Infernal Affairs

V2.Chapter 1200

As Wang Fan's wedding day is getting closer and closer, everyone is ready and waiting happily.

With all the girls happy mood, presumably, there is a person in the teahouse some lost, that is Hu Xiaomei, she is even some at a loss, the whole person seems very at a loss.

She has been in love with Wang Fan for a long time, but because of her own reasons, she does not dare to talk about it with Wang Fan. Although Wang Fan has promised the state to give her a place, he never dare to think that he can walk the red carpet with Wang Fan. She only cares that Wang Fan has enough of her in his heart.

Looking at the bride to be is not a princess of a country, or the daughter of a business empire, Hu Xiaomei is at a loss. Seeing Wang Fan busy, she can only quietly hide in the corner to help.

Hu Xiaomei thinks it's good to hide. No one will find her feelings for Wang Fan, but she doesn't know that all these things are in the eyes of the blind master.

Good things are coming, and there are more nagging and admonitions from the elders, but Wang fan can't listen to them. He can only listen patiently one by one.

On this day, Wang Fan was called into the room by the blind master.

Wang Fan's face is numb. In recent days, he is either his mother or old Tony. All kinds of elders greet each other in turn. From the matters needing attention before marriage to where to go on holiday after marriage, as well as the names of children, these have been arranged clearly.

Wang Fan has no love at this moment. Everything depends on his elders.

When he walked into the blind Master's room, he saw that Hu Xiaomei was also there. He couldn't help but feel strange. Usually blind Master's lecture was to warn him alone. Did it change today?

Hu Xiaomei is busy helping to decorate the wedding room these days, and he also sees it. However, due to the advice of his elders and the love of his girlfriends, he has no more energy to tease Hu Xiaomei. Compared with the experience of these days, Wang Fan prefers to go to r country to kill her again rather than to be in a hurry here. This is just pain and happiness.

"Xiaofan, do you like Xiaomei?"

The blind master saw Wang Fan and asked directly.

"Well! I like it. "

Wang Fan immediately clear, quickly replied.

Mind hundred turn, is Hu Xiaomei to complain? If you don't care about her for so many days, it's just the rhythm of "starting from chaos and ending with abandonment". Otherwise, the blind Master would not care about this kind of thing. Young people's emotional problems should be dealt with by themselves.

Wang Fan was a little nervous at this moment.

"With you, don't forget to take Xiaomei with you when you get married. You have to give Xiaomei a place. Now there are many girlfriends, but Xiaomei is the only one who really takes care of us. The rest of us are busy. I'm satisfied when I come to see the old boss every new year."

"If you don't agree to this, you have to agree. Otherwise, your mother's heart will be upset. This is settled. Do you have any opinions?"

The blind master looked at Wang Fan and said solemnly. Although he was asking Wang Fan whether he agreed or not, his expression could not be considered at all!

"Blind Master, you can't do it. If brother fan has me in mind, you don't have to do it together. You don't have to threaten brother fan. Even if brother fan doesn't say it, as long as you don't dislike me, I will continue to take care of you."

Hu Xiaomei hears that the blind Master "threatens" Wang Fan. She quickly stops him.

Her love for Wang fan is pure, without any moral kidnapping.


Wang Fan suddenly realized that the blind man was serious. It was for this matter.

"Blind Master, don't worry. I won't hurt Xiaomei. I will marry her. Xiaomei has taken care of you for such a long time. I cherish this feeling."

"I have to go out for ten days and a half a month. I often don't go home for more than half a year. If I don't have Xiaomei to take care of you, I don't worry. Xiaomei is half the sky behind me. How can I hurt her?"

Wang Fan looked at the blind Master and said with righteous words.

After he became the leader of wanguku, he often stayed in various countries for a long time because of his mission. If he didn't have a good wife and mother who could take care of people at home, he would not be able to fight at home.

Hu Xiaomei did all this without asking for anything in return. Although Hu Xiaomei didn't say it, Wang Fan still felt a little guilty for Hu Xiaomei. Hu Xiaomei was meticulous in taking care of the elderly, and his mother had praised it repeatedly in front of him.

Compared with other girlfriends, Hu Xiaomei and many elders are also the closest. The real one is the person in charge of logistics at home. Wang Fan sees all this in his eyes and turns it into a moving heart. Hu Xiaomei has occupied a very important position in his heart.

"I wish you knew it. I thought you were more blind than me. If you miss such a good daughter-in-law, you should change your name to open your eyes and be blind."

"Xiaomei, if you are angry in the future and Xiaofan is not good to you, come and tell us that we are your family. I'll support you when something happens."

Seeing Wang Fan's statement, the blind man recovered to a kind face and said half jokingly to them.

"Thank you, blind master. I'm sure brother fan will treat me well. You won't worry about those things, will you, brother fan?"

Hu Xiaomei said gratefully to the blind Master and winked at Wang Fan.

"Well, yes, blind Master, don't worry. I know Xiaomei is just like your granddaughter. She will be in charge of half the sky in the future. My mother and you are all taken care of by her. In the future, she will only bully me!"

Wang fan saw Hu Xiaomei's sign, instantly understood, and quickly comforted the blind master.

Once he is old, he likes to listen to good words and follow his will. In this way, he will feel more and more successful.

"Blind Master, I changed the name of Wan guku into the mercy hall, and I also changed the traditional task mode together. Now, the killer of the mercy hall is the employees of the company, which is mainly based on compassion and benevolence."

"We used to be haunted. It's just that we didn't have the power to pay attention. Now we control a large number of gangs in r country and H country. Now we have to have an external image. The mercy hall is our external image!"

Wang Fan watched the blind Master's mood improve, and quickly told the story of Wan guku's change to the mercy hall.

"Ah, I'm old with your ghost uncle. This is your time. Let's do it. It's good to be compassionate and benevolent."

"The name of mercy hall is not bad. It's a success to stop killing by killing, and encourage people to do good! You should pass on the hall of mercy

The blind Master sighed, after all, it is a new generation replacing the old, and they have also withdrawn from the stage of history.

With the establishment of the mercy hall, Wang Fan's marriage and the alternation of the old and the new, they will be able to provide for the aged in peace.

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