Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 62 - Sixty-two

Only the one who sat in a hot water tub knew the effects it had on one's soul. It brought relief and calm to the mind and body and after last night's events, she needed it. Angelo was really gentle at first and considerate of her but after being gentle for the first few times, he at some point had lost control and it pained Alexis a but. He looked sorry when he realised but that wasn't enough, he shouldn't have lost control in the first place. But at least she had drawn her a bath and the gesture counted too. 

Yet the hot water help in reducing the sourness of the muscle. 

Alexis knew that she was unwilling to admit it but it hurt her that her mother did not come to the wedding. She could have at least made an appearance but she didn't. Alexis, no matter what had never imagined that she would walk down the aisle alone but there she was. She was proud that she did not let that get to her. She was a confident and beautiful bride that walked down the aisle alone.

But still, Vanessa could have come. Her only child was getting married and she chose not to come and Alexis would remember that. After all, she had to let go of those that wanted to go. If her mother could not even keep the past aside and attend her wedding then they clearly had issues to live and this time, Alexis knew that she won't be the one to go to her. 

She got out of the tub as she felt the water's temperature drop a bit. This seemed so unfair. She wanted to sit in it for some more time. Wearing a robe, she kept the knot untied in the front and stood in front of the mirror. She looked at the hickies and the handprints on her skin. The prints on her ass seemed sexy but the rest just seemed like molestation. She enjoyed herself, a little pain and roughness turned her on but this seemed extremely painful. She wondered how easily the marks could form when she mostly enjoyed the escapade.

She remembered in flashbacks what happened. His hand held her throat, the heat of his rough hand as he lightly choked her. His soft thrusts from behind when he teased her, playing with her nipples and biting them making her gasp in pain and cry out, his tongue on the hollows of her collarbone, oh God. sex never felt so good before.

Sighing, she tied the knot and headed out. Angelo was sitting on the dining table with breakfast laid out in front of him and with all the windows opened. She went ahead and changed in the dressing room but didn't apply any makeup. She wore a simple dress with sandals. Her neck was visible and she wanted to show him what he had done last night.

Taking a seat across him, she looked at him as he looked at her. "I got rough last night." He said eyeing the marks on her neck that were visible to him.

"You did," she confirmed as if confirmation was required at this point. Things were visible.

"I didn't mean to Alexis. Eat your breakfast." He extended his arms and served her first. Once her plate was full, he served himself and started eating. Alexis had started to eat too but that didn't mean that she wasn't thinking.

He said, 'I didn't mean to', and not sorry. So other than the fact, that he didn't apologize, he also didn't mean to lost control. She shook her head mentally, make up your mind, Angelo. I am not advocating for you.

"Have you looked at where you want to go?" He asked her while eating. "I handed you some brochures in the morning." He reminded.

"Yeah, " she remembered. That was this morning when he was drawing her a bath. "The beach I guess, I just want to unwind a bit."

Angelo nodded and appeared to think. "That along with some sightseeing. How does that sound to you?"

Sightseeing was not a bad option. To think for how long could she sit and relax on the beach?


Breakfast was done and they went out as tourists, well, Alexis did. She enjoyed every slight asked Angelo to click her photos which he happily did and so did the photographer, Angelo had them follow to capture her smile naturally but she didn't know that. He couldn't help but keep staring at her face. She shined and stood out from everyone. Her smile had made him obsessed with it.

After a slight your through the small local market, they had gone to the beach as Alexis had wanted. Everything looked so beautiful.

"The water's so clear and the air just seems fresh and... different." She whispered, mesmerized as they sat on the sand and she gazed to the horizon on the beach. It was not hot rather pleasant especially with the drink in her hand.

"Not different, you mean unpolluted air." He smiled, correcting her and kissing her forehead.

She breathed in as she relaxed. Was she materialistic? She wanted to wear good clothes, she wanted to look nice and presentable, she wanted to live in a nice house and live a good life but did that make her materialistic? Greedy? Knowing that she could have it all with Angelo when there was no love? But did love exist?

Nature did exist and the evidence of it was all around her. This was a simply arranged marriage if she didn't consider a lot of things and this marriage could take her to new heights, offer her opportunities to do better. So why not take it? Was it not right to grab the opportunity in front of you?

People could not realise the opportunities sent their way and she could feel one sitting right next to her. She wanted to fulfil her dreams and this man could help her with it.

She turned around and looked at Angelo who was looking at her from the moment she turned. She leaned up and kissed him. She chewed on his lip, tugging it her teeth and rubbing it with her tongue. She sucked on his tongue slowly affecting his breathing. 

Her hands were pushed her away gently, indicating that he wanted it just as much as she did but the thing was, not here.

"What's got you so worked up?" He asked with his voice strained he was holding himself back. Yet, she was a modest person who wanted the windows closed and the curtains drawn.

"Nothing." Just thinking about how reality, in reality, can be a bitch.

"Hmm," he hummed, his chest vibrated with the sound and tingled her core. She wanted to take his clothes off of him and use him to her heart's content. Imagine this; the big bad mafia man as her little plaything.

"Can we go back?" She asked, lust swimming in her eyes and blush creeping onto her face. He knew what she was thinking and talking about.

"There's never going to be a negative answer to that question." He replied, getting up he spike again, "Shoot me if I ever say no."

"Oh, I'll remember that." She spoke.


She was half on top of him or almost if talked about practically. Her chest, head and legs were on him, her back only touched the bed.

They were sweaty even though it was drizzling outside. His hands were lightly grazing her skin which was soft to touch and he loved it. That's when she remembered.

"Angelo?" He hummed in reply. "Who do you trust the most?"

Angelo stilled for a moment. What made her ask that? He wanted to answer honestly but he didn't want to offend her as well. Maybe being brutally honest from the start would mentally prepare them for the harsh truths. He could not sugar coat everything and truths had to know to her given her position in both his family and his life.

"I trust my parents and Silvano; my brother, the most. Then Vincenzo, then the captains." He finished.

Ouch, she thought. He didn't take her name. Hell, she wasn't even mentioned.

"And me?" She asked in a low voice still not looking up at him, fearing deep down that his answer would hurt her.

He noticed that too. She was afraid but that wasn't supposed to happen. He raised his arm and the sheets fell, he smacked her butt hard and had her yelp loudly as it was unexpected.

"What—why?" She asked, rubbing her bottom.

"Stop fearing. If it's going to happen then it's going to happen, there's no stopping to it." He stated. "I am putting my trust into you, Alexis; into this relationship as well but not immediately. I am going to walk into this with you instead of diving in. Do you understand?"

Slow steps. That's what he meant.

"Yes. I do understand.." And I'm ready for it as well.

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