Inferior Cultivation System

Chapter 1: An Unfamiliar World

Standing alone at one of the highest mountain peaks in the world, a handsome young man gazed at the heavens with a confident smile on his face and a powerful aura surrounding his body.

"Today, I shall ascend to godhood and achieve true immortality— I shall become a real Immortal!"


As though the heavens responded to Xiao Yu's words, it thundered with countless lightning that flashed across the boundless sky, almost as though it was angered by Xiao Yu's words that dared to challenge the almighty heavens.

Once the sky was covered in lightning snakes, a sudden bolt of lightning that was as thick as an adult's body appeared and descended upon Xiao Yu's figure, causing the area around him to melt instantly.

One would expect Xiao Yu to melt with his surroundings, but not only did he remain unscathed, even his clothes were also left untouched, almost like the lightning strike had completely missed him.

"Is this all you've got for me? I guess even the almighty heavens cannot stop me from ascending today!" Xiao Yu laughed out loud.

The heavens suddenly rumbled with a roar, and even more lightning strikes began descending upon Xiao Yu's figure without stopping this time.

A few minutes later, the lightning finally stopped when the mountain Xiao Yu once stood on had been completely melted.

"Not bad, I suppose…" Xiao Yu casually patted his clothes as he hovered in the middle of the melted mountain, looking rather nonchalant.

The lightning strikes did not continue even many seconds later, almost as though it had given up on destroying Xiao Yu for trying to defy it.

However, a phenomenon suddenly occurred with the lightning crawling across the sky changing in colors, turning red, then green, then purple, and a couple more unique colors.

In just a few moments, the boundless sky was filled with rainbow-colored lightning, shocking the people around the world.

Xiao Yu shook his head when he saw this, and he sighed, "Why don't you just give up? I have defeated 9,000 Minor Tribulations, 900 Major Tribulations, 90 Supreme Tribulations, and 9 Heavenly Tribulations. You can't defeat me, so you can stop embarrassing yourself now."

However, Xiao Yu's words only further enraged this rainbow tribulation, and a couple of seconds later—


A massive rainbow that was shaped like a dragon flew at Xiao Yu's figure at the speed of light, yet Xiao Yu was able to watch it approach him with relative ease, and in less than a split second, the rainbow dragon consumed Xiao Yu's figure.

One would expect such a powerful lightning strike to shake the world, but to everyone's surprise, the world remained still even after the rainbow tribulation.

Meanwhile, Xiao Yu couldn't feel anything even after being struck by the rainbow tribulation— not even a tickle, and he found that to be a bit weird.

Then he realized that he was still inside the rainbow tribulation and that it wasn't going away like a normal tribulation.

"Scatter for me!" Xiao Yu decided to release his aura and destroy the rainbow tribulation by himself, but he quickly realized that he was unable to release his cultivation base, almost like he'd suddenly lost all of his powers!

"What kind of tribulation is this?" Xiao Yu frowned at his ominous-feeling situation.

It was at this moment a bright light suddenly flashed before Xiao Yu's eyes, forcing him to close his eyes for a brief moment.

Xiao Yu slowly opened his eyes a few seconds later, and to his surprise, he was no longer surrounded by destruction but a clean and unfamiliar place instead!

"Where is this place? It looks like a park… How did I get here?" Xiao Yu looked around with a calm but puzzled expression on his face.

After looking around for a few seconds, Xiao Yu was suddenly assaulted by a major headache.

"Agh! Is this the effects of that tribulation?!"

Xiao Yu was nearly brought to his knees by the pain, something he hasn't experienced in centuries, but he'd managed to endure it to the end.

Once the pain subdued, a subtle but crisp noise resounded inside his head.


<Welcome to Earth, Otherworlder!>

"What? Earth? Otherworlder?"

Xiao Yu raised his eyebrows when he saw the words floating before his eyes.

<Installing 'Guide to Earth' and 'Guide to System'>

After the words disappeared, Xiao Yu could feel information being fed into his mind by a mysterious power, and since he didn't have his powers, he was unable to resist it.

Thus, Xiao Yu could only stand there and allow this information to flow inside his head.

This world was called Earth, and it is operated by a mysterious phenomenon known as a 'system'— a cultivation system that gives quests to people, allowing them to earn reputation and money, and it can even help them become cultivators with unique powers.

Furthermore, there are three different types— or levels— of cultivation systems that exist in this world, each giving various quests and unique rewards depending on the type of system.

The three types of systems are the 'inferior' cultivation system, 'advanced' cultivation system, and lastly, the 'superior' cultivation system.

The majority of people in this world, about 90 percent, have the Inferior Cultivation System. About 9 percent have the Advanced Cultivation System, and finally, less than one percent of people in this world are gifted with the Superior Cultivation System, and these people are also known as 'Cultivation Geniuses'.

"Earth… This seems like an entirely different world. Did the rainbow tribulation bring me here because it couldn't defeat me? What a damn coward..." Xiao Yu remained relatively calm despite his unprecedented situation.

After the information stopped flowing into his head and Xiao Yu understood his situation, he began wondering what he should do at this point.

'I don't seem to have my cultivation base anymore… Did the rainbow tribulation also take that away? No… I can still feel it within my body— I just cannot use it for some reason. Is this some sort of seal? Hmm…'

Other than the initial surprise, Xiao Yu remained level-headed throughout this entire time. As a powerful cultivator who has seen and experienced many crazy and unexplainable things in the mythical cultivation world, he knew how important it was for one to remain calm at all times.

Xiao Yu proceeded to look around with more attention. He doesn't seem to be in a hostile environment for the moment.

He then tilted his head to look at the bright sky and spoke in a resolute voice, "You can throw me into another world. You can even seal my powers. However, you cannot prevent the inevitable. Once I find a way to return home and break this seal, I shall ascend to true immortality and seize the heavens!"

A few seconds later, another notification appeared.

<Character Evaluation Completed>

<Installing 'Inferior Cultivation System'>

<Installation Completed>


[Name: Xiao Yu]

[Age: 21]

[Cultivation System: Inferior]

[Cultivation: First Level Qi Apprentice]

[Occupation: N/A]

[Reputation: F]

[Wealth: 0]

[Cultivation Points: 0]

Xiao Yu raised his eyebrows after seeing that he'd been 'gifted' with the Inferior Cultivation System.

"Inferior? Is this 'system' broken or what? I am a cultivation prodigy that has surpassed everyone and stood at the peak of the cultivation world in just ten thousand short years, compared to the other 'geniuses' that took millions of years! How could I possibly have an inferior system?" Xiao Yu shook his head at the system that has eyes but cannot see Mount Tai.

"And why does it say I'm only 21 years old? Is it because of the Eternal Youth Elixir that I'd consumed when I was around that age?"


<New quests available!>

<Quest #1: Do 100 pushups>

<Time limit: 24 hours>

<Completed: 0/100>

<Quest #2: Run 10km>

<Time limit: 24 hours>

<Completed: 0/10>

<Quest #3: Defeat a Cultivator around your level>

<Time limit: 7 days>

<Completed: 0/1>

Xiao Yu raised his eyebrows. How does completing these quests help one to cultivate? His interest in this mysterious system was piqued. However, he was not really in the situation to do quests.

He proceeded to ignore the quests to ponder what he should do now that he'd been randomly transported to this world.

'My powers are sealed and I don't have anyone to rely on in this foreign world. I should find a place to settle down for the moment and figure things out from there.'

As Xiao Yu pondered, someone suddenly shouted in the distance, "If you can defeat me, I'll give you 1,000 dollars! Only one hundred dollars to fight me! Only Third Level Qi Apprentice and below!"

Xiao Yu turned around to see a young man shouting not far in the distance.

'Dollars? That should be this world's currency.' Xiao Yu thought to himself.

No matter which world it is, money is almost always essential in one's life.

'I need money, and I can get that if I defeat him. However, I don't have the money to fight him…' Xiao Yu pondered for a moment.

He then turned to look at the bench nearby, where an old man was casually feeding a bunch of pigeons.

After thinking for a few seconds, Xiao Yu calmly approached the old man and the birds, and to the old man's surprise, the pigeons didn't fly away like they normally would, almost like they didn't notice Xiao Yu's presence.

"Excuse me, do you think I can borrow 100 dollars from you? I would like to challenge that young man but I don't have any money on me. I'll return what I'd borrowed from you and double it," Xiao Yu asked the old man with a friendly smile on his face.

The old man looked at him with a pondering expression before turning to look at the young man in the distance.

"You're only at the First Level Qi Apprentice. How are you going to defeat him, who is two whole levels ahead of you?" The old man asked him in return.

"Oh? You can see my cultivation level?" Xiao Yu raised his eyebrows.

"No, but I can tell from your subtle aura." The old man said.

"Interesting… And what cultivation are you if you don't mind me asking?" Xiao Yu then asked.

The old man then mumbled, "Show cultivation level."

A transparent screen then appeared on top of the old man.

[Fifth Level Qi Foundation]

'Oh? So you can do something like this as well? How interesting…' Xiao Yu's interest in the system grew stronger.

"Anyways, to answer your question earlier, how I am going to defeat him… You'll know once I defeat him." Xiao Yu said with a confident smile on his face. "I have never lost in a fight before— even if their cultivation is above mine."

"Is that so?" The old man chuckled before nodding, "Very well, I like your confidence. Even if you lose, it's only a hundred dollars. Take it."

The man then mumbled, "Transfer one hundred dollars."

Another screen popped up, but this time it was in front of Xiao Yu.

<You have been offered 100 dollars>

<Do you accept?>

"Accept." Xiao Yu said.


<You have received 100 dollars>

[Wealth: 0 → 100]

"Thank you. I'll be right back with 200 dollars." Xiao Yu said to the old man before turning around and approaching the young man who had started fighting someone a couple of moments ago.


The young man tossed a quick and powerful punch at the challenger, sending him flying a couple of meters away.

"Hahaha! Nice try! It's just 50 dollars if you want a second try!" The young man said to the loser.

"I-I'm fine…"

The loser stood up with difficulty before scurrying away with a somewhat flushed look on his face.

"Does anyone else want to have a try?! Only 100 dollars! Defeat me to get ten times more!"

"I'll fight you."

Xiao Yu said as he approached the young man.

"Looks like we have a new challenger! Show me your cultivation!" The young man looked at Xiao Yu with a bright smile on his face.

"Show cultivation level." Xiao Yu said.

[First Level Qi Apprentice]

"First level? Hahaha! Are you sure you want to fight me? Show cultivation level!"

[Third Level Qi Apprentice]

Xiao Yu looked at the young man's cultivation that was two levels above his with a calm look on his face.

"Yes, I'm sure." He nodded a second later.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." The young man said, and he continued, "It's 100 dollars to fight me."

Xiao Yu then said, "Transfer one hundred dollars."


[Wealth: 100 → 0]

The young man quickly accepted, and then he said, "Come inside the ring. If you leave this area at any time during the fight, it's an automatic loss."

Xiao Yu calmly stepped inside the ring that was created with white chalk, and he proceeded to stand there casually with his hands behind his back, acting very comfortable and relaxed.

The young man couldn't care less about Xiao Yu's seemingly confident appearance and said, "Let's begin!"


The moment the fight began, the young man thrust himself forward alongside his fists that aimed directly at Xiao Yu's face.

Just as the fist reached his face, Xiao Yu tilted his head just enough so that the fist narrowly dodged him, and then his legs began moving in a unique fashion, instantly moving behind the young man.

Once he was behind the young man, Xiao Yu raised his legs before shooting his feet forward, kicking the young man directly on his bum.


The young man shouted in pain as he was shoved outside the ring.

"Since you've stepped outside the ring, it's an automatic loss." Xiao Yu said in a calm voice, still with his hands behind his back.


<You have completed Quest #3>

<You have been awarded 50 dollars and 1 Cultivation Point!>

[Wealth: 0 → 50]

[Cultivation Point: 0 → 1]

"Y-You little…" The young man gritted his teeth in frustration. He wanted to beat Xiao Yu senseless after that embarrassing loss, but there were too many people watching them.

"Transfer 1,000 dollars!" The young man said in a reluctant voice.


[Wealth: 50 → 1,050]

"Thanks." Xiao Yu said as began walking away.

"Wait a moment!" The young man suddenly said, and he continued, "Let's fight again! You don't have to pay me this time, and if you win, I'll give you another 1,000!"

Xiao Yu looked at the young man silently for a mere second before nodding his head, "Okay. Let's do it."

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