Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 38 - Thirty-eight

"We should meet up sometime Alexis! I am sure there's a lot to catch up on!" Parker said as he placed their desserts in front of them.

"Yeah yeah sure," she said, dismissing him so that she could eat in peace.

"So when are you free then? Or you know what? You could give me your number and I could call you." His persistent efforts of getting anything now were making her irritated because now she just wanted to eat.

"Liza has my number and if you want, we three can go out together." She raised a spoon and went to dig in when he spoke again making her wince.

"Liza, you met he-" he began swearing. 

"Leave." One word from Angelo and he was out with the speed faster than of light.

Alexis shook her head and finally spooned out a bite. Her mouth watered at the sight of the chocolate bite and she went in for it. Moans slipped into her mind as she tasted it, it was amazing, to say the least.

"Wow," she awed with a mesmerised expression, "this is amazing!" She chewed or rather let it melt in her mouth. "I swear to god, pure heaven this is."

Angelo laughed a little. His chest shook silently and anyone could tell he was laughing. Alexis found herself laughing as well.

"I get it. The chef, one of my school friends cooks well and here he is making people swear to God about food." He smiled as she said that. He had bought the restaurant, but he had invested money in it. Most of it did make him the owner until all of it with interest was laid off. Simple as that. 

Alexis chuckled as well. She could tell by the way as people glanced their way, that it was a rare sight to see him relaxed and laughing. The whole atmosphere of the restaurant had changed. It had turned into something light and the fear and uneasiness had disappeared. 

And there chatted their time away. It did not seem like she was held up somewhere, she felt nice talking to a guy likely somewhere in the back of her mind. There was fear of Angelo. 


Parker threw his bag away as soon as he came home. He couldn't believe that little witch Alexis who he bullied all the time in High school was getting served by him and she was sitting with Angelo de'alassandro. If anything, he wanted to strangle her and take out every frustration he had till now. But this also could be his one chance and be back in the game; maybe if he played correctly he could be made man and if it dead all the problems of the past would go away.

Now he had to do was arrange a meeting with Alexis and convince her to keep him by her side. Even if he had to pretend gay to become her best friend he would do that. Aggressively rocking his hand through his hair he changed his work shoes and pants then proceeded to get out of his house. Parker wanted to find a good place to take her out to; a place that would not offend Angelo and his beloved Alexis won't get bored as well.

He continued walking on the streets he lived in. It wasn't a good neighbourhood and hoped that she would take pity on him and provide him with a better one or rather she would just give him a room in her mansion. He stopped walking when he heard a crunching sound, it was a pamphlet that was crunched beneath his shoe. Picking it up he saw that it was an ad for a strip club. It's clearly stated that drink two girls with you and you have a 60% off on your bill. Now that meant something.

Parker had already sent Liza a Facebook request and she had accepted, the moment she did he ask for her number which she sent immediately. Copying the number he dialled immediately standing on the street and walking along.

"Hey, Parker!" Her ever to cherry and an irritating voice came through his ear.

"Hi." He winced a bit. "Hey, you do have Alexis's number, right? Could you forward it to me?" Straight to point and he didn't really wanna talk to her anyway.

"Why no, wait for what? Where did you meet her?" She felt betrayed and threatened. Parker could immediately charm his way through any lady.

"I did, somewhere. Now give me the goddamn number Liza!" Yelling through the phone, he knew his patience was wearing thin every second.

"Why would I give you that? I have this one chance to hogg a rich man for myself if I enter her social groups! Do you think I would let you ruin that fucking chance?" Screeching she answered him back. Who was he to think that she was going to let her chance go away?

"Mother-" he breathed in and out. "Listen here liza, you and I both want the same thing alright and you're a woman so you need a man and I need the money, hell we both do! So we don't fucking clash each other's plans anyhow!" His words started soft and polite but he had yelled at her in the end.

"I know we don't. But what am I supposed to do when you cut my ties with her so that you're the only horse in this race?" She whimpered out, wanting to see herself better. Better than living with a lice infected apartment and surviving only ramen because of her shopping habits.

"You know what. Let's work together Liza, as a couple. A couple that will break people's hearts for their bank balance. What say?"

Liza thought of it. If it came to them, they looked nice to each other and Parker was a good fuck. "Fine. Do you have a place in mind?"

"Place. Yes.." He grinned, "You should ask me what, my darling."

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