Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 49 - Forty-nine

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"I don't know what it is," Vanessa sighed looking around the apartment, "it seems bigger than what you told me."

"It's a new apartment for your mum, only you are gonna live here. Of course, it seems bigger now." Alexis sighed sipping her coffee. All of them were having it. She had asked Agatha to get more for the guards who happily took coffee with preferences as offered. 

"You are not gonna sell it?" Vanessa asked, raising a brow at that. "It would fetch a great price and you are getting married. There is no such thing as enough money for planning a marriage ceremony." 

"No, it was for a backup plan if anything didn't work out and now you're living here. Don't worry it's fine for two people to live in too." She shrugged. There was nothing to worry about. "Anyway, do you want help getting settled in?"

"Oh no, I'm gonna put on some music and change it a bit to my preference and convenience. Give me some time." Vanessa could only imagine, some silence and a little me time. "It feels weird living in my daughter's apartment." She winced a bit. "Or weirder because I am getting divorced the day my daughter tells me about her marriage." 

"Well for that's that then, " Alexis didn't tray know what to say to that. "There are face masks in the bathroom; the glitter ones too, sheet masks and serums and all. Enjoy." She happily informed her mum. "Also, my rovers parked down, use it too and I lived with you for eighteen years, you didn't hear me complaining."

"Gave you my finger, no need to hold my hand kid." She giggled. "Rover too?"

"Chill mum, anyways it's almost evening and I have to go. Angelo will be shifting to his father's house and the ladies would stay with me there, do you want to come to stay too? It'll be all ladies for like four to five days and all pampering and stuff. My bridesmaids prepared it for me."

"Sure. When's the wedding by the way," she took her mug along with Alexis's for a wash. 

"Um, so today's a Thursday," dammit she's going to kill me, "And you will come to the party on Monday and I'll be married by the next... Thursday.."

"A week, huh?" Vanessa confirmed and immediately placed the cups in the cabinet. "Now where the hell is my shoe? I'll tell you for a week! Come here!"

"Mumma! Stop!"


"I take it from the smile that it was a happy day?" Angelo asked. Today he was offering her wine that would be served at their reception.

"A very eventful and happy day." She smiled, if possible it grew a bit more. She was the first woman to who he paid attention to. Could it be possible that he had lucked out with her? "For the first time, I didn't hold back while talking to her. It was like a certain weight lifted itself and I feel. Lighter."

"Lighter?" He repeated. 

"Yes, lighter. Happier if I use the correct word. I can turn to her any day without having to worry about being those two." She smiled. 

"Tell me about Thomas, Alexis and the whole part where you physically overpowered him." He sat back in front of her, in his office. The fire in the mantle was lit, providing a warm glow, accompanied by good wine. "I didn't know you learnt kickboxing."

Alexis seemed startled for a bit. Her eyebrows had reached her hairline or as close as they could get but then she lowered them. It was obvious that either Liam or Agatha had informed him about the event. Liam must have given him a detailed description of the happening then why was Angelo asking her?

It was all figured out.

It scared her. This meant that Angelo wanted her to know that his staff was going to report everything that happened with her to him and he wanted her to know about it.

"Well," she sipped a few times for courage and then narrated, "he was a bully along with his son to me. Pretty much for five years, I suffered and when I turned eighteen with the scholarship I received, I moved to the dorms in New York and then after like three years due to mum's job, they came here too from Florida but I didn't stay with them and mum understood and for your second question, in college, a group of boys raped a girl and no one believed her, so that was when I decided to take kickboxing classes." She watched as he poured more into her glass. "The man at the gym encouraged girls for it."

"Why didn't you wait for Liam to protect you? That was the reason he was there for." He asked, genuinely curious.

"Liam was, but my basic instinct was to protect myself since I had learned to do so. I wanted him to fear me and not Liam and what if Liam wasn't there? He can't always be for me. I wanted to prove myself stronger to him." She felt her throat tighten a bit, god she was gonna cry again and she didn't want that.

"I agree on that, Alexis," gently his voice washed over her, bringing relief of understanding. "I think we should kill them as we did to Damon, don't you think so?" He offered.

"No," she immediately denied, "there's no need. My mum is divorcing that man. I am entering into a new life and she is free of him, maybe it's not necessary now. He's out of our life's and I want it to stay that way. Though, if he tries to steer some troubles, then you might have your fun." A sneaky smile came up to her lips while saying so. "As I said, they're gone now, in the past and I don't want to tamper with it. Nothing good ever comes out of it. I just want to let it go."

He chuckled, "Do you want to go and wash up for dinner?"

"Yeah, see ya." She said, placing her glass on the table and walking out of the door.

"That's better than the last time when she was carried out of here," Gabriele commented coming out of the moving bookcase that was a secret room. "I think I like this one better."

"I know papa and I do too," he sipped his drink and waited till his father poured himself a glass and sat down. "So what do you think?" His father had heard the entire conversation taken place between the couple.

He pursued his lips and thought of what to say, "She's not someone who has malice in her heart. She's suffered yes, but she knows where to stop for revenge but I also feel like she wants to let go more than have a go at revenge. She can be manipulated, so watch out for that," he sipped his wine as Angelo nodded, "I like her. She won't be much of work because she can reason well, just remember to keep her away from a few establishments where she might find herself wanting to do the right thing."

"I think she's the one for me, papa," he commented looking at the fire.

"That's a good child. Congratulations. Your mother would love to know that." Gabriel smiled genuinely. Something he did just with his wife.

"Thank you, " Angelo smiled. "I am thankful for the almighty about it. She was the one I chose and she is perfect for me. I couldn't have asked for more."

Gabrielle smiled, chuckling at his boy being lost in love. This was a first for Angelo. "That is, again, very good to know." He commented. "I'm happy for you boy."

"I have so many questions in my mind, " he muttered not really for his father's ears but his own.

"Well, love does make you question things." His father joked but that was not entertained by Angelo.

"No, real questions." He corrected

"What if one day she wants to leave? She wants power I know that she likes the feel of it. The rush of it in her vessels, but if she wants none of it or more of it that she can't have?"

"I liked her being in power, I can tell you that. But the sorry child, some rules don't change for any descendent. You know what you'll have to do," keeping his glass down on the table he walked to the door but turned to look back at him.

"You'll have to put her down. You will have to kill her." He said closing the door on his way out.

Angelo continued looking at the fire till he heard the door closing. He closed his eyes on what his father said, he could only pray. He loved her or so he had concluded. He would do anything but not put her down.


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