Infernal Affairs

V1.Chapter 170

Listen to the blind Master talking about the friendship between Liu Tian, let alone Wang Fan confused, even Tong Jiahui is at a loss, don't know what blind Master wants to express.

Under Wang Fan's persistent questioning, the blind master finally gave a very clear answer.

Liu Tian is also a person who likes to listen to storytelling, and like blind Master, he likes to listen to the seven heroes and five righteousness, so in the dark, Liu Tian and blind Master have the so-called telepathy.

This answer sounds like nonsense, but the blind Master insists that his friendship with Liu Tian is entirely due to "seven heroes and five righteousness". As for why fate is so arranged, we can only ask the God of fate!

Knowing that the blind Master concealed a lot of things from himself, Wang fan stopped asking, but it also made him understand one thing, that is, the blind Master is really a very important person.

Let's not talk about how blind master got to know Liu Tian. Last time Wang Fan came to see blind Master, he met Liu Tian to visit blind master. We can see that Liu Tian respects blind master very much.

A figure who would kill someone because of a little trifle pretends to be gentle and amiable in front of the blind Master, which shows that Liu Tian doesn't want to destroy his impression in the blind Master's heart.

Since the blind master didn't want to say more, Wang Fan had to turn the topic aside. Just at this time, Liu Qiang and his wife had already cooked the meal and brought it to the blind master one after another. Everyone sat down around the table.

Did not see the shadow of Liu Pang, Wang Fan curiously asked Liu Qiang: "brother Qiang, where is the fat man?"

"Oh, he answered a phone call just now, and he's still calling over there." Liu Qiang took a look at the direction of the door and yelled at his home, "fat man, come and have a meal!"

"You eat first, I'll be there in a minute!" Liu pangzi yelled at Liu Qiang.

The blind man who picked up the wine glass knocked the table with his fingers and said to the people, "OK, don't wait for him! Let's have a drink first

With the call of the blind Master, Wang Fan and they all picked up their glasses and watched the blind Master waiting for his next words.

"Let's drink to the fact that we can live together." The blind Master is very happy to say, finish saying the wine cup in the hand is close to the lip, Zi slip a drink the wine in the cup.

They were also very happy to listen to the blind Master's words. Liu Qiang and his wife, especially, were very excited. After they had a drink with Wang Fan and Tong Jiahui, they drank the wine out of the glass.

After three rounds of drinking, the happy blind Master was a little drunk. He picked up a chopstick on the table and said to Wang Fan, "I'm very happy today. Old man, I'll sing you a song I sang when I was young."

"Can blind Master sing?" Tong Jiahui looks at Wang Fan curiously, but she soon sees that Wang fan is as surprised as she is.

Really don't know blind Master still have the ability of singing, Wang Fan raised his hand to scratch his head and asked: "blind Master, what song do you want to sing? It can't be eighteen. "

"Son of a bitch, is this the place to sing that kind of song?" The blind Master's face sank and scolded.

Knowing that he was speechless, Wang Fan said in a hurry, "blind Master, when you were young, what songs could you have? Are you going to give us a play

According to the blind master himself, he is over 80 years old this year. If we calculate according to his young age, it is almost 60 years ago.

After thinking about it for a long time, Wang Fan really didn't figure out what else could be called songs 60 years ago, except for the entertainment of dramas and essays.

Seeing that Wang Fan didn't trust his words, the blind man didn't say anything more. He knocked the table with his chopsticks and began to hum a tune.

"Young chivalrous, with five all male. Liver and gallbladder cave. The hair shrugs. We are in talks. Life and death are the same. A promise is a promise. Push and pull. I'm proud. Light cover. Lianfei. Douchengdong. Boom drinking Cuan, spring floating cold urn. A rainbow drawing from the sea. Call the eagle and the dog at leisure, and pick the bow with white feather. Cunning hole Russia empty. Happy rush

The deep song flew out of the blind Master's mouth and shocked all the people in the room. Wang Fan looked at the blind Master in front of him in some surprise, and felt a sense of awe.

This is a song about six states written by he Zhu in Song Dynasty. Its name is "chivalrous youth". The whole song sounds desolate and solemn, which makes people feel excited.

Wang fan doesn't know where the blind Master learned this piece of music, let alone where it was sung all the time. But he knows very well that the blind master has different feelings for this piece of music.

From his actions when he knocked on the table, as well as the serious expression on his face, we can feel his inner passion.

At this time, the blind Master was like a ambitious Ranger, sighing the regret that he could not display his ambition with his unique skills.

The song ends.

The blind man with closed eyes frowned slightly. After a long time, he sighed: "it's hard to say what's going on in my heart when I think about my old friends and sing old songs!"

"Blind Master, who do you think of? I don't want to be a blind grandmother! " Wang Fan asked in a low voice.

As if he hadn't heard Wang Fan's words, the blind man was still in awe. His chopsticks were tapping on the table, as if he were recalling many things a long time ago.

Listening to Wang Fan's jokes, Liu Qiang and his wife felt a little funny, but when they saw that the blind man was serious, they did not dare to show it.

Tong Jiahui, sitting next to Wang Fan, pulled Wang Fan's sleeve and kindly reminded him, "don't talk nonsense. This song should be a battle song sung by a strong man when he went on the expedition. It's not romantic. How can it be that he misses his wife?"

"I'm joking with the blind master? It's not easy for everyone to get together today. It's so sad. " Wang Fan said with a smile.

Although he said that, Wang Fan stole a look at the blind master. Seeing that he was not angry, he then said, "blind Master is also a man who has carried a gun and fought a war. I'm afraid that he learned this song from others when he was a soldier. Today, he should think of his former comrades in arms."

"It makes sense, alas! Blind Master is a man who values love and righteousness. Let's drink to blind Master! " Liu Qiang, who has become the head of the village, is no longer as quiet as before. At this time, he has learned to please.

The atmosphere was depressed by a sad song. In order to ease the atmosphere, Wang Fan quickly raised his glass and said to the blind Master, "blind Master, here's to you. You are my hero!"

The blind Master, who put down his chopsticks, took up his glass and drank it without saying a word. When Wang Fan responded, the blind Master had already stood up from his seat and groped for his room. He didn't mean to talk to everyone again.

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