi, how are you?" Alexis felt bitter and bitter at every word. She seemed to either forget the fact or ignore it. Either of which was not going to work in her favour. 

"Oh! You cannot imagine but how are you? And also do you wanna stop by my house for a cup of tea or coffee?"

"Oh... I can't possibly impose and you know interrupt your life." Liza replied, for sure she couldn't go to her house which would be better than hers, given the Louis Vuitton bag she carried. 

"Oh come on please for old times sake?" Alexis smiled with a hopeful expression. 

Is she that dumb? I could insult her ass right here, "No, Alexis. I'm sorry, I really can't but some other day, okay?"

Alexis nodded. She could let her go this time and come back with more later ...or not.

"Okay." She sighed, looking dejected.

Liza grabbed her stuff and walked along with Alexis to the parking lot which was a minute walk. They walked together, step by step and shoulder to shoulder. Liza felt the need to fill in the awkward silence but Alexis relished the silence in between them.

Grabbing the handle of the back door, Liza put her stuff in and turned to Alexis.

"So," she jumped a little to show some enthusiasm, "this had been nice and yeah. Catch you later?" She smiled. 

"Sure, but FYI your tyre's punctured., Alexis said before giving her a tight-lipped smile, turning around and walking.

"What?" Liza screeched as she jumped out of the car and kicked the tyre after inspecting it.

Alexis wanted to laugh out at the tantrum she was throwing. Any rational person would have simply called help and waited but no, the Princess would rather kick and scream at the tyre.

"Would accept my help or..?" Alexis yelled from where she was standing.

"Please, I would take it." 

'And not call help obviously.' "Come on then."

She took out her phone and texted the driver to come. Within seconds, the driver, Thomas or Tommy as everyone called him, came out and opened the door for her. Liza came through the other side and that's when she noticed that she was sitting in a Rolls Royce.

"Wow," she breathed out, "this is so beautiful!"

Alexis smiled and showed her gratitude for her praise. The rest of the ride was silent. Liza was scared to touch anything and cause damage for which she knew she could not pay for. They stopped at some luxurious apartment building and she turned to Alexis for answers.

"Oh yes, do you mind if I change first?" Before her bully could answer, Alexis was already out of the car. Liza couldn't help but follow the lead as well.

Opening the door to her apartment which felt like it had been years since she last came there, she turned to Liza, "help yourself at home, okay? And yes help yourself in the kitchen too." With that, she walked into her room.

'Apartment? It's a condominium!' Liza could not help but feel extremely envious. 

She looked around with wide eyes as she twirled around. Alexis was living the life she wanted for herself. Feeling sneaky, she followed into her bedroom and walked into her closet. The first thing she noticed was the handbags she had. Louis Vuitton, Micheal Kors, Gucci, Chanel and all the other high-end brands.

The eyeshadows palette that she saw on the vanity were MAC, Huda and Dior. For Pete's sake, Alexis was living the life and her closet showed it!

She walked out and grabbed herself a bottle of water and drowned herself in it. Either Alexis had the right connections or she is a top dog or she was fucking someone good enough to provide this and Liza wanted to enter the game again and if it was through someone stupid then that be it. Alexis could be her new ladder.

"Hey? Are you okay?" She jumped and looked back at Alexis, "you're squeezing the life out of the bottle." Looking down Liza noticed what she had done. She kept the bottle near the sink and walked to Alexis.

Taking her hand in hers she said, "Hey do you wanna go out sometime? I think I could use an old friend, you know?"

Alexis smiled, something in her eyes danced that Liza mistook for excitement.. "Yes! Why not? I know just the perfect place."

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