Inferior ability user's return from the demonic realm

Hypocrisy and insanity inferior ability ②

After Miho and Marion were told that Yuto's memory had returned, the three Yuto men moved to the reception room at the Matou residence as the soldiers made a hasty move.

Entering the reception room, the eunuchs sat face-to-face on the couch, and the eunuchs opened their mouth first.

"Miho, Marion, I'm sure you have a lot to ask me... sorry, I can't tell you everything. But I'll tell both of you everything you can tell me about me. And I want you to keep it as secret as you can from now on."

Miho and Marion just nodded at the words of the blessed man.

"Fine, there's something I can't even tell you about my house, the Four Ten Temples. That's what every man can do."

"Right...... It just has to do with the disappearance of all Yuto's presence from our memories this time, right?

Yuto nodded at Marion's natural doubts... and saw the two faces.

"I'm not a natural capable person. My house is also a family of talented people. I have a situation and I'm keeping it a secret."

Miho and Marion listen to Yuto.

And the two of you weren't surprised about this. That's because I somehow felt both Miho and Marion. Yuto's knowledge of outsiders and abilities and how to fight them were too sophisticated to say natural abilities.

And the two of them also feel thin that it would have been something they got from the actual battle.

Though I couldn't imagine exactly where I had all that experience.

Yuto told Miho and Marion everything he could tell them.

That I have both spiritual and magical powers inside me.

Also, that only magic is sealed.

How, for that reason, spiritual power has just become a leaking idiosyncrasic.

And Yuto believed in these two girls who were the same capable men, and also told them that he was a Sendo user… a Taoist, and that he had learned to simultaneously exercise spiritual magic by hinting at its spiritual power, the properties of Senqi, who did not rebel against magic.

Including the recoil that this simultaneous exercise of spiritual power, magic, is forgotten by others.

I couldn't really say anything about the management properties of the Don Du family, the other side of the demonic cave, or the demonic realm, but I told them what I could tell them.

Miho and Marion listened to Yuto, were stunned and gave a serious look.

"Hey no more, your story... everything isn't decent and the words don't come out..."

"Here's the thing...... Besides, Sendo... I've heard of it, but it really existed..."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, really."

Miho really wanted to check with Yuto.

"I was just telling you... Yuto is simultaneously exercising spiritual power, magic... you've used that power a few times before, haven't you?

"Huh? Ugh, yeah......"

"Yes... so every time you've been forgotten by everyone? Like in the rookie exam…"

Yuto makes a serious face for Miho's words.




Miho and Marion stare at Yuto as if he cares.

Why would this boy use that power until he made such a sacrifice?

Even during the last rookie exam, there's nothing to gain for Yukien. In fact, they were directly forgotten by themselves who saved their lives.

Keeping Yuto that far...... What is it that moves Yuto?

But Miho and Marion think about the thoughts and actions of Yukien at this request, and the Yukien at the rookie exam I remember... the character and personality of this boy is somehow becoming clear.

Miho and Marion look at Yuto with a gaze that includes worry and a touch of anxiety.

It looks like Miho and Marion now.

This boy... even if he is forgotten by anyone at the price that if he thinks Yuto needs it, he will surely use that power without hesitation.


"Yeah? What? Mr. Marion."

"When you use that power, do you always forget them all? Um... are there any exceptions?

Marion is quiet, but asks Yuto to approach him.

When the blessed man said it to Marion, he thought of those who had no changeover in his heart… Also, he now thought of those who had no changeover.

"Except... yeah, except for my relatives, there were a handful of people who remembered me..."

Hearing that, Miho and Marion get a heartless or bright look.

"And... just the two of you, who never forgot me..."

"Huh!? What's that? What are they like?

"Yeah... one is gone..."

…… ……

Miho and Marion shut their mouths. Because the eyes of the Blessed One who says it seemed for a moment to look far away. It may be my fault...... for a moment I felt anxiety that Yuto's heart did not exist here.

And Miho and Marion had an idea of the person. That's what a vampire who acquired Satori abilities during a rookie exam said...... the word Yuto lost his beloved......

The two of them are probably convinced that it's about the person.

After a period of silence, Miho is concerned about the existence of another.

"Yuto, what about the other one? Imagine your personality and the house, relatives or something?

"Yeah? No, the other one's a classmate. I go to the same school."



At the same time that Miho and Marion glimpsed an unimaginable routine from Yuto, it occurred to me at the same time that I really had to check with these two girls, without any dimension.

"Is that a woman?

"Is that person a woman?

For some reason, the expression appears to have disappeared from Miho and Marion, and Yuto's back gets cold. It's like two eyes are disappearing in the shadows......

"Huh? Oh, yeah... but... oh, it's like childhood taming, so we've been dating a long time! I thought you remembered that."

Suddenly, spiritual power blows up from Miho and Marion.


"Heh, it's childhood friendly..."

"Hmm, is that right...... childhood taming"

Yumen burst by a dark aura (spiritual power) blown up from the two of them, causing a body that had never cowered on any battlefield to tremble naturally.




"When you're done with this request, be sure to give us your contact details. And more information about schools, etc... Huuuuuuuuuu..."

"Huh!? I know your contact details, but even about school?

"Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?... Something inconvenient?

"Of! No! I will report in detail in my report after this request!

Recently, I haven't been healed at all by Marion's smile, which is usually gentle.

(Sometimes... I'm scared of these two!

Yuto shudders and sticks to the couch.

Yuto managed to calm his mind and had something to say to Miho and Marion, so he still shook his courage and spoke to the two laughing with his arms together and eyes closed.

"Miho, Marion..."

Speaking with a serious face to Yuto, Miho and Marion turned their faces to Yuto.

"I don't know what to say... I'll tell you two how honest I feel"


"What's that?

Hey, Miho and Marion who will look nervous.

"You remind me... thank you"



"Miho and Marion are the first to remember me in this way."

Miho and Marion stare at the bowed eunuch with a complex heart.

I strongly believe that the two of you have done nothing to be thanked, but given the circumstances surrounding this eunuch, I suppose this is also the true meaning of the eunuch.

But then, they narrowed their eyes too...

And I don't understand what you're saying.

In this way, what?

"There are still people who have forgotten me and remembered me. But that reminded me of you all by engaging with people who didn't forget me. Of course, for me, that was very much appreciated, including..."

Yuto looks alternately at Miho and Marion.

"But without that, from myself... like Miho and Marion, they remembered me naturally... for the first time. That's why I got the courage from both of you today! I don't have to rely on anyone to connect with people! I'll try harder, don't let everyone forget!

Miho and Marion stare at the seriousness of the blessed man for a while... they laugh furiously.

"You idiot... the blessed man"

"I'm an idiot, Yuto is"


"Yu Man, I don't like to hang out with people either, so I can't say what sounds great..."

"Yuto, I'm a familiar person too..."

Miho and Marion smiled gently. Yu Man blushes unconsciously at this smile of the two, with a beating.

"Is that normal? Blessings."

"Even I know what Yuto says is natural."

A blessed man stares at Miho and Marion in astonishment.

"So you stay put. I told you earlier, didn't I? We can do whatever Yuto wants. That's what you've done to make us think so."

"That's right. Yuto please be more confident. Sometimes everyone forgets someone they've met. Yuto's, that's just a little extreme. What I remember from the time I met you, or immediately remember and connect to you, is that it is due to the fringe with that person. We had an affair with Yuto, I'm sure. Just like other normal people connect with each other in new encounters...... So Yuto is fine as always."

Blessed by the words of Miho and Marion, as Ha 'aretz, stared at them both.

Now the smile of Lieselotte I met in the demonic realm before the eunuch... overlaps the two of us.

But Yuto waved violently.

(Miho and Marion are Miho and Marion. Unlike Lieselotte. These two are me and a friend who connected me to each of them... yeah, that's no hang-up)

"Not at all... don't cry like this, Yuto"

"Huh!? Oh, no! This is in my eyes..."

"Hehe, yes, Yuto. Now take the eye trash."

Miho said in a frightened manner, offering Yuto a handkerchief as Marion laughed.

And even though the two of them still wanted to hear about Yuto, they didn't hear anything more.

However, they were only told to come to Miho and Marion's room when they decided on an answer to what they were going to do.

Upon the arrival of the SS Rank Competent to replace them, Yukien's assignment will be terminated.

Until then, however, the blessed men have reason to be here.

Make up your mind in the meantime, Miho said to Yuto.

The look on Miho's face was something that seemed to see through...

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