Infernal Affairs

V1.Chapter 166

As the car drove out of the ring road of Yinding mountain, ah Qi calmly looked through the rearview mirror and saw Wang Fan who was held by Tong Jiahui. A sneer flashed across the corner of his mouth.

The subtle facial expression was seen by Tong Jiahui in the back row. She frowned and said to ah Qi, "don't play tricks, do you hear me?"

"Miss, is it worth it for such a man?" Ah Qi took back his eyes and asked helplessly.

"You are not in charge of my business!" Tong Jiahui said unhappily, her eyes were more like spitting fire, and she glared at ah Qi.

As if he didn't recognize the gunpowder in Tong Jiahui's story, ah Qi continued: "Miss, even if you don't care about your identity, you should at least consider the face of the master. If you are really with this boy, the master will have no face."

"Oh? Do you have face when you treat him like this? Are you not afraid of being ridiculed? " Tong Jiahui held Wang Fan in her arms, tears in her eyes came out again, and her voice trembled.

After hearing Tong Jiahui's words, ah Qi, who was holding the steering wheel, said with a bitter smile: "Miss, if you don't intervene in this matter today, I will do it very clean. No one will know that we sent someone to kill this boy. Moreover, he is too popular at this time. No one will doubt that we can arrange an enemy for him casually."

"What a pity! Your wishful thinking has failed! " Wang Fan, who is held in tongjiahui's arms, looks at ah Qi sitting in front of him and says with a sneer.

Wang Fan's words made ah Qi very unconvinced. He took a look at Wang fan through the rear-view mirror and saw Wang Fan's pale face. He said angrily, "Wang Fan, I can only say that you are a big boy and you are protected by a young lady. Otherwise, I have just sent you on the road!"

"Why don't you stop? See if I'm sure I'll take you to see the scenery on huangquan road? " Wang Fan took out a cigarette box, took out a cigarette with his mouth, lit it with a lighter, and took a puff to slow down.

For Wang Fan's provocation, ah Qi's face sank, and said in a deep voice: "Wang Fan, don't push an inch, don't think..."

Before ah Qi finished his cruel words, Tong Jiahui interrupted him with a frown and said with disdain: "bullying an injured person, are you very glorious?"

"Miss! He... "

"Enough! You drive faster. If you delay Wang Fan's injury, I will kill you first Tong Jiahui said impatiently. She turned her head and looked out of the window.

After being taught by Tong Jiahui, ah Qi stopped talking. He stepped on the accelerator and drove the car back and forth on the way to the hospital.

With half a cigarette left in his mouth, the car has stopped steadily at the door of H central hospital. After stopping steadily, ah Qi turns to open the door of the car and gets off. He opens the door beside her for Tong Jiahui.

"Hold on, we're in the hospital!" Tong Jiahui helped Wang Fan and said to him in a soft voice.

Wang Fan, whose face was like paper, tried to smile and open his mouth, but he didn't say anything. A lot of blood loss made him have no strength. At this time, he was completely supported by a belief.

Seeing Tong Jiahui's difficulty in helping Wang Fan, ah Qi reaches for Wang Fan and takes him off the car.

"It's none of your business here! You go, I don't want to see you! " Tong Jiahui blocked ah Qi's outstretched hand and said to him with a cold face.

Ah Qi, with a bitter smile, turned around and ran to the emergency center not far away.

After a while, a few nurses and doctors ran out of the emergency center. Ah Qi pushed a stretcher car behind the nurses and rushed to Tong Jiahui and Wang Fan.

With the help of doctors and nurses, Wang Fan was carried on a stretcher. Ah Qi pushed the stretcher and sent Wang Fan to the emergency room of the emergency center.

Seeing that Wang Fan was finally sent to the rescue room, Tong Jiahui felt as if she had fallen apart. She didn't care to clean up her blood, so she sat on the bench outside the rescue room.

Standing on one side, ah Qi looks at Tong Jiahui's worried face and doesn't say anything more. He quietly goes out of the gate of the emergency center and stops Tong Jiahui's car in the parking space. Ah Qi pays 50000 yuan for Wang Fan's treatment.

After many years of experience in the river and lake, ah Qi's heart is very clear. Although Wang Fan looks very weak at the moment, when he enters the emergency room, there will be no more life-threatening injuries. Moreover, this kind of non fatal trauma will not be serious after a period of rest.

After returning to the emergency center with the bill, ah Qi sat next to Tong Jiahui, handed the bill to Tong Jiahui, and said calmly, "Miss, I paid part of the money for you first."


Tong Jiahui takes the bill and holds it in her hand without looking at it. She looks at the red light on the door of the emergency room with a sad face. She just thinks about Wang Fan's safety and can't listen to anything else.

Seeing Tong Jiahui's absent-minded appearance, ah Qi said helplessly: "Miss, over there..."

"It's none of your business here! Go back, you don't have to worry about my business! " Tong Jiahui said with a cold face. When she spoke, she didn't even look at ah Qi.

"Oh! Well, if he dares to bully you, you call me and I'll help you... "

"It won't happen. He can't even die for me. How can he bully me?"


"Enough! Do you want me to drive you away before you leave? " Once again interrupt ah Qi, Tong Jiahui gnaws her teeth and stares at him fiercely. She looks like she might run away at any time.

Tong Jiahui's eyes forced her not to look up. Ah Qi whispered, "OK, miss, I'll go!"

A face helpless seven stand up, looked up at the door of the emergency room, this just some unwilling to go to the emergency center gate.

When ah Qi disappeared at the door, Tong Jiahui was relieved.

As a daughter of Hengtai group, Tong Jiahui knows better than anyone what kind of person her father Liu Tian is and what kind of result ah Qi just said.

Father and daughter split and turned into enemies.

Tong Jiahui made the final decision for Wang Fan and gave up a lot for Wang Fan.

But Tong Jiahui did not regret it. She knew how important her decision was to Wang Fan.

If Tong Jiahui shakes a little at this time, she believes that ah Qi will rush into the emergency room and kill Wang Fan in front of the doctors and nurses.

Maybe this is love!

Tong Jiahui leans on the back of the chair, like a puppet who has lost her soul.

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