Infernal Affairs

V1.Chapter 123

Outside the operating room of the first people's Hospital of H City, Wang Yue's bloody hand tightly holds her mobile phone and sits on the chair in the waiting area. Her eyes are blank, and she is still recalling the scene in front of her eyes.

Greedy and aggressive, she kicked open the door of Liu Neng's bedroom. In the face of the black hole, she didn't even do the most basic evasive action, not only because her brain was blank at that moment, but also because she was really afraid!

No one is afraid of death, even the police in uniform.

But Wang Yue didn't think so. She was ashamed of her fear and regretted her cowardice.

If it wasn't for her arbitrary act, there would not be such an emergency, let alone let Cai Chang, who is closely behind her, be shot and injured by Liu Neng in order to protect her.

Although Liu Neng was finally killed by Cai Chang, in order to protect Wang Yue's Cai Chang, Liu Neng also shot and injured his chest. Moreover, because the injured part was very dangerous, he is still in the operating room of the hospital for rescue.

No one accused Wang Yue, no one to comfort her, maybe everyone is worried about the safety of CAI Chang, maybe everyone knows that Cai Chang's injury has a direct relationship with Wang Yue.

At this time, Wang Yue really wanted to find someone to talk to, find someone to enlighten her and comfort her, but she did not dare to tell anyone around her that she was afraid of death and hurt Cai Chang who saved her.

After dialing Wang Fan's mobile phone for countless times, Wang Yue only heard the sound of turning it off. She was like a child abandoned by the whole world, feeling helpless and scared from the bottom of her heart.

The operation lasted a whole night. The first ray of sunlight in the morning passed through the glass window of the hospital corridor and hit the concrete floor. When the red warning light on the door of the operating room went out, the doctor dragged his tired body and appeared in front of these policemen in the corridor.

"Doctor, how about our leaders?" Wang Yue was the first to rush up and nervously asked the doctor.

The middle-aged doctor who took off the mask managed to squeeze out a smile. Looking at Wang Yue with an anxious face, he said in a soft voice: "keep your voice down. The patient's condition is stable for the time being, but I have to go into intensive care and observe for a period of time."

"That's all right!" Tears in Wang Yue's eyes around, she some difficult to control their emotions, but still insist on saying this sentence in the heart for a long time.

The doctor nodded heavily and gave Wang Yue a reply.

Looking at the doctor turned back to the operating room, Wang Yue's hanging heart was put back to its original place. She sat back on the chair with relief, her hands covering her face and crying loudly.

The police in the corridor did not have the previous dejected, everyone's face is happy.

Experiencing too much death will gradually erase people's sadness about death, and only those who have really experienced death can understand how lucky it is to live.

The news soon came back to the police station, and the police who stayed up all night cheered for Cai Chang's escape from danger.

The man who was once cursed as the "living king of hell" has now become the hero that people want to see most and the idol in people's mind.

There is nothing more admirable than sacrifice oneself to save others, and nothing more shocking than facing death without fear.

At this time, in Caesar Hotel, Wang fan is lying in his bedroom, waiting for Tong Jiahui to buy him new clothes from the mall.

Sleepy, he leaned on the head of the bed, turned on the TV and watched Asahi news. He picked up the cigarette box on the bedside table, drew out a cigarette and lit it.

"Ladies and gentlemen, our reporter arrived at the hospital for the first time to interview our anti drug detachment..."

As the camera moves, a young female reporter guides the audience's attention and looks at the tired policemen in the camera.

Wang Fan, with a cigarette in his mouth, saw Wang Yue at a glance. However, the lens flashed by. He didn't see the blood on Wang Yue's hand clearly, but he still saw Wang Yue's tired appearance carefully.

Without waiting for Wang Fan to respond, I heard a female reporter in the TV, holding a microphone, asking a police officer who looked like a leader: "according to the witness, there was a police officer in our police station. In order to protect his colleagues from being injured in the operation last night, I don't know how he is now?"

"The injured is Comrade Cai Chang, deputy leader of our anti drug detachment. At present, his condition is still stable and needs to be hospitalized for observation for a period of time." The leading officer said solemnly.

"Then can we interview the police officers who are on duty with Captain Cai? It's the police officer protected by Captain Cai Zhi. " Fearing that the interviewee she arranged was not what she thought, the reporter quickly focused on the interviewee.

In the face of the reporter's request, the police officer in front of the microphone frowned, turned to the camera and asked, "are you live?"

"Yes, we are reporters of Asahi news, and we are broadcasting it live now." The female reporter excitedly re emphasized her own news department. Her face was very confident, which should be regarded as a kind of professional pride.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the female reporter's words were finished, the police officer's face became gloomy and said to the female reporter, "you guys in uniform, please avoid first! And you guys, don't be stunned! What to do

"What do you mean, sir?" The female reporter asked in surprise, turned around and directed the photographer beside her, capturing the police who were leaving.

Seeing the photographer working hard to capture the police who left, the police officer who was being interviewed asked angrily, "who let you live! Isn't it said that it will be broadcast after the post-processing? "

"We have the right to know, we are journalists, we..."

Before the female reporter's words were finished, the TV screen became pitch black. It was obvious that the live broadcast equipment was unplugged, resulting in the complete interruption of the live signal.

Wang Fan, who had already stood up and walked to the TV, looked at the blackened TV screen and angrily scolded, "Damn it, stupid!"

When the door opened, Tong Jiahui put her head in and looked at Wang Fan in surprise. She asked, "as soon as I enter the door, I hear you curse. Who are you angry with?"

"Nothing, a stupid reporter!" Wang Fan's heart was agitated at the thought that the anti drug police on the TV screen just now had no mosaic on their faces.

"Pull it down. Try the suit I bought for you. Does it fit?" Tong Jiahui gives Wang Fan a white look and passes the shopping bag in her hand.

After taking the shopping bag in Tong Jiahui's hand, Wang Fan finds that the trademark on it is the same brand as yesterday's suit.

When Tong Jiahui turns around and leaves, Wang Fan looks back at the LCD TV on the wall. At this time, new news has been broadcast on the TV screen.

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