Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 90 - Ninety

"This is good." Nickolai praised the food as he took seconds making Alexis and Isabelle smile at the chef. They had done a great job.


"It is."

Silvano and Gabriele praised as well. Julia looked torn because the food was good and she couldn't say that it was not. That would mean that her husband was wrong and of course, with her thinking that was termed as disrespect. 

"It does taste nice. You must have put some efforts into this." Julia smiled.


Alexis felt frustrated with the woman. She had become so bitter that she could not even praise without saying something negative or without a taunt. Here she was, trying to work out this woman, giving her some empathy or ..pity even though she was not worth it. Not worth any of it.

"Grandma," Alexis called for her attention. "I think I have the answer to your questions from last night then."

Julia dismissively nodded but Alexis had already gained Nickolai's attention in the matter.

"What did she question you about last night, girl?" He asked, his eyes staring at her. They were observing her face to point out any lies.

"She asked me about quitting the restaurant idea. She doubted my capabilities." Alexis presented him with the brief of yesterday's talk.

Then she turned her attention to Julia, who looked startled. "See if I could arrange a brunch within a day. I could perform other things perfectly as well." She smiled and then added more. "I am perfectly capable to work and carry out the duties of a Donna." She smiled wider. 

"And if I can't, I would turn to you for advice." She smiled again at the end. The sweet smile that Julia wanted to tear apart. If only she could...

"Yeah, Gran. Chill." Silvano added with a cheeky smile. "Don't be an old soul."

"That's good to know." Julia smiled and continued eating her food. "Shut up boy." She said to Silvano. 

Everyone had smiles on their faces, especially Angelo. He was proud of his wife.

Nikolai hated what Julia had done. It was not the first time that she had done something like this and he didn't bother to comment on them. But he always intervened if his image was damaged by her wrongdoings. She knew better than that.

His face turned to an ugly expression. They had talked about this. Alexis and the woman working meant more income which was always needed but no, Julia had to ruin everything.

He raised his foot and slammed it in Julia's.

"Ah―mm," she quietened down after realising what had happened.

"Everything okay, mother?" Isabelle questioned, concerned with the sudden noise.

"Yes," Julia cleared her throat. "yes, everything is fine."


"You never stand up to your position. Behaving like a bloody whore!" Nikolai yelled. His words roared through the walls of the house. Julia was sure that many were listening in. "Like a whore who feels threatened when she knows that she is a fucking nobody!" 

"Julia, you dumb bitch," Nikolai growled as he pulled her hair. "I am warning you for the last fucking time! If you continue your stupidity and fail to carry out my orders, I can assure you that many women are dying to marry me."

Throwing her face away from his, he walked out. Mariam; Julia's maid came in with a nurse.

Julia was sitting inside the house, in the guest room given to her. She was having her foot treated. Nothing major to be worried about but it was going to hurt like hell. She had taken some painkillers.

"Madam," Julia's maid Mariam stood by the door waiting to receive permission.

"Come in," Julia nodded. "What is it?"

"The master left for his.... vacation." She informed. "He said that you can take a commercial fight back or stay here."

Marian watched her mistress's reaction to the news very closely. Julia's eyes got glassy after receiving the news. This was not the first time that Nikolai had done this but every time he did, her heart broke into pieces.

But she had to be strong if she wanted to survive. Tears were threatening to spill but she closed her eyes. She was strong and could hold her ground without her husband.

"Leave!" She hissed at the nurse who was done tending to her foot. She grabbed her wooden stick and walked to be bed from the couch. "And call Alexis on your way out."

"Yes ma'am," The nurse nodded respectfully and walked out. She shut the door on her way out.

Julia snickered to herself. She did not want to do this to her granddaughter-in-law but now it seemed like she deserved it.

"Open the door Marian," Julia smiled. "It's Showtime."

"Showtime?" Marian questioned. "Don't you think that there's still time for that extreme step to be taken?"

"I don't care anymore," Julia said. "She knows how to get on my nerves and take revenge and advantage of opportunities. She needs to go. That's it." She sneered. 


"But that was so cool!" Nikita squealed. "Her face was like—poof! Blown into the air!" She said while making the voices of a blast from her throat.

"I know," Isabelle excitedly joined as well. "That's the first time I saw her plan for someone's downfall failing in front of my very own eyes."

"You all seem very happy watching someone get called out," Alexis commented.

They were lying down on Isabelle's bed. Angelo's parents and his sibling; Silvano had their bedrooms available in the mansion in case someone had to stay.

They were lying down together after brunch, discussing the events that had happened. So far, it was Isabelle and Nikita gushing. They must have hated the woman. 

"Ugh, I hated how she asked if the men were happy with us or not." Nikita pointed out. She had immediately constructed an ugly expression on her face the moment Julia had talked about this.

"I know! She does that every time. That bitch.." Isabelle muttered. "But you don't call her that."

"Why not?" Alexis objected. "I want the fun of name-calling too."

"I dealt with her for thirty years. I get more rights than you who hasn't been in the family for a year." Isabelle pointed out. 

"Touchè," Alexis mumbled. "She feels like a pain in the ass."

"She is," Isabelle muttered looking distracted.

"Nikita told me about Angelo's grandparents teaching him violence and stuff. What's that about?"

"Yeah," Nikita chimed in. "You said that you would tell me and Angelo's bride together."

"Hmm, I did, didn't I?" Isabelle hummed.

"Yes, you did." Nikita reminded.

"Well, if that's what you want. Do you form the beginning for the summarised version?"

"I think we have time." Nikita sipped her tea hinting at the former option. 

"Alright, then." Isabelle began, "I think it was around when Angelo was twelve and Silvano was ten. They always went to Italy in their winter holidays to enjoy the sun or so we thought. I guess that was the time I noticed how those had started to fight things out. Everything was gruesome. They punched and kicked each other and the thing was Gabrielle and I had never taught them any of this."

"Did he notice it too?"

"He did but he said that 'they are boys. They will always fight it out.' I trusted his words given I had no sibling and two boys of my own." She sighed her eyes numbing. "It was the worst when they s—said.." A sob came from her as she recalled the incidents that happened in the past.

"Are you okay?" Nikita came closer to her and held her hand.

"Hey, you don't have to tell us if it's hard." Alexis joined in. "Please don't cry."

"I won't have told you to begin with if—" she took the napkin Nikita passed her and blew into it. "But I have to." She said with a more determined voice. "I have to so that you understand what my boys have done and why."

"One day Gabrielle had taken a day off and we were enjoying the weather. I was watering the plants when he held me from behind and we started playing. Somehow or give or take I don't remember but I splash a few drops of water on his face and he in return laughed. But Angelo and Silvano immediately started telling Gabrielle to discipline me. Their exact words were, 'She needs to respect you. You must make her submit.'"

She closed her eyes and breathed again. "It was my worst nightmare. My kids had forgotten their mother to remember what their grandparents had taught them. Gabrielle stopped the visits immediately, he remembered whose words were those."

"And they hit because.." Alexis murmured.

"Because they know that if they don't get respected by people, People would undermine their power. So they take control." Isabelle answered. "They take control of everything."


Here, I want you to understand that Angelo was never taught to be abusive by his parents neither did he ever see them like that growing up. 

Someone else was responsible for manipulating the boys mind as you will read further.

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