Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 73 - Seventy-three

She smiled as she felt his touch. He was caressing her back to wake her up and she loved it. She makes as she got more comfortable.

"That feels nice," she whispered in a hoarse morning voice.

"Happy to know that," she heard him say, "Come it's time for a bath." He lifted her as she whined.

"I was sleeping." She cried in frustration. 

"For the last nine hours."

"What? So soon, I need more," she mumbled into his neck as he carried her to the bathroom.

He raised his eyebrows in mock attitude as she looked between his beautiful, peaceful sleeping wife and the tub.

Her or the tub.

Her or the tub.

The tub it was.

Leaning her over the tub, he dropped her.

"What?!" She struggled to get up as the water into her eyes, ears and nose.

Snoring it out, she cleared her eyes and looked at him, Alarmed. "What'?!" She yelled.

"Nothing," he bit his smile. "You were a little heavy and I dropped you by accident." He said as he took off his clothes.

"Really? That's what you are going with?" She glared at him.

Leaning in with a smirk he whispered, "I have no idea what you are talking about," he spoke as he lightly brushed his lips over his. "Now move over."

She did as told. He slipped in behind her and leaned across the back for the tub.

"It was not nice to drop me, Angelo," she grumbled. "I was, am still tired yesterday."

"Well, you asked for a tour and now you are getting one. My efforts are not going to go waste here."

"Please," She whined.

"We are just going to roam around today. Lazy and stress-free." He said as he took the showerhead and wet her hair.

He ran his fingers through her hair, combing through them as he ran the water from above. She stayed still and let him, feeling special and cared for.

She took some shampoo in his palm and applied it to her hair, massaging it well. The leathers it well and then washed it out.

Taking some liquid soap on a sofa he then proceeded to wash her body. His touch was not harsh and neither hurried. It showed her that he wanted to be here, with her.

He ran the shower head over her body and lightly ran his hand after it. There was nothing sexual about his touch, it was rather loving and intimate.

"There you go," he spoke next to her ear and kissed the shell," all clean and fresh."

Smiling she turned to him and kissed his lips. "Thank you."

"Do you want a wash?" She offered.

"I'd like a bl*w j*b more." He teased with a smile as she pushed him away and walked out of the tub.


"Wait, what?"

"We are going to Lucca's Walls and Centro Storico. We will wake or cycle in the city. Or we could have a guide with us and know the history." He offered as ate his breakfast.

"No tour guide," she denied. "I want to spend time with you not listen to someone talking about something I won't even remember."


They ate their breakfast as they talked bait random things. Laughing and teasing each other in between.

Soon they were in the car and today a driver was appointed. Angelo had her arm around her shoulders and leaned her head again his. This was peaceful but what ate her mind on the inside was, for how long was this peace going to be?

They hoped out of the car and started walking in the streets. The locals were carrying on with their business and didn't mind anyone staring at them, instead, they smiled back.

Perhaps they were used to it by now.

"Thinking something?" He asked in a low voice. Some people were talking yet there was silence around. Anyone could hear what the other person was saying.

"Not really. My mind is wandering like me." She grinned.

"Ah, that's good." He kissed her forehead. "I like you smiling."

"Thank you."

"Promise me something. Whatever happens, you while always smile." He seriously said.

She frowned and looked over at him. "When you say it like that, I have serious doubts."

"Hah," he threw his head back and laughed and then sobered up. "I was just telling you something. This life is going to throw many things at you and it's going to take away your soul even when I will try my best to protect it." He sighed and then continued, "your smile is what brightens up my day and I need that."

She smiled and looked away. She was shy after what he had said.

Light in his darkness.

Blushing she looked back at him. Both at the same time leaned into each other and kissed.

His lips met hers and the tongue collided. They battled for dominance and Alexis didn't back down as she did usually. She fought and so did he.

"Hey!" A voice jerked them apart. "No kiss here. Children watch!" An agent's voice had them turning to the source of it.

An old lady was glaring at them and was covering the eyes of her child.

Alexis was shy and looked away from the scene. Angelo laughed and apologised in Italian. The lady left with her kid and she shyly peaked at Angelo who was looking at her laughing a bit.

Hitting him in the chest, she glared, "shut up!" Hitting him one more time she ran forward as he chased her home.


They were done for the day. After the walk, they had seen Piazzale Michelangiolo and San Miniato in Florence.

The palace was the most breathtaking one by far. The views and structure were magnificent. She is was blown away by it. 

It was seven in the seven now as Angelo was taking her to a restaurant. He did not reveal anything but had was just over with the whole your thing. 

"Please just tell," she pleaded again like she had been doing for the past ten minutes. "How many times do I have to have to say this?" 

"My answer is the same and you do not have to repeat your question because you won't get an answer to it." His face showed her how irritated he was but she didn't care. She just wanted to know and there was nothing wrong with that. 

"Please," she pouted. 

He glanced over and shook his head. "You look stupid."

Gasping she hit him again, "what was that!" 

"The truth," he shrugged. "You looked ugly." 

"People look cute in puppy faces!" 

"Honey, that's for kids and you are one grown-ass woman." 

Gasping she made a face where she looked like she was going to cry. "I hate you."

"How does a classic Italian pizza sound?" 

"I might begin to like you." She huffed with attitude. "I think." 

"I will take that chance." He smiled as he parked the car. 

Opening the door he pointed to the shop they were going to. "This is one of the oldest shops that had been making bread. The family passes down the recipes and runs it." 

Sniffing the smell around the palace, she said, "it smells tasty." She licked her lips a little. 

"It does," he agreed. "Come on," taking her hand he took her inside. He made her sit on a chair and went forward to order. He came back with a number. 

"I have coke in the car." He informed her with a wink, remembering the time when they have a pizza in her apartment. 

"I don't want to, but what coke is it, the," she placed a hand on her nostril and snorted, "or the one that Coca-Cola company owns?" 

Angelo silently glared at her as she let a few laughs slips. "The latter." He said with a dead face not finding it funny. 

"Anyway, why do you have coke? I didn't think that it would cross your mind." She honestly conveyed what was on her mind. 

"I remembered the time when we shared a pizza in your apartment." 

"Share?" She scoffed. "I wanted to eat it all alone as my cheat day and I had to share three slices with you!" 

"That's a rude accusation." A bell Rang and Angelo looked back, he went ahead got their order and walked out with her in tow. 

"Where are we going?" She frowned. "I thought we were eating inside."

"We are not." He answered and kept the pizza on the back seat. With her sitting in the passenger seat he drove somewhere. 

The smell of pizza made her more hungry. 

He stopped the car and they got out. He had brought them to a tower. 

"Why?" She turned to him again. 

"Just follow me." They walked up the stairs and Alexis complained the whole way. Angelo opened the door and she gasped. It was the view of the whole city. 


"I know, now come on," he said sitting down with the pizza on a blanket. 

Smiling she joined him. The more she saw, the more this man stole her heart. 

Both of them silently ate together as they looked over the beautiful city.

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