Alexis woke up to soft whining sounds and a wet snout bumping her nose every now and then. These were the peaceful mornings that she always wished for; her special, personal alarm clock waking her up was the best part of it all. Raising the blanket higher, she patted the area to have Diesel climb up and lie down. Cuddling next to him she fell asleep, not caring about the arm on that had a firm hold on her waist and had her legs entangled with.

Alexis woke up to the sun shining through the curtains. Yawning she stepped down, tied up her hair and walked to the bathroom. Brushing her teeth, she washed her face with room temperature water and walked out. She went for the bed to straighten it up, but noticed that both the sides were used.

'Oh my god,' she realized. 'Wait ... where'd he go?'

Events of last night came back and she realized that he wasn't here but there was no harm in checking. Running to living room she checked if he was there but he wasn't. She checked the kitchen, the guest room and he wasn't there either. Concluding that he left she fell down on couch closing her eyes took a breath full of relief. Walking in the kitchen, she stood frozen when she saw a sticker note on the fridge.

"I'll be back by the time of lunch. Cook anything; I just want to taste your cooking.

- A. A

Don't test me on this. "

Alexis turned her back on the fridge with the note in her hand and slid down to the floor, the man just won't leave her alone. She wasn't worried; she was frightened out of her wits. Having a past of her own, she didn't want to through it ever again. The pain that was inflicted on both her mind and her body was unbearable for anyone yet she bravely survived it. Yes, she was indeed a survivor but even if so, she didn't want to go through it again. It was sickening. No one knew her enough to extent a helping hand. And no one does now. Sure she had some friends but she didn't trust them enough to tell them about her demons.

Sighing she palmed her face and rubbed her hands all over. Getting up, she got to work. She will survive again but for that she would need to calm down, nothing bad was going to happen. She made herself a healthy breakfast two sandwiches with vegetables and spices along with mixed fruit juice. She gave Diesel his food and ate her food whilst watching the economic news of the nation.

Lunch time was at 2 and yet it was 10:30. Being a Saturday she knew she had to go out for groceries and of course cook for the uninvited guest. Alexis changed into a shirt dress with some vans, grabbed her purse and of course her car keys. Driving off to Wal-Mart, she parked her car and walked in. Grabbing a cart she went for the vegetables and meat first, spices and cereals, wine and of course sauces and a lot of cheese. In the end, she went to the candy aisle. Without giving it a thought she grabbed whatever she needed.

Paying for the stuff, she placed everything in the trunk and headed home. She parked her car in the regular spot and now her main concern was how would she carry the groceries upstairs? She did load them in from the trolley, now how would she carry it up all alone? It was a task of two people. Alexis was facing towards the trunk of her car and pondering, when a sudden blow of wind came in her right ear. Yelping, she turned around with a yelp. To her surprise it was her new neighbour James.

"Oh my god, James, y-you scared me." She shook her ear a bit with her finger; yet she found it continuing to ring.

"Sorry, you're too cute to be pranked on." Giving her a genuine smile, he apologized a little, he cared for life.

"Oh it's okay." She let it go. There was no need for her to hold a grudge on this.

She was socially awkward where she couldn't make business statements and related conversations. Yet James knew he had to get into her lifestyle to get her comfortable with him. Following the orders, he thought of how to continue the conversation. Noticing the trunk he knew his answer to it.

"Hey! Let me help you with that."

"No. Oh no, you don't need to I'll manage. Please, its fine." she knew you could never know what the person might ask in return.

"Nonsense, letting a little girl like you do the heavy task would hurt my male ego." Keeping a hand on chest, he pushed her aside grabbed all of the stuff in his arms. Noticing he could not open the doors he looked over to her.

"Honeybun, I'm going to need you to help me in opening the doors though."

"Oh yes!" She replied being eager to help.

Alexis was astonished at the man in front of her. How could he be so friendly with someone he didn't even know? It was New York after all. Opening the door to her apartment, she led him in the kitchen and placed everything on the counter.

"Thank you so much, James."

"That's fine and don't hesitate to ask for my help next time okay?."

"Yeah sure J- "

"What the fuck?!"

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