Infernal Affairs

V1.Chapter 11

When I came out of the underground garage, it was evening, and the road was full of rush off workers.

Wang Fan, who is smoking on the street, is not in the mood to enjoy the night scenery of the city, nor the sexy beauty who passes by. He has been thinking about a problem in his heart.

From his insidious thought of this bad idea and used Wang Fan to teach Han Chen, he knew what he wanted to do, and he would take advantage of the opportunity to stab Han Chen in the back.

In recent years, it is not uncommon for drug cartels to retaliate against the anti drug police, even their families. Therefore, Wang Fan's worry is not superfluous.

Don't you understand the same truth?

Wang Fan, who stopped, spat out a cigarette ring, rubbed his swollen temple with his thumb, and said to himself with a bitter smile: "it can't be his own people!"

After saying this, Wang Fan also felt very funny, but the decision of ghost uncle really made him puzzled.

"Di Li"

The mobile phone in the pocket is ringing, plus strong vibration, which immediately pulls Wang Fan's mind back.

"Who the hell is this?" Seeing that a strange number was displayed on the mobile phone, Wang Fan frowned and scolded lightly. He pressed the connect key with his fingers.

Before Wang Fan asked, an urgent voice came from the receiver, "is it brother fan?"

"Ah? Who are you Wang Fan's voice was much more peaceful when he heard the other party calling him brother fan.

"Brother fan, I'm Liu Jiaxing!"

"Liu Jiaxing? You have the wrong number! " Hearing that it was a strange name, Wang Fan scolded.

"Ah? I'm sorry, brother fan. I'm Liu pangzi Liu pangzi on the other end of the phone heard Wang Fan's angry curse, and immediately reported his nickname.

I didn't expect that Liu pangzi would call him. Wang Fan was also puzzled. He asked casually, "Liu pangzi, what are you looking for me for? Want revenge? "

"Brother fan, don't get me wrong. I'm not here to see you in the dark room. You're not here. I'm trying to call you. I want to invite you to dinner." The tone of Liu pangzi's speech is very humble, just like inviting big stars.

"What's for dinner? Celebrate that I beat you like a pig? " Even on the phone, Wang Fan did not give Liu a good face.

Liu pangzi was not embarrassed by Wang Fan's run. He said with a smile, "brother fan, you're joking. I'm not a fool. You're good to me. I know that if you didn't protect me today, I'm afraid I would not even have my life!"

"Come on! Don't be such a jerk! I'm not free these two days. Let's forget about the meal! " Wang fan is really not in the mood now. Han Chen's business is enough to make him upset. He has no time to change cups with Liu pangzi.

Hearing Wang Fan's impatience, Liu pangzi quickly said on the phone, "brother fan, listen to me. In fact, I want to talk to you about Han Chen."

"What?" Hearing Han Chen's name, Wang Fan's brow twisted violently.

"Brother fan, it's inconvenient to say that on the phone. I'll wait for you at the entrance of Liu village." Liu pangzi said in a voice on the phone.

Hang up Liu pangzi's phone, Wang Fan's mood is more complicated, he does not know why Liu pangzi suddenly mentioned Han Chen.

It's not inconceivable to know that he's going to teach Han Chen a lesson. After all, it's normal for him to hear such a loud noise when Liu pangzi was also in the teahouse when mourning Kun was making trouble in the teahouse.

But Liu pangzi talks mysteriously. What does he want to say?

Wang Fan felt a strange feeling in his heart when he was made by Liu pangzi. Although he couldn't say what this feeling was, he finally decided to listen to what Liu pangzi would say.

Reach out to stop a taxi, get on the car and report the address, Wang fan then casually lit a cigarette.

The young taxi driver took a look at the cigarette between Wang Fan's fingers and the "no smoking" sign on the front of the co driver. His face stopped for a moment, and then he licked his lips. Then he started the car and drove to Liu Cun.

In the city of rush hour, any street is congested, even if the place Wang Fan wants to go is in the suburbs.

The taxi was moving slowly in the traffic, but the number on the meter didn't slow down.

"Damn it! There's something wrong with your meter Wang Fan stares at the number jumping on the meter.

"Brother, I'm in a hurry to do some work. Haven't I had time to repair it? Don't worry. I'll pay you this time. No money The young driver explained with a smiling face.

"You son of a bitch, there are no less pitfalls!" Hearing that the driver was perfunctory, Wang Fan laughed and scolded and exposed the other side.

After all, people who travel by taxi often focus on the time when they are on the road, and they don't pay attention to the meter at all. Moreover, taxi drivers who cheat on the meter will deliberately put the meter in an inconspicuous place.

If the journey is not very far, and the passengers are thinking about other things, and the fare is a few yuan more, they will not find anything unusual.

Unfortunately, today, the driver was unlucky. He not only met the worried passenger Wang Fan, but also encountered a series of traffic jams. The journey was not far away, but the tireless meter was still bouncing there.

If you are another passenger, the driver may be able to make up a lie to prevaricate in the past. If you encounter a passenger who is not easy to cheat, you can also lose your temper and connect the passenger to let the other party pay the fare and go away.

But it happened that he met Wang Fan.

Looking at the ghost tattoos on Wang Fan's arms, the young driver didn't dare to talk nonsense. In order not to make trouble for himself, he had to take the initiative to ask for free.

Wiping the sweat on his head, the taxi driver said awkwardly, "brother, the whole family is counting on me, and I can't help it."

"Well." Looking at Wang fan outside the window, he casually agreed.

It seemed that he remembered something sad. The expression on the driver's face was gray. It took a long time for him to slow down. He grasped the steering wheel with both hands, and murmured to himself in a low voice: "the way of the dog days!"

Through the crowded road in the city, the taxi sped all the way, and it didn't take long to get to Liu village.

The driver raised his hand to clear the meter, looked at Wang Fan with a wry smile, and said in a low voice: "brother, here we are."

"Well." Wang Fan promised to open the door and get off.

Looking at Liu pangzi, who is waiting for him at the entrance of the village, Wang Fan holds the door of the taxi, takes out 500 yuan from his pocket and throws it to the co driver's seat.


"Go back and repair the meter. The whole family is counting on you. Don't let them worry."

Closing the car door, Wang Fan scratched his scalp hard and said in a low voice: "this dog's way of life!"

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