Inferior ability user's return from the demonic realm

hypocrisy and insanity inferior ability —

Niina, more than a dozen minutes after breaking up with Yuto, changed into a light outfit and came out in front of the large front door of the Matou Mansion when she got up to herself.

Now the garden of the Matou mansion is the operational headquarters for enemy demon interceptions, with many soldiers running around to the right and to the left. The luxury was enough to convey the battlefield air vividly to Niina, who slapped her own cheeks with pampers and hands.

Removing the slight weakness that remained in her, Niina still looked over at the vast garden with her still swollen eyes and found Miho and Marion talking to Mattow, who wore sunglasses in it, and Arrowkaune holding back behind her.

And Niina walks in the direction of the mattoes as she looks for the boy, who should be unconsciously somewhere in this garden.

"Oh, Miss Niina! Here it is!

Arrowkaune, who noticed Niina approaching us, greeted Niina loudly as if she were very hospitable.

With that Arrowkaune voice, Mattow, Miho, and Marion also turn their faces to Niina.

"Sorry I'm late, Arrowkaune, and your father..."

Mattow nods with his face to Niina.


At that time, Mattow, wearing sunglasses, said nothing more.

Niina hardly remembers her father Mattow ever wearing sunglasses.

However, Niina felt her heart heated when she caught a glimpse of Guaran's heart against his death, which should have been a big presence for her father Mattow, in those often unsuitable sunglasses. I'm sure the lid on the back of those sunglasses is as swollen as mine......

"Then, General Mattow, as we met earlier, I will be waiting on the front of the enemy demon's anticipated path. Well, Marion, nice to meet you."

"Yes, I understand. Now that you're ready, be careful, Miho."

Miho and Marion turn to each other and smile and nod lightly.

"Got it. I'm sorry, Lord Mizuho, Lord Shrian, I even got involved in this... I want you to tell Yuto do the same."

Niina, who was listening to the conversation beside her, reacts piquely with the name of Yuto. I don't know from the current story alone, but I imagine that the boy who has probably been unconsciously looking for him since earlier will go to the forefront of this battlefield.

Then Arrowkaune turned his body to Niina.

"So, Miss Niina, here you are..."

Arrowkaune in military uniform, but as respectful to Niina as she was when she was a butler, bows down and encourages her to move out of this place.

"Wait a minute, Arrowcowne. Where's Yuto? I just need to talk to you for a second."

Arrocaune closed her mouth to the inquiry of Niina.


"... Master Don Du is not here"

"Huh? What does that mean? Arrowkaune. Where did Yuto go? The city?


Niina's whole body trembles when she sees Arrowcowne not responding.

Now Niina was imprisoned for a nasty hunch that covered her mind.

Earlier, like my own irrational words in Niina's own room, don't make any accusations, just listen to me quietly... and now I can't get Niina's face off the back of her brain, the boy who told me what she can and needs to do.

Niina becomes hazy when she remembers the numerous words that hit her blessed man.

I don't think so.

I don't think so......

Niina had that gentle, just swinging around, boy's troubled smile on her mind.

Moments later, Niina follows Miho, whose body moves naturally and was here until earlier.

Niina runs through the side of the amazing Marion, toward Miho's back and shouts her unusual Niina-like shouts.

"Miho! Miho, wait!

Mizuho, aware of Niina's call, looked back at something and was surprised to see Niina stopping by with her breath out.

"Mr. Niina!? What's the matter, sir?

"Miho! Yu Man...... where is Yu Man!?

Miho stiffens his expression to questions like Niina's chopped feathers......

Niina's anxiety increases when she looks at Miho's face.

But Miho smiled so as to wash away that Niina's anxiety.

"He went to his best friend, who called out a bunch of these monsters."


Niina has a bad feeling that the enemy is in the worst possible way.

Niina listened to Miho, and when she tried to run off the scene to chase Yuto if she couldn't stay like this... Miho grabbed Niina's thin arm.

"Calm down, Mr. Niina"

"Miho! Let go!"

Miho's white and supple arms are so powerful that you can't imagine them from their appearance that they won't let Niina go.

"Mr. Niina, he'll be fine."

Niina is cut to its unnerving voice color of Miho.

"What are you talking about!? Miho! Am I listening? This enemy is so strong that even Miho and Marion are no match. Miho and the others will take turns if they get more amazing from the agency! That's not how the Blessed Man fought you! Yuto must be the third rank D from below!?

"So calm down, Mr. Niina. He's gonna be okay!

"How can Miho be so calm!? Why didn't you stop! This is my fault! Because I said something extra to Yuto!

"Calm down! Niina!"

Miho gives Niina a drink. Niina distorted that face to a drink of Miho, revealed her anger, and tried to stare at Miho's face... failed.

Because Miho, who drank himself, was smiling. Besides, that smile is not an irresponsible smile. It was a definite confident human smile.

"Blessings are fine if they're good."

Niina finally calmed down so that she could be fascinated by Miho's smile.

"How can Miho say that?

"That's right, Yuto said it was okay. Niina."

Niina is surprised and looks back at Marion, who has joined the conversation from behind.

And I opened my eyes.

It gave Marion a confident smile with no anxiety in her face.

Miho releases Niina's arm and speaks in a Niina friendly voice.

"Hehe, well, we're saying great things, but at first we got a little nervous too, didn't we? Oh, I'm not like Marion, am I? Don't get me wrong."

"Miho, that's what you call a tundra, right? I came to Japan to learn."

Teared up by Marion, Miho grinned bitterly.

To those two too calm, Niina still can't follow.

"But Yuto is rank D..."

"But, Mr. Niina, we know. When he... Yuto showed me that face and said it was okay, he said it was okay. Rank D? That's the rank the agency decided on its own. There's no point in giving Yuto such a title. Especially when you show your face."

"Right... I also found that Yuto, who became that face, was surprisingly stubborn..."

"It's true! It really bothers me! When you do, you will be saved!


Niina stares at Miho and Marion, who talk about Yuto in nature under this circumstance. And to those two figures Niina remembered a tingling sensation deep in her chest.

Miho and Marion smile with their faces to Niina.

"So, Mr. Niina, don't worry about Yuto."

"Yes, Mr. Niina. So now let's do what we can. I'm sure Yuto will be fine."

Tell him to tell him so, nodding Miho and Marion......

Niina is smiling, watching these two makes me mouth shut.

A little time passes.

And... Niina couldn't completely wipe away her worries about Yuto, but let her snort.

"... ok"

With that said, Niina was now inside, perplexed.

For some reason, Niina was baffled by the fact that she now envied Miho and Marion, who talk about Yuto, and then made her feel like she was in a hurry.

(I wonder what this feels like...)

Niina is bewildered by this incredible feeling of herself, but she cannot continue to retain Miho and the others, who would play a major role in this emergency.

Niina thought of Yuto's... that unreliable face and gripped it around her chest with her right hand.

(Yuto... definitely, come back safely...)

Niina looks up with her regained strength eyes.

"I'm sorry, Miho, Marion, let me take the time. You two are right, I will do what I can, guided by the safety of Yuto. Thank you."

When Niina bows to Miho and Marion, she begins walking back on her heels to Arrowkaune, who is waiting for her.

…… ……

Miho and Marion stared at Niina's hindsight for a little while after two...

Especially Miho, which... is so boring, so much more...

With a tremendously convulsive face.

"Mom, Marion... did you see that one?

"Yes, Miho, I saw it, but what is it?

Marion responds with a smile......

Using only the muscles.

"Besides, I just realized, Yuto, didn't you say?

"Yes, he said., there wasn't."

"... Marion"

"... Yes"

"When Yuto returns..."

"Yes, when I get back"


"YES............ it's a grand sermon!!!!

Two dark auras (spiritual powers) burst.

When Miho and Marion, like King Jen, are releasing their temper, they contact Mattow urgently.

"There's movement in the enemy's monster!

Miho and Marion hack into the report and look at each other.

"Marion, I'm going! Nice to meet you here!

"Yes! Miho be careful too! I'll be on the front line, too, watching the war!

Speaking to each other like that, the two hurried off the spot.

Around that time, behind a dim cave in the middle belly of Mount Gruwa… Rocchialum grinned niggardly in a very wide space, wanting the light by the countless pine lights placed at equal intervals on the walls.

That was hundreds of millions of years ago with crustal fluctuations, a great natural space that was made.

An altar-like thing is built inside a giant magic formation drawn in the heart of that great space, in front of which the Rocchialum stands.

Rocchialum took off the hooded coat he wore and exposed the creepy geometry depicted as laid down in its body.

"Mizgard...... are you ready?

"Hihihi...... okay? All right, Mr. Rocchialum? Hihi... we're in position, right?

Mizgard, whom this Rocchialum spoke to, is not in the same shape as Mizgard, who was previously buried by Miho.

That Mizgard was so much bigger, fatter and fatter than the previous Mizgard, and even more closely, the skin that was brown had a light black, dry roughness.

And when Mizgard exposes his upper body to the outside air, just like the Rocchialum, there are countless marks in his body like large cuts, and the cuts are seamed unwrought with very black, thick threads, which cannot be for medical use.

"Kukukuk, all right, show me!

"Hihihi, yes ~?"

When Lokialum instructs him to do so, the black, thick thread that was sewn on Mizgard's wound dissolves the sound all the time and sprinkles the area with more black blood from the scar.

From each large cut the blood flowed like a small waterfall, reaching to the ground.

And Mizgard spit out his breath moaning.

Then... the wound in Mizgard's body gradually opens. I wondered if the wound had mixed not only blood, but also viscous, clear liquid... at the same time its countless wounds open wide.

From the wounds that opened up in its body appeared an eyeball of such magnitude that it could not be a normal creature... Its eyeballs moved irregularly with gnaws...... eventually stopped moving to stare in each direction. Light is then projected from its eyeballs, passing 360 degrees up the diagonal center of Mizgard, reflecting the situation of the city during Miremar.

"Can you see it? Hihi, can you see it in Miremar?"

"Cook...... HARHAH! What a bunch of fools scared of those demons! Foolish incompetents born without any ability and devouring that raw as a matter of course! How many talented people behind your history have worked for you and gone out on the surface stage unrivaled! You incompetent fools! Know the thoughtlessness of my countrymen!

Rochialum raises his voice to throw away, creating a deeper groove with the wrinkles of his face.

And I turned my eyes without light to the footage on my right hand.

There is a picture of Caliguda fleeing the capital, Napie, as soon as possible and travelling around the outskirts of the city in several vehicles with a few close guards. He also drove luxury cars so that the heavy towns of the army, along with their caligudas, would all chase after him.

The cars of the Caligdas were filled with bags and cases filled with precious metals, as well as duralumin cases filled with cash.

"What a shallow thing. Abandon the people, the only thing in their heads is their desires and their preservation...... These pigs sit at the top of the country...... What a jerk! What inferiority! A symbol of the incompetence and laziness of the people of this country!

Rokialum raised his right arm...... he headed for that Caliguda footage and slowly moved his right index finger from left to right across the video screen.

As soon as possible, a formation of countless gargoyles emerged from the rear sky of a line of Caligda.

Caliguda's close guards in the footage rushed to the rear where the motion gargoyles appeared, and it seemed that the commander-like was giving instructions around.

An overwhelming number of gargoyles are attacked by luxuriously decorated military vehicles in Caliguda.

It was no longer even a battle.

Because, in addition to being a small number of Kingsguards, as soon as Gargoyle wore them at the end of his eyes and nose, the Kingsguards fled ahead of us by putting down Caliguda's car.

Caligda is tears and nostrils from the window of her car and screaming something out of her way as she puts herself, her husband, on the run.

And... just seconds later, footage showed a Caliguda military vehicle stranded in hundreds of gargoyles either because of overweight or stopped its movement.

Lokialum also loses interest from the video, exposing his anger.

"We were the ones you should have worshipped! Not pigs like this! We're capable! That's what's right! It's obvious! It's an attitude towards the capable!

Rocchialum looks over other footage Mizgard shows.

"Sult's sword shakes the world more than this! Show the power of our superior species, the capable, and let this incompetent world know who is respected and present!

Rokialum raised his hands and pointed his palm at all the footage.

"And the World Organisation of Competent People who are flattered by this deceitful world! This sult sword will bury you together! Come on, tens of thousands of demons! Show the world the best show on stage with this doomed Miremar!

A large group of demons, positioned on the outskirts of each major city of Miremar, move in unison with the words of this Rocchialum.

The movement of soldiers and civilians in the footage is clearly in a rush.

"Hihihi...... show? The show starts? Hitchch......"

Mizgard looked in the direction of God, laughing, and drooling his covetousness from his mouth.

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