"Well, let's go, Yuto."

"Ugh, yeah."

Ichigo said with a face exhausted of spirit, care and power, Yuto, who gessolized his cheeks, responded accordingly.

Yuto experienced something called the first concoction of his life today.

And ran out of energy and roots.

"Thank you, Yuta."

"Haha...... Something's wrong, both of you. But I had fun."

Yuta Shinki of the same class, called as a concoction member other than Yuto this time, worked the two of them worried.

Yuta Shinki is close to Ichigo, and is one of the few people who can truly speak to Ichigo except Yuto. This Yuta Shinki is a brilliant man with a gentle heart, moderation, and ability to read the air, but in fact, he is a famous figure in a sense at Yoshibayashi High School.

The cause of this is its appearance.

That has garnered overwhelming support from some female students.

Incidentally, the supporting girls are divided into several systems, but I can imagine that in terms of what those girls are saying to Yuta every day, as skipping it here.

"I want to hug you. I want you to sleep with these breasts."

My daughter-in-law.

"Young Prince"

"You're my brother forever."

"I can't think of anything but taking it!

"Cute, oh... Shinki, you're cute"

Something like that.

Although he is still living normally, from time to time, Ichigo, who has become worried, sends follow-up and advice.

"Look, Yuta. You can't walk in front of an upper classroom unless you basically need to. And the building is dangerous, pretty dangerous. Never go upstairs, especially with a women's section. And watch out for those in the film research, romance research, literature and arts department."

"Huh? What? What's the matter with you? Ichigo, suddenly. What's at stake?

"Hmm, unconscious. How did I do it in middle school... Just remember my advice. Honestly, I'm" grasshopper "all by myself. Well... there are parts of me where there are bad rumors because of me, but on the contrary, it's a delightful miscalculation on your part that you're supposed to defend yourself... is it? Tohoho."


Youta himself didn't seem to understand much about Ichigo's clouds, but for his very honest personality, Ichigo's advice has been heeded.

Whatever it was, I'm pretty sure it was a great person for concerting with a super lady because they didn't get alert from her because of these looks and personalities, and she had a great impression again.

It is now evening and it has already been dissolved for both men and women.

"It's Theory who's supposed to be the only guy from here to hold a reflection and talk hot, but I'm tired today. I'm leaving now."

"Right...... I agree. And I don't know what to reflect on or what to put on the agenda from."

"haha...... good luck"

Yuta can only have a loving laugh at the conversation between Ichigo and Yuto while heading to the station.

Today, the number of people gathered became a large area, so Ichigo had a hard time just pulling everyone together.

We gathered at the family restaurant before lunch, and for some reason Miho, Marion, Jasmine, Niina and Shizuka, who were originally members, Akiko Fa and two other ladies, were to join us just before lunch. And there were two girls I'd seen in the next seat who walked into the restaurant and sat down.

Ichigo is astonished, so is Yuto.

Those two girls and I were Qiuhua and Qin Yang. The two then rendezvoused in a natural way, enjoying themselves together until the boring, karaoke and indeed to the end.

Overall, it was very exciting and, above all, the ladies went home with a satisfied face, thanking each other deeply for their first experience.

That's good, that's good.

Good thing... they weren't convincing as to Ichigo.

"No, I couldn't get close to the ladies. This is not a concord or anything like that. It's just a friendship."

"It was just time for me to be monitored for standing behavior. What the hell is concoction..."

"Haha...... look, but everyone appreciated it. Especially the girls at Qing Saint College were thrilled with Ichigo's project, and they appreciated the smooth travel and the conversation!

Yuta looks at Ichigo and Yuto, who are discouraged, and calls out to change the air in an attempt to get them back in shape.

"Oh... that's fine. What I want is not a compliment for my position. I only want a personal reaction to something that attracts me."

"... ugh. Oh, I think Mr. Fa Moon is interested in you, right? I've seen it. From time to time, I'll send Yuto to you. I saw that was definitely of interest. Maybe next time you should contact me. Mr. Fazuki, she's so cute, and she doesn't seem sweet."

"Yeah...... every time you talked to Mr. Falund or any other lady, you felt a gaze that made your back cold. I wonder who that was? No one has eyes like that when they look around in a hazy way. I always feel the direction of my gaze is different every time."


Youta smiles and stays solidified, sweating.

Yuta was watching too.

Every time Yuto gets along with the lady, the smiles disappear.

Besides, only those who are always in the blind spot of Yuto do so.

That's honest...... it could be a little horror.

(Shirazawa, Shitenji, Marion, Niina are Yoshikao freshman boys, you've never seen four admirers look like that. The two of them who have been merging with it were cute. You're an amazing person.)

But Yuto, you're amazing.

"Huh? What? Ichigo."

"Because you today, you're trying to get a diamond in the volcano while you wrap dynamite around it. The only person who got along with Mr. Fa Moon in that environment was a brave man. I'd be dead, awesome, Yuto."

"I have no idea how to take that."

(Wow I know!

Yuta nods loudly.

"Well, there are my mistakes this time. Yuto and Mr. Fa Moon could have had a date wang chan if they could have set it up more properly. Next time..."

"Yes! Are we gonna do it again? Isn't that enough? I'm so tired of being shredded."

"It's not this kind of concoction! Where do you have a concoction with more girlfriends in your class! Look, I'll do it when the time is ripe. Wait, this time I won't make mistakes. Carry things in secret. You asked for Yuta, too!

"Huh!? Me too!?

"What are you talking about! The two ladies besides Mr. Law Moon today liked you! That's fine, I saw it as serious. Not one of them came to me."

"I guess... it didn't look that way though"

"This unconscious combination... It's time for Yuta to realize the talent of the demon boy who drives a woman crazy. Why do I have to struggle? Enough, let's go home."

The three took the train when they arrived at the station.

Yuta descends first, and Yuto and Ichigo become two.

When the train stopped, Yuto said to Ichigo, "See you later," and got off the train.

"Is that it? Yuto, are you going down here?

"Yeah, I got some business at my parents' house today."

Well, I'll see you later.

"Yeah, again"

Yuto waved to Ichigo and walked out toward his parents' dojo for the first time in a long time.

As a matter of fact, Yuto had something he wanted to talk to Kaizo about.

That is about the people who have raided the Four Heavens Temple family.

(Those guys could be the ones I can't even leave as the Don Du family. I'd like to get in touch with my dad who's in the demon world if possible...)

The face of a blessed man who thinks so is serious in itself.

That's all they were dangerous.

"The Sword of the Sult, Count...... and the Julians. Those guys are connected. We have to find out what they're after, what they're after."

That said, Yuto arrived at his parents' dojo for the first time in months.

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