Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 60 - Sixty

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While they were travelling none of them said anything. Maybe there were words to be said. Angelo had no idea about what had happened except the part knowledge of how the torn veil had delayed her entrance and to be honest, Alexis had no problems in correcting his thinking.

They reached the hotel where Alexis was going to change. He opened the door for her as the car came to a stop and holding his outstretched hand she walked out. They made it to the room via lift and she changed and Angelo made a few calls.

Alexis was changing eve jewellery when he came into the room again. Hugging her from behind he complimented, "I loved how you looked at the church." He kissed her neck. "And you look beautiful again."

"The second one sounded like a complaint, " she replied, wearing her second earring.

"For what? Having a beautiful wife? Never!" He smiled. "Come on, hurry up." He said walking out.

Alexis finished touching up her look but did move her eyes off the mirror. They seemed like a married couple in love which had her thinking, what did he marry her for? Love, Lust or..something else?

"Whatever it is, " she whispered, wary of anyone hearing in. "He married me, threatened me and tortured me so he better be prepared for everyone I'll be sending his way." Because their marriage was going to make him pay for everything he did to her.


When they arrived people had clapped and cheered for them again. Hurriedly Vincenzo made them sit down and gave an embarrassing speech.

"Okay so first things first, keep your phones switched on and if you get any good jokes forward them to me." He laughed as he said that. "Also, I was lectured by my father and mom, see I'm doing it anyway, " he pointed it out making his parents laugh. "Yeah, they tried to drill this into me that I shouldn't talk about his mishaps, mistakes or embarrassing moments and of course, ex-girlfriends. So that's all from me, blame his parents they took the laughter material!"

Silvano laughed hard at that, maybe it was the nervousness but now it was his time. He stood up and walked to the mike. "Okay, so I am the best man and it took my brother twenty-nine years to admit that." He pointed it out making Angelo throw his head back and laugh. "It's usually the friends of the groom but then again, Angelo ain't got any, " he shrugged. "Mama's gonna kill me after this." He added.

"I read it somewhere that the best man should take as long as the groom takes to make love, so I'll cut it short. Brother, I talk from experience." He looked pointedly at Nikita. "To keep a marriage happy admit it when you're wrong and shut the fuck up when you're right!" Hiding his face he ran from the stage as everyone kept on laughing.

They had their first dance and now they were just talking around, mingling with people. Alexis felt better and relieved after changing into the second dress that was less heavy. But to admit the truth, the satin one was more pretty.

She was sitting in her chair at the family table while Angelo was talking to someone.

"Hey," Isabelle said as she sat down next to her.

"Hey," she greeted back. "Thank you." She smiled.

"For what?" Isabelle had a coy smile on her face. "What did I do to help you?" She raised an eyebrow with a mischievous expression on her face.

"You know for what, for sending James to help me." She confessed. Alexis would forever be thankful to Isabelle for that.

"It wasn't for helping you, Alexis. It was just for precaution. I expected better from you. I didn't think that you would take the bait." She looked disappointed and it pinched Alexis's heart. "You took the escape which was a trap."

"I was... desperate. I didn't think and I had my veil torn too. I'm sorry but thank you for the help. Also," she leaned in to say this, "his grandmother is a bitch."

"Tell me about it," Isabelle scoffed, taking a large sip of her champagne. "She was—is my mother-in-law and let me tell you, that woman did everything to remain on top of me but officially I held more power."

"Old hag wants to remain in power or what?" She was confused, why couldn't she just enjoy her old age?

"Yes. Definitely." Isabelle answered as she took another sip. "Anyway, we'll talk about this another time." She said, glancing around, clearly, this wasn't the best place to talk.

"Also, Isabelle, where is my mother?" She couldn't hold back any longer. Where was she? Alexis could feel her eyes burning.

"She isn't here." She hesitated but there was no other way to say this. "She didn't come, Alexis. We sent a car for her but she didn't even open the door. On breaking it, fearing for the worst, they found that she wasn't there with two of the suitcases and clothes gone." She held her hand to provide comfort. "She left."


Alexis felt nothing. It was like before, her mother was just...busy but this time she could have thought of her daughter first, at least when she was getting married.

She simply chose to feel nothing and now, she won't call her until she did. No contact whatsoever. She felt that marrying Angelo was better. At least with him, she knew what to expect from this marriage.

"Hello beautiful," Angelo stole a kiss from her as he came to her. "What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing," she smiled. "Nothing at all."

"Well, it's time to leave now. We've had dinner, speeches and done mingling. Now, it's time for our honeymoon." He leaned in and stood a kiss again. He seemed to be in a good mood.

She smiled. "I'll go check on a few things, then." For travel, she was going to make sure that things were available to her.

She got up and walked out of the reception hall. She entered the lift to go up to the rooms. She clicked the button on the third floor when she felt someone enter as well.

It was from Julia.

Alexis didn't react. She simply stood as the lift worked.

"You didn't take the bait," Julia stated.

"Clearly." She replied.

"Don't talk back to me! Where are you going to go on your honeymoon?" She asked.

Alexis stayed silent. She didn't even bother to look at her. She knew by experience how to deal with bullies. The more you feed the fear, the more it wants.

"I asked you something!" Julia raised her voice a bit.

The lift came to a stop and the doors opened. Alexis walked out but turned around to give the old woman an answer.

"You said not to talk back," She reminded her. "We did not have a great start but I hope we work it out." She had a smile on her face while she said it. Anyone who saw could tell that she was being polite and respectful. For her, she was bearly restraining herself from strangling the woman who had served her head on a platter. 

She turned around and entered the room by sliding the master card, she entered the rooms and closed the door behind her.

She let out a breath.

I thank mum for not keeping up with relatives.

She opened the closet and took her time to check all her suitcases. She zipped them all shut and walked back. This time a few men were standing and they were going to take their luggage.

She went down to the reception hall and stood next to Angelo as they farewelled everyone. Hugs and kisses, hugs and kisses. Alexis felt that she had been loved for an entire lifetime.

They both sat in the car and this time it was Angelo in the driver's seat. People cheered and blessed them as they passed the rows of the guests standing. She smiled and nodded her head as acknowledgement. Her neck was paining. 

"Did you enjoy it?" He asked, glancing at her.

"Yeah," she replied, looking out. "I am so tired I think I won't ever get married again." She yawned.

He laughed at that. "Good to know that it'll be the tiredness to stop you from marrying again."

She laughed at that too. She was shocked that he didn't take offence at that.

"Where are we going?" She asked. He had led them to the airport and stopped in front of his private jet.

"Wait you have a jet too?"

"Yeah, but we don't use it often. Usually, we choose to go by first class." He chose not to answer her first question which she noticed. 

He held her hand and led her to the stairs leading and connecting up to the door of the jet. "Are you ready for a new adventure with me?"

She inhaled a breath and smiled, looking down and then at him. Was she?

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