Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 65 - Sixty-five

He sighed looking at her sleeping form. She looked so peaceful and now, much to his dislike, he was going to wake her up. Well, he needed to.


"That's why you woke me up early?" She grumbled as she sat on the plane. For the first time, Angelo had taken pains to wake up a woman. Usually, he had a maid or a worker wake her up but for his wife, he had to take the pains. The woman didn't wake up for the first ten minutes when he had used voices. He then woke her up by shaking to which she had opened her eyes, happy with that, Angelo handed her a cup of coffee and went to shower.

On coming back, he found the woman dead asleep. Sighing he woke her up again but he turned his back on him which gave him a view of her ass. Well, what could he say, the morning wood could be blamed.

Shaking his head he said, "You slept late." He pointed out.

"You made me sleep late." She pointed back with a frown on her forehead. She hated being woken up from incomplete sleep. When she was in college and working for her boss, Mr Walker, she had always made sure to go to bed early and wake up satisfied. Which resulted in her being energetic and a lot less moody. She hated Angelo at the moment.

"Guilty as charged." He gave her a panty-dropping smile that made her blush. "I just can't resist you." He practically purred into her ear. Now she regretted sitting next to him. When was he not horny?

"Have you no shame?" She hissed at him. One of the attendants had passed them when he had made that comment.

"Did you? Baby, you're the one who likes choking in the doggy style." He smirked, remembering how she begged him. That sight was going to make him hard like a teenage boy.

"Hey!" Alexis immediately turned red. How could be so crude? "Stop it!" She said turning away from him. The man could start anywhere anytime.

"Hmm," he pretended to think. "I think I heard that somewhere." He continued to think. He had his lips pursued and was looking down. Alexis frowned a little, what was he thinking so hard about?

"Oh my god, that's the exact opposite of what you told me to do last night."

"Angelo!" She yelled, covering her face. This was so embarrassing! The man would not just stop.

He laughed loudly, forgetting everything for a moment. Eventually, he sobered up and quietened down, making Alexis look at his quietened down self.

"Is everything alright?" She asked. This was the cold and calculating Angelo that's she had known since the beginning. The expression where he just didn't trust anyone.

"Ma called you last night." It wasn't a question, he knew and he stated that fact. Alexis kept quiet for a moment. 'He knew,' she wondered how but didn't comment on it.

"Yes, she told me that things were happening but I had to see for myself to understand." Alexis didn't mention his grandmother because she didn't know how he would've reacted. She was family and for all, she knew Angelo could not trust her at all. He had told her that every fact.

Also, he just happened to know everything, didn't he? He knew that his mother had called his wife, even though she was careful enough to not speak loudly and wake him up. But then again, he just knew. Either her phone was tapped or someone had informed him.

His statement was clear. I know.

"True. Don't trust anyone except my parents and me." He nodded and continued to think. 

"..your grandparents, Angelo, what about them?" She softly asked. She had the right to know now.

"It's.." he thought of something to say. ".. doubtful about what they want." He didn't want to scare her by telling her about the wars they had inside the blood.

It was tainted and even though she needed to know, he just could not have her thinking less about his family.

'Liar.' The first thought that came to her mind. He was lying to her. She knew what was going on. That's when she realised, his statement had loops holes in them. And she could easily take advantage of them.

She simply nodded. If it came to survival, she would use every trick known to mankind, given Angelo liked it or not. If she had not chosen death and married him, she sure as hell won't be dying at the hands of his relatives.

"It's going to take time to land, isn't it?" She groaned, feeling sleepy again. She leaned back into the chair and got comfortable.

"Well," he smirked in her direction. "You could always join the mile high club." He got up and threw her over his shoulder and jogged to the bedroom in the back.


"Okay," she panted. "There's nothing special about it." She turned her head to look at him. He was out of breath too but was still not heaving like her. Damm, she knew that she had to work out.

"I know." He agreed. "But not many have sex on the plane or a plane to have sex on."

"True." She pouted. Still, there was nothing special about it.

"Sleep. I have some work to do." Angelo got out of the bed and wore his clothes. Alexis simply turned the other way and slept she was snoring a bit. The sleepy bear. 

He chuckled and walked out. Sitting on the chair with a working desk in front of it, he called his trusted man.


"Tell me, what is it my dearest uncle planning?"

"Well, many things to be honest. First, you got married to a woman who wasn't chosen by your grandparents like his daughter-in-law was and your wife, the Madam is far more educated. Second, for the sales have increased but his suppliers are getting caught and he is losing the favour of the police." He informed. 

"That is because he is hiring children who demand less money but they get caught easily and since the number of arrests has increased no one wants to do it as he does not bail them out. Yours, on the other hand, are being approached as a substitute." 

"Why is my family being involved?" These were common occurrence. Why were he and his family called back all of a sudden?

"The Grandmother has called you all. She wants a family dinner and it's just for the ladies." He said. His answer was still vague. 

"Ladies?" He repeated. "What for?"

"I don't know but the arrangements are just for the women." Of course, he didn't know. The whole thing was under the warps then. 

"Alright." Angelo hung up.

So it was a power game. It seemed clear to him that as the elders, they wanted to make sure that they always had the upper hand. Which they didn't but Alexis didn't know that. 

The game of power. It was always the messiest game of all. Fights, Bloodshed, Betrayal, it included everything. It was his family and Angelo didn't want to kill anyone but if his immediate family was hurt, he simply won't care. It would be an all-out war. And God, he would care who killed who then. 


"So this is ..Italy?" They had landed safely and now we're going through the security check. She was looking outside wherever there were windows. 

"active airport." He corrected while laughing.

"Oh, wow. I didn't notice." Alexis made a dead face at him for his comment or correction.

He simply smiled. He didn't need to hold any bags as they being handled by the guards behind.

"Oh look!" Alexis exclaimed, excitedly and started waving her hands. "That's Isabelle! I know her behind! I recognise it."

"You know my wife's ass?" Gabriele asked standing behind her. He looked answered by the comment she made. 

Alexis yelled and jumped in fear. She never noticed him standing there. "..How?" She whispered, her heart was beating so fast. How was he walking so quietly? But then again, the airport was not the quietest place in the world. 

"So, my wife's ass?" He questioned, gruffly. Angelo stood next to his more father, smiling at her who looked like a lobster ready to be thrown in hot water. She had no intention of what he thought that she had intended. 

"What no! Not that! Not like that" She immediately denied shaking her head repeatedly. "I meant like back. The whole back!" She explained. Her hands were giving actions of what she meant as the whole back. 

Gabriele looked hard at the girl in front of her. She was cowering in front of him and Angelo gave him a nudge. He finally cracked a smile and started laughing.

"I know girl," he smiled, pulling his daughter-in-law for a hug. "Welcome home. And that's not my wife's ass.. You are mistaken. "

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