Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 46 - Forty-six.

"Now tell me," he proceeded, "what about your mother?"

They had changed and were now sitting on the sofa set in her room with coffee, that was later brought in. Plus, this was better, at least they both weren't naked anymore and Alexis could finally concentrate without being awkward.

"I am getting married and I think that it's only fair that my mum is invited as well." She shrugged her shoulders and took a sip of coffee. There were not that close at Alexis had always kept her distance from her more. She had never visited their house in New York because of her stepfamily but had often invited her mother outsider to cafés, restaurants and shopping as well. 

"Yes. It is." He took a sip of his, if Alexis looked at him with a bit more attention, it would seem as if Angelo was thinking pretty hard about it. "Know what, I think you should go and invite your mother but remember that the guards come with as well." He then drowned his coffee in one go, stood up and kissed her on the forehead.

"I have some work to finish, you go ahead and rest." Kissing her forehead, he walked out of the bedroom, closing it softly behind him. He still seemed tired as he walked. 

She sighed looking at the closed door. She got up and walk to the bed, lying down under the covers and curling herself for warmth.

'Does mum even miss me? It's been weeks since we last talked and we talked weekly not every day. But she does deserve to come to my wedding.'

She closed her eyes. Sleep made its way to her.


"Are you sure? You said you guys talk weekly, surely that means that you are not that close." Isabelle commented while sipping her tea. She made a bit of an uncomfortable face while saying that. She was going to live at her son's house till the wedding. Angelo had to go live with his father.

"But she's my mother. She has to be invited." She shrugged. She felt defensive about their relationship. Even though her mother wasn't there, Alexis felt the need to always love her mum no matter what.

"Alright. Liam and the security will come with you." Isabelle smiled. "But remember, news travels fast. If anyone tries to put you down, you put yourself above them alright?" She leaned in a little when Alexis made a confused face, "Listen, child. The Donna can't be looked down upon by anyone, not even the Don in the public. So if you feel insulted, speak up and back, Liam will be there to back you up."

"Alright," this turns out good. What if Aston and Thomas try something and would get insulted instead? She smiled in her mind, the devil was already on her shoulder and started whispering things that would poke the bear.


The cars were driving through the familiar lanes of her mother's house. One ahead and one behind her car. Liam was in the passenger seat and next to her was Agatha. She seemed well-rested and ready to go.

The cars stopped and they came to a decent neighbourhood. Better than what Alexis had left them in, she was nonetheless, very happy for them.

Liam opened her door as Agatha stood beside him. She walked to the door and knocked on it and then rang the bell. She heard a faint 'coming'.

"Yes? You are?" The woman with a bit of wrinkle questioned Alexis. She squinting at the sight of the younger woman.

"You've got visible wrinkles now mum, did the memory problems start too?" She chuckled at the subtle jab she made.

"How dare you!" Vanessa playfully scoffed, before hugging Alexis tightly. "I missed you, child. Why haven't you visited?" Vanessa continued to hug her child. Cherishing Alexis next to her.

'There are demons in this house that hurt me mum', "you know I didn't have the time to, Mum. I did invite you to my place." She reminded as she made her way inside. Liam and Agatha came in with them.

"Oh, and who are they? Friends of yours, child?" She questioned, looking at them with slight confusion.

"Yes Mum," she confirmed, inviting them in.

"So what do you want kid; coffee, tea with ginger or coke?" She said snorting with a hand resting on the nostril, indicating doing drugs.

"Mum, no," she laughed at her mother's antics. "No drugs, please. Milk with cinnamon, like old times?" She smiled at the memories.

"I'll make it," Agatha took the initiative, "please point the direction of the kitchen." She went her way as Vanessa pointed the way.

"Find me friends like that," Vanessa whispered to Alexis making her laugh in return.

"So," they sat down on the couch still facing each other, "What did you come here for? You usually call me over to your place. Oh, and how's my DeeDee?" A smile came onto her face as she remembered the light, energetic furball.

"He's fine, great actually." I think. "Anyway, I am getting married." There, dropped the cherry bomb, she winced.

"What?!" Her mother immediately stood up making Liam's posture stiffen and immediately straighten up. He was ready for any kind of defending from anyone.

"Yup," Alexis confirmed.

"To this guy?!" Vanessa yelled again pointing at Liam.

"What! No!" Liam got up immediately. He was in no mood to be in the dog house and his wife had eyes everywhere. Everywhere.

"No mum, not him." She said in an exaggerated expression, asking him to take his seat. "it's him," she showed her Angelo's picture that she clicked when he was having breakfast. She took a sip of the milk that Agatha had brought in.

"Wow," Vanessa said, clearly smitten.

"I know right," Alexis whispered, leaning into her ear.

"How's his father?" Vanessa gave her a cheeky smile.

"Married," Alexis replied shaking her head at her mother.

"So where did you meet him?" She questioned giving her the phone back. She had to know about their story.

"Um," she could feel Liam's gaze on her, he was meeting Angelo before coming to get her. "He..well you know the company I work for had a gala and we meet there. Went on many dates and well life's short so yeah, he proposed and I said yes." She quickly spoke her story that she had discussed with Agatha in the car.

"Okay, kid, that's too short to be true." Tightening her lip, the mother commented on her daughter's not-so-realistic love story.

"It's the real world, there's no flying me to the moon, mum." She shrugged saying her answer, "so, chill. I'm marrying him and I'll be really happy if it turns out well," I really will be, "or even if it doesn't." And we won't meet each other ever again.

"Are you sure?" Vanessa whispered to he daughter. She knew her daughter often felt inferior to others. Alexis never really told her why.

"Yes, ma." She assured. "I am fine. More than fine."

"Happy too?"

"Yes," Alexis smiled.

"Well, you're an adult, more successful than me and more beautiful than me," Vanessa pinched her cheeks lightly, "I will definitely give you my blessings for it and also we'll have lots of shopping to do." She smiled. Vanessa loved shopping.

"Yeah for you," Alexis leaned back a bit, bracing herself for the attack, "I bought the wedding dress already." She made an uneasy face while telling her mother so.

Vanessa made an outraged face at that. She immediately started yelling in anger. "What?! you bloody brat, ho-"

"Hey, honey!" Thomas's voice came and so did the sound of the front door closing. "Aston is coming in early for lunch."


"Oh," he looked shocked for a moment as he entered the living room and saw his victim. "Alexis, where have you been all this time?" His smile gave her creeps.

'Away from you.' She thought.

"I've been making my own life, Thomas. I am here to invite you to my wedding." She said as Agatha placed a wedding invitation card on the table.

"Wedding wow!" He looked genuinely shocked. "Hey, honey, could you get me a glass of water?" Vanessa nodded and went into the kitchen and Thomas hadn't noticed Liam there. Liam disappeared himself from the scenario.

"You have gotten very brave, Alexis," now his smile had the real expressions he felt. "Showing up here. Well, I'm happy you're not in any hurry. Have lunch with us; your mother, Aston and me." He had made a statement and Alexis knew that but now things had changed and she wanted to embrace that change.

"Of course, Thomas." She called him by his name. Something she had never done before. "I'll be having lunch so why don't you order from outside. Mum needs rest plus there's some catching up to do and your cooking is um..meh." His murderous expression made her insides swell with something more than content.

Perhaps she was going to enjoy this lunch more than she had thought.

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