The ten year old eunuch has a Japanese wooden knife in each hand, and even a large stone is arranged unwrought on the wooden knife, without dropping it, for a few hours, without making it slight.

Then Yuto uttered what he thought.

"Grandpa, why is Don Du the only one carrying such a role?

"Yeah? So, Yuto, are you even complaining? Well, I don't mind if I stop at your expense."

"Huh!? Can I stop!?

"Oh, that could destroy mankind. Hey, hey, hey, hey!

"Ugh...! But that's why. It's so important, why don't we all protect the Demon Cave?"

"Um, that makes sense, too. I guess it would be best if I could do that. Then the demons of the demonic world are cunning. If many humans know, that's all the more dangerous."

"Yeah? What kind of danger does it increase?

"Think about it. What if we got power from the demon clan in the demon kingdom? The ordinary man becomes the capable man, and the capable man awakens to a new power. If anything happens, he will not stop at the devil's side. In fact, most of those who sought to explore and become involved in the demonic realm were unjust."

"That's right... that's hard"

"Um, I don't know how serious this is unless you're from the demonic world, like the Dondo family."

"But wouldn't it be dangerous if people from the Don Du family were hanging out from the Demons like those people?

"Cuckoo! Don Du will be fine."

"Uh, why?

"Because Don Dujia Spiritual Swordsmanship exceeds the Demon Nation if it is extreme. You want a new power by taking risks from a dubious guy even though you're stronger? Besides, they're watching all the people who destroyed themselves with it."

"Oh well! Oh, but I..."

"Don't worry, Yuto. If you can't use Don Du Spirit Swordsmanship, you can learn comparable powers in Immortality. Look, don't move your mouth all the time, move your body too, you're disturbing your gas circulation."

When Hakozo says so, he shrugs stones the size of the heads of those nearby with leopards and twigs.

Then there lay more stones on the stone on which the young eunuch was riding on a wooden knife held in each hand.


"Well, yeah. Do you want to tell an old story that will be passed on to Don Du? As you know from Liao Yi, the outsiders who are said to live in the demonic world are overwhelming, merciless and unreasonable. It was easy for the first generation to imagine what kind of tragedy would await this world if it were connected to the demonic world."

Hip down to the nearby stump.

"Thousands of years ago, the first generations of the Don Du family happened to know the Magic Cave, to know this world, and to know that in interacting with the human beings of this world, the number of human beings in this world is very small compared to the human beings of the demonic world. This is hard to resist if the demons push from the demonic realm. No, this human being will be ravaged and completely deprived of his right to life as a species."

Despite stories like a thousand years ago without gaga, Kazo has a nostalgic look somewhere.

"So the first generation took an oath. I thought I'd be a fence. That determination has been handed down for thousands of years."

"Something, amazing, ancestor. It's cool to be like a hero! I mean, let's do our best for everyone."

"Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Actually, I thought so for a more human odor reason."

"Like what?"

"Will you be the first companion, or Yuto's distant grandmother? That woman was the woman on this side of the world."

"Huh!? Because... the Dondo family is from the demonic world."

"Bye. As a matter of fact, she was flown out of dimensional distortion into the demonic realm and met her first generation. What a strange fate for a woman."

Yu Man is distracted by the story of his own ancestors, whom he first heard.

"The demonic humans of that time were pushed and exhausted by the fierce onslaught of the demonic tribe, and the group of nations of that era were almost morphed and their ability to govern was almost lost, he said. Well, they say it's a time of crisis in the survival of mankind. The first generation, according to legend, was born in the land on the edge of the demonic world. I had the talent and ability to be liked, but I told myself that was all... Ophone, I hear that was all."

"So what?

"... the woman I was telling you about, Yuto's distant grandmother, was a capable man and a spiritual swordsman. Even so, I don't know if I can call him a spiritual swordsman strictly because it's no longer a unique technique that combines the spiritual swordsmanship handed down from China with the ancient Japanese trainers and later prototypes of sneaking."

"Yes, it was!

"Um, she and the first generation were attracted to each other as soon as they met, and she told the first generation all of her knowledge and skill. The first generation gained experience in just a few years, and then sublimated the technique in action against the Demon Nation to create the foundation of what is now the Dom Du Spirit Swordsmanship. It's not as strong as it sounds. I had a real problem when I came out of the demon cave...... Ophone! Exactly the battlefield moves created in action. Of course, she was there all the time, supporting her first generation."


Yu Man is listening with his eyes shining.

"The first generation then took the lead in the demonic world of the human race, putting it together and successfully countering the demonic race in total. Well, you're not a hero in the demon world, Tan."

"Wow, wow!

Yu Man was excited as if it were about him as he continued his training.

"Bye...... then the demon world humans settled down and there was a case between the first generation and her"

"... Huh? What's that?"

"I discovered the Magic Cave."

The face of the entanglement became slightly more serious, and Yuto revealed his expression as a child.

"Even the first generation didn't know exactly what it was made of, even though Demon Cave had many mysteries. Well, leave that story here... she was the problem here"


"Uhm... because if you go through Demon Cave, you can go home."


"She loved her first generation deeply. But I can't get rid of the idea of wanting to go home. So she decided to come home as a result of her misery."


Why did the young eunuch want her to go so far? I wish I lived in the demonic world.

But homeland can mean a lot to people. Not to mention she's an unintentionally flown person by another world. It is understandable now that others must have had thoughts that they did not understand.

"Well, in conclusion, the first generation chose to be with her and came here. Otherwise the Don Du family wouldn't have developed, would they?

"Oh well. But... my first grandfather used to make that decision, didn't he? Because if I was in the demon world, I would have been a hero."

"The first generation loved her wholeheartedly. Then when I said she was leaving, I said it didn't take me long to make the decision to come here... I'm told I was saying it. In the first generation, he had a brother he could rely on... and he told me that the demon world had thrown everything at him, not left it to him."

Yuto was listening to the story of the entanglement. And at this time, Yuto was moved by a sense of intimacy with his great ancestor, the first generation.

He easily abandoned the great title of hero of the demonic world and came to another world for his wife.

I don't know what to describe to a young eunuch, but I thought it was a nice thing.

"Well, it's a long story, but I mean, the first generation decided to hide, protect and be the jetty of this world..."

"It was all for your ancestral grandmother!

Yuto answers with a full smile.

"Ho ho ho, yeah. The first generation loved her, and so did this world she loved. I'm telling you the important role of Don Du, the raison d 'être of Don Du, the truth is... that's all. That's all there was to protect the woman you loved."

Happily nodding Yuto later. "There Gao forces his daughter to screw him as his second daughter-in-law, so troublesome at that time..." he said whispering.

"Oh, I'm talking about a guy I miss."

There appeared Sun Wei, the official master of Yu Man.

"Rush, master!

"Whew, not, the immature. I'm disturbed by immortality."

Yu Man could not read the signs at all and was surprised at the sudden appearance of his master.

Therefore, at this time, I did not realize that Sun Wei said "I miss him".

"Look, I'm telling you that the state of concentration is relaxing. It is Xiao Zhoutian who feels the breath of his life and what he lives. Um, yeah. Using the Qi collected by Tanda, let the Qi flow from his lower abdomen and up his back. And from overhead to the lower abdomen. So again, let's gather some air in Tanda. It's faster!


At this time, beside him, he gave a very rare expression of nostalgia for the past.

"Yes... that's all. But your will and determination were pulsating in Don Du's blood and kept for a thousand years. You didn't even imagine your descendants had saved this world's crisis a few times. Hey, Einhard, no, Einhard."

The first generation of life and determination is now handed down to Yuto.

The entanglement has continued to see Don Du as Sansen.

Approximately all events are natural and inevitable.

It is Sanxian who understands and embodies it.

But at this time, Tai Ue Lao... No, now there was something emotional in the mind of the wrapper, who was just the grandfather of the blessed man.

"Huh? Did I say something? Grandpa."

"Nothing. I'm tired, so I'm going back to the inn. I'll leave the rest to Sun Wei. You didn't train here for the time being."

That said, the entanglement raised its hips.

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