Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 71 - Seventy-one

"It's just so pretty." She gushed. "Look at the designs on the roof." She whispered.

"I know," he smiled. "it is." He said looking up as well.

"Where to next?" She asked him smiling. She was at her happiest. This had seemed to be wonderful. Angelo had told her about the history and she had shown an interest in it. There was something about this place that she had fallen in love with.

They had toured around the whole square, eventually tired, they had taken a seat on the benches. Angelo was fine but Alexis had tired herself out and now, she was just wandering around walking lazily.

"Next," he huffed. "Next would be Chianti Classico Wine Region. It has many fine wineries. You are going to love it." He smiled.

"Wine." She repeated with a twinkle in her eye. "In the afternoon, I'm more than a ready sweetheart." She smiled and leaned up to him for a kiss.

Pecking her lips twice, he couldn't control his smile. "Well, look at that smile." He commented making her smile widen a bit more. "Wine out of everything, got you to smile like that."

"Like what?" She denied. "I don't know what you are talking about." She was still smiling while saying so.

"Like I can see all of those thirty-two teeth you have." He commented making her smile that showed her teeth turn to a frown and a pout.

"Hey," she stopped walking and pulled away from their joined hands. "That's mean."

"And that's one of the nicest bad words someone has said to me." He commented. He didn't stop as she did. He continued to walk making her frown.

"Hey!" She called and ran up to him. "Why didn't you wait?" She turned to him frowning, showing her disapproval.

"I wait, I lag." He told her. "You have to keep up with me even if you have something going on."

"That's not fair." She said.

"The world wants me dead and with me dead, you are dead. So, it's better if you walk with me, where I can protect you." He pulled her close to his chest and kissed her head.

"Come on," he took his phone out. "We have to go to the vineyard."

The man came back with the car and Angelo started to drive with her in the passenger seat.

The world wanted him dead. He knew it. But what melted her heart was him wanting to protect her. He could have easily let her go and protect himself and then remarry.

He had given her a life lesson and she knew it. That she appreciated and would remember.

The car came to stop and looked in front. She immediately groaned.

"Angelo," she cried. "Why?"

"Oh come on," he said. "Nothing happened the first time."

She kept on looking at the helicopter with fear in her eyes. "I don't want the tour now " she whimpered.

Angelo irritatedly looked at her and noticed how cute she looked with the widened eyes and the little pout.

"I wanna try role play," he mumbled looking distracted with his eyes trained on his lips.

"What?" Aghast by that, she questioned him. "What the hell? Where is that coming from?"

"That's a cute expression of yours." He answered. "that and you in a cute schoolgirl uniform."

A gasp left her mouth as she looked at him blushing cheeks. "Angelo!" Saying that she ran in the direction of the helicopter.

Chuckling he walked after her. She had been helped but the co-pilot when he had arrived. Checking everything they left got the destination once again.

Shifting near her, he held her body and turned her to the side to which she hesitated but slowly did.

"Look," he said loudly, pointing to the window that's showed them the view of Tuscany. "that's the Piazza del Duomo. Look how it all looks from the sky."

She slowly opened her eyes. The view was simply.. breathtaking. Every detail of the monuments could be seen. "It's so beautiful," she whispered, enchanted by the view.

"It is," he agreed.

"Just wow," she praised again.

The view slowly moved out of her vision as the helicopter moved away and into the direction of the vineyard. She twisted her neck to see further but when she could no longer she turned her eyes to the front and leaned into Angelo.

"We will come here again." He said. "I promise."

She didn't say anything but smiled.

The helicopter after a while landed. They got off and a car was waiting for them.

"How?" She asked looking and pointing at the helicopter and then at the car. "Everything is always ready."

"I pay them to ready it." He winked.

"And they don't delay it?"

"No," he opened the door for her. "And if they do, they pay for it."

"Oh.," she mumbled. Ruthless, his answers to her questions too.

He started driving again and the wheels inside her head started running too. Angelo had made efforts to make her wish come true. He was taking her to most of the famous sights in Tuscany. He had arranged for a helicopter to take them to the destinations in record time and then the cars that were waiting for them.

He had made efforts and he didn't even gloat about them unlike many other men that she had seen to do.

"Angelo, what's after the vineyard?" She asked him in a soft voice.

He spared her a glance, looking her up and down and then back at the road. He sighed and then answered her. "You are tired. It's already four in the evening. At the vineyard, we are going to be drinking wine and walk around which will tire you more. So, dinner I guess and then sleep."

"Oh," that was a disappointed oh and Angelo knew it.

"If you want to enjoy the tour then being energetic is the key." He told her. "If you are dragging yourself around, then it's a matter of time before you drop." He parked the car and a man stood there already.

"And here we are," handing the keys to the man they both walked into the building.

"Sir, Madam," a man stood and greeted them. "I hope you enjoy it." He smiled.

"Thanks, Antonio." Angelo smiled.

"Yes sir," he bowed a bit. "I have made sure that no one disturbs you." After saying that, he walked away.

"He was.."

"The owner." He answered. "Come on,"

He took her to the barrels when she halted making him stop too.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Did you ever come here before?"

"If you are going to ask me about my exes then no, I came here with my family."

"And I didn't ask you that," she rolled her eyes. "I asked if you ever came here before. I like your preference for alcohol so can you choose? I don't want to do anything, just want to walk in the garden." She whined.

"Alright," he agreed. They started walking in the direction of the barrels again when he leaned down a bit and whispered. "And do not roll your eyes at me again. You do not want to know what would have happened to the person in your place." Straightening up he greeted the man whereas she stood in silence.

How was that any better? He threatened her every time, as soon as he found something disrespectful. That's not fair.

He handed her the glass of wine and took one himself. They walked to the gardens and she took a sip. "Mm, wow." She immediately said. "Wow,"

"I know." He agreed. "It's one of the best."

"Mm," she sipped it again. "For a Reason."

They walked through the gardens hand in hand, ignoring what had happened near the barrels. His clear threat has been forgotten or ignored by him. He gave his warning and he had dismissed the matter. But wasn't she his wife? They were supposed to talk about this so should she?

Taking a deep breath, she took the chance.

She held his hand tighter but he didn't react. She took charge and pulled him to a corner.

"Listen, I know you drank some wine but you shouldn't be that horny."

"Oh shush." She said. "I want to talk."

Hearing that he sobered up and gave her a go-ahead.

"I didn't like that you threatened me." She honestly spoke her mind. "You should tell me that you don't like it but don't say that, that what would happen to the person doing that to you. I am not him, I am your wife." Her chest moved up and down and she continued to talk, "I have been through hell and back for what you did to me and I know better than to disrespect you but when you threaten me, you make me scared of you. And I don't want to be scared of you."

"You don't?"

"No, I am married to you, by Hook or crook but I am." She answered telling him the reality of the unfortunate situation. "I want this to go somewhere and when you talk of killing me and that breaks my heart."

He stayed silent and continued to look into her eyes. He contemplated telling something but who was he afraid of? She ain't going anywhere.

"I fell for you the very night I met you.." He revealed taking her by surprise.

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