Inferior students in super magic high school

Chapter 951, the highest welcome standard

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Ninth colleges and universities are located in the sea, under the sea of ​​Ninechuan.

Built a fortress in the sea, coupled with the magical decoration, the living environment and land in the land is not too big.

If you approach the edge of the fort, you can see the real world in the sea.

The next ringtone of the ninth college, and the landlood in the teaching building has a lot of students.

" , wait, have you seen the Ling Xiao?" Qu Xiujie shook his hand from the role of Lin, thinking that Lin said to him.

Even if Qu Xiujie didn't wavily waved, Linfei also found the songs in the sea.

There are some four-leaf team members around Qu Xiujie, seems to be a little busy, but he still let the team members of the four-leaf team left, and then quickly transient into the lobby.

Lin Lians looked at a rush of Qu Xiujie, curious asked: "You find Ling Xiao, how come to ask me?"

"Don't say it, the guy is not to stay with you in these days. The four-leaf team is busy, the guy is always who will not see the leader. I have only come over and ask you."

"He didn't work with me today."

"Ah ... Where is he going? Nor to come to class?"

Linxiao slightly, it seems to think of what, then go straight to go, while indicating that Qu Xiujie keeps: "Go to the General Administration of Team."

Qu Xiujie: "It is impossible, I just asked the people in the General Administration of Team, there is no one in the root."

Lin's feet, immediately stopped, and folded back to Qu Xiujie, "It's impossible, today he tells me that there is something busy in the team."

His voice just fell, and the collection ringtone belonging to the four-leaf team suddenly resounded throughout the teaching building, and the entire ninth college also had a radio.

Lin and Qu Xiujie look like it.

Qu Xiujie took the shoulders of the forest, "I will go back to the team first, and so on."

When he said, he quickly ran away, and Lin is looking at him to fall into a meditation.

While running, Qiu Xianjie runs, while thinking about the fortress of the four-leaf team?

Many students are also curious to look at the four-leaf team outwards.

"How did the four-leaf team suddenly have to settle?"

"Who knows?"

"Is there any task?"

"Can there be a task? Now the Z country will have a team mission? National college students are basically no task."

Some students are discussing while watching the play.

On the other hand, the four-leaf team fortress has also rapidly gathered all team members.

Qu Xiujie stands on the stage, sweeping all the people, but did not see the figure of Lingxiao.

He has some doubts, and the person who fingers the defenders under the finger. "How did I suddenly ring?"

The student said: "The report is the captain's request."

"What about the captain?" Lu Xiu Jie said.

The student placed a small voice: "No ... I don't know ..."

Qu Xiujie stopped, indicating him to return.

After the student salute, it will also be inside the team.

Qu Xiujie looked back, but did not find the figure of Lingxiao.

He played a phone call, I thought it won't be turned on, but Ling Xiao actually turned.

I have found him for so long, and my shadow has not seen it. I saw it today.

Ling Xiao's virtual image is reflected in his face, "Good guy, where you go."

Ling Xiao did not answer his words, his virtual image watched everyone.

Even just a virtual image, all the four-leaf teams all couldn't help but a chill, and they were very straightforward.

"Ready to the school gate, I will come back."

Lu Xiujie: "Ah, no, when did you go to school?"

"Just a long time, ready to meet matters."

Ling Xiao's words have just fallen, and they hang up.

But Qu Xiujie has not come and ask who.

Leave only one face for the four-leaf team everyone.

"Ah ... this guy ... can't you say the reason?" Qu Xiu went out.

"That captain ... we are going to welcome."

Qu Xiujie: "The highest standard welcomes, which is used in an urgent collection, and it is definitely what is important."

What is Lu Xianjie not ink, and he immediately leads all four-leaf team everyone to go to the school gate.

This road also attracted a lot of people to watch, many people whispered to talk about the four-leaf team.

All of the four-leaf team replaced a unified team uniform, and the appearance and clothes were ready.

There is also a red carpet, a wreath and a magic petal at the school gate.

Everyone stands seriously into a row.

This shower also makes many people understand, and the four-leaf team will welcome anyone.

Many people also look at the distance.

A silver floating ship is slow, and everyone's eyes are also staring at the float outside the fort.

The neck of Qu Xiujie is straight, he wants to see who this is.

Silver float is slowly stopped, some bubbles are also spread, and then the water surrounded by the water is slowly separated, the entire silver float is wrapped in a huge bubble.

The fortress pipeline in the ninth college is also slowly sucking the silver floating ship, and then drains and dehydrating operations.

System: "As in line with."

System: "Welcome you, the first college students."

Qu Xiujie, their eyes are suddenly shrinkage, the first college?

Why don't he know that the first college is coming? The four-leaf team is so big, and it is only because she came over.

Qu Xiujie can't think of the second person to let Lingxiao pay attention to the ceremony.


The door of the floating ship opened.

On this long pipeline of the school gate to the ninth college, I immediately had a long red carpet.

All the four-leaf team of people are flashing on both sides of the red carpet, stand straight.

Everyone's movements are rapid, neatly drawn, and the footsteps are consistent.

Qu Xiujie also stands on the red carpet and instantly moves in front of the floating ship, waiting for the people in it.

The slender straight leg takes the lead in the eyes of each person.

The girl came out tall, ink, the headdress is a small blue silver.

The frowns are as soon as the sunbowns, the clear scorpion will take a little quiet and cold.

It is like a fairy, and it is in a quiet valley.

Ling Xiao stood behind the right body of Fu Jiuyi, and the left body was a few people in South Guo Yan.

When Fu Jiu, when all of them came out, the salute and magic petals were outbreak out.

South Guo Yan they lamented a sentence

Qu Xuan Jie stunned for a while, he said: "Sister ..."

Ling Xiao is a sweep, Qu Xiujie is, immediately changed:

"Oh, no ... nine sister, welcome to the ninth university!"

Fu Jiuzhen looked at the scene in front of this eye, and she suddenly looked back, and suddenly, why did this guy go to the toilet?

It turned out to be for this matter.

Ling Xiao was visually guilty by Fu Jiu, he didn't know that his sister didn't like it.

Fu Jiuyu is soft and a little, then said: "Thank you."

Ling Xiao is only showed a smile, "Um ..."

Fu Jiuyu, also paired the song: "There will be a lot of advice in the future."

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