He joins forces with Marion and Miho, joined by the mattoes at the top of the hill. Teinthan delivers the good news out loud where Marion's defenseless enemy demon attack and the attack focused on Miho's gargoyle have managed to increase his chances of survival.

"General Mattow, it's reinforcements! The first wave of our troops has arrived!

"Oh! You're here! Everybody, listen up! Reinforcements! Those of Guaran's troops, get ready to take turns! But don't get distracted yet!


Tired of that Mattow word, Guaran's troops can flaunt their faces with joy.

And its waiting reinforcements arrived at the top of the hill. The captain of that arriving unit descends from the military jeep and runs up to Mattow for a report.

But that face is a desperate shape. Mattow had a bad feeling about that look, but the report was unimaginable.

"General, it's an emergency! Numerous monsters are currently on their way to Minla! Return to Minla now! We'll take this place!

"Oh, my God!

"Oh, that's not all! At present, we do not know the details, but similar information is coming to major cities within Millemar! Now it looks like the military wing of the capital, Napie, is wreaking havoc to deal with this situation!

Mattow is stunned by the screaming reports.

"Then, stupid! Why, even the napies with the caligudas! What's happening! Aren't those guys after me!

"Wow, I don't know!! But now get back to Minla and get ready for interception!!

Miho and Marion were surprised by that incredible report, and just for a moment, they couldn't decide if it was something they could believe. Miho honestly doesn't know what to do with this report. It doesn't change that it's Mattow's escort for now, but the scale of what's happening is no longer too big. There Marion speaks to Miho.

"Miho! Please tell Yuto about this! If you're Yuto, something!

When they say that, Miho feels better about it too. I don't know why. But at this point, I think this boy is the only one we can count on more than ourselves.

"Okay! Yuto! Oh, my God! ……

Marion didn't really know what to do either. It's such an incredible report. But when Marion tried to go around thinking about this, it immediately occurred to me that he was usually a gentle, and unreliable, impression boy...

Now Mizuho and Marion did not cause any confusion in the last phase, either, over the unprecedented circumstances that were attacking this Millemer.

I don't know why.

But these two feelings were in agreement.

(If you're a blessed man!) (If you're Yuto!

He said it would show us some way.

Yumen heard from the wind of Miho the terrible things that, if true, would strike Miremar.

Yuto thinks about dealing with it anyway, changing his complexion as he vanquishes his enemies with a dance that shows no fatigue at all.

Defeated the vast majority of enemy demons on land with the work of a blessed man. And I think it's the gargoyles over the sky that remain slightly troublesome.

"Miho! I'm going that way now! All bullets to everyone, concentrate your firepower with the intention of shooting them all down!


With that said, Yuto broke off the demon in front of him and returned to the hillside at a fierce speed amidst shootings from his allies.

Miho and Marion can't hide their surprises from Yuto, who does this as a matter of course. Speaking of abilities, how the hell are they capable of coming back without difficulty while avoiding shooting in this riot? Because I think so.

Miho and Marion completely renounced seeing Yuto in the assessment, rank D, which the institution certified Yuto.

Even Miho honestly accepts that if we deal with this boy... one-on-one, we won't be rival even in Rank A.

As soon as Yuto arrives, he gives opinions to Miho, Marion and Taintan.

"Suggestion, that gargoyle is in the way of the retreat as it is. So first, you two destroy that gargoyle first. After the extermination, you will return to Minla with General Mattow. Of course, have them all withdraw, including reinforcements. If Minla's in danger, there's no reason to stay here anymore. Once on the ground, Marion will contact Mattow's escort and Miho will contact the agency. Maybe you've already grabbed something, because Mr. Mattow's mansion should be able to make international calls."


That's what I said, all three of them nodding. Miho and Marion do not see Yuto's story as a suggestion. I honestly accepted it as if I had been instructed.

"What do you do with Yuto?

"I will cover the retreat. I'm the only one who can do anything without a gargoyle!

"No! It's dangerous! Much less, but still, there are many enemies! Demons on earth are still gushing out of the mountain forest too!

"I'm fine. If you think you're in the safe zone, I'm going back to Minla. My foot can rendezvous in Minla without so much time lag. Besides, I don't have time to think about it anymore! Gargoyle as soon as possible!

It's not that simple. This is a big mess you can do because you're this boy.

But if you say this boy can do it, you can, Miho and Marion think.

Miho and Marion aim at Gargoyle, who shot down to a dozen bodies left, and activate the procedure.

In the meantime, Taintan instructed Mattow and the Guaran soldiers to prepare to retreat.

Mattow stares at the boy staring at the enemy demon as he gets into the car.

"Yuman, are you..."

"It's okay! General! He'll be right after us."

"... ok"

Mattow drew enemies for himself and got into the car looking at the boy's back, still on the front lines, as he carved it into his heart.

"Blessings! I did the gargoyle!

The Blessed One, who is thoroughly crushing from those ahead of the enemy demons, replies.

"Okay! Then retreat, all of you!

On the signal of Yuto, everyone enters the vehicle and retreats begins. Yuto will remain and will not allow himself to approach this vehicle at all. Always move between the vehicle and the demon, while continuing to wave the sword of love. The group of vehicles went down the hill and came out on the road to Minla. All we have to do is hurry to Minla.

But at the end of it, numerous demons emerge, all the while missing retreat troops from the mountain forest at the border between the road leading to Minla and the hills.

"No way! To this point!?

When Miho and Marion got out of the car at once and tried to deal with the enemy, the demons who appeared on the road were finely chopped.

A blessed man, who had grasped the situation from the hill, came to cover him. Suddenly, Yuto, who appeared on the spot, smiled as he turned around.

"Go quickly, Miho, Marion. You can leave this place to me!

"" Huh!?

A shock ran to Miho and Marion at the figure of the blessed man.

A smile that gives us this reliable back and peace of mind to shield ourselves and try to escape ourselves......

At this time... they were convinced that they had definitely seen this situation somewhere.

This mumbling itch that has happened before......

But not this time.

That obvious sense of reality surfaced in Miho and Marion.

(The same thing happened... Yeah, there was definitely... where did I get this scene)

(to that smile...... I have been saved on that back! That must have happened...... when? Oh, rookie...... exam?

Videos and minds in the memories of the two girls in their selves become clearer. And the ever present sense of vision leads to incredible feelings and doubts about the Blessed Man... connected.

Army vehicles passed beside the blessed man, and all the soldiers saluted the blessed man. Some of them are weeping.

As Miho and Marion pass beside the blessed man, they impulsively two out of the window of a large military vehicle and yell out loud at the blessed man.

"Blessings!" "Yuto!

Yuto sees Miho and Marion at a time like this. Then the two tell the blessed man to unite their voices.

"When we rendezvous in Minla, we need to talk!

"Yes! We need to talk!

"Huh! What are you talking about!?

When Yuto hears it back out loud, Miho and Marion, who are still getting their upper body out of the vehicle that has already passed Yuto, respond loudly.

"Preaching to the Lord!

"It's primarily a sermon!

"Uh-huh! Why!? Did you do something? Me!?"

"So come back soon!

"I won't forgive you if you don't come home soon!

"Wow, okay! (I don't know... I don't like being mad at you any more)"

As satisfied with that eunuch's reply, Miho and Marion lowered their hips on the seat.

Miho is surprised that his heart is so active, even before this ordeal. And I looked at Marion's face as she lay beside him.

"Marion, you remembered, didn't you?

"Hey, what are you talking about?

Marion groans desperately and calmly.

"Heh, it's no use hiding it. 'Cause you... you're laughing right now"

"Huh!? But even Miho!

Without denying Marion's words, Miho gave an adult smile.

"Hey, Marion, remember? Talk in the hospital room."

To this Miho question Marion also returns an adult smile without the girls.

"... yes, of course"

The two looked at each other and nodded satisfactorily.

"Marion, it's me, I don't feel like losing any enemies right now."

"That's an odd encounter. Me too."

"A large group of demons coming to Minla? I'm not kidding!"

"Yes! I'm not kidding!

"" The enemy who interrupts us now... "

"Crush it thoroughly!

"I'll crush it!

"" "Hih!

A mild scream came from the soldiers riding up to the fierce fighting spirit rising from the two girls.

Around that time, ecstatic human voices that seemed insane were echoing from behind a cave in the middle of Mount Gulwa, amidst the corners of the mountains in the north of Miremar.

"Ooh! Wonderful! Wonderful! The inexhaustible magic springs from this body! Ha-ha-ha! More than I ever imagined! I can summon as many as I want! Watch this! This me! That moment when this Rocchialum destroys common sense in this world! Almost there, wait, the weak of the institution! Miremar's tragedy will soon spread all over the world!

In the dim lights of only pine lights in the cave, ecstatic and tearful, the high laughter of the old man, benevolent in the center of the magic formation echoes throughout the cave.

And... at its feet Neesbeck, who had tormented the Blessings, opened his pupils, and the traces of blood that would have flowed from his mouth were already thirsty, and he had dropped a pole and a small acne lid (scab) to the ground with a vibration of the echoes of the laughter of the Rochialum.

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