Infernal Affairs

V1.Chapter 19

I don't know if it's Han Chen's self-confidence or Wang Fan's bad luck. Anyway, when Han Chen heard Wang Fan saying that he wanted to be single, he really opened the handcuffs, and he was also very handsome. He left the handcuffs in the corner.

Although Han Chen did this with great grace and gave Wang Fan a fair fight, Wang Fan didn't appreciate it at all.

Just as Han Chen threw the handcuffs to the ground and turned around to fight Wang Fan, Wang Fan waved his fist without warning.


This fist knot solid hit on Han Chen's eye.

As soon as Han Chen's head was dizzy, he felt a little floating at his feet, and his body stepped back two steps involuntarily.

Wang Fan, who has been fighting in gangs in recent years, has long been hardened. Especially in this kind of fighting, his performance is quite different from that of usual.

Without stopping because of Han Chen's injury, Wang Fan hit Han Chen on the nose with his second punch.


The sound of the broken bone of the bridge of the nose is very crisp, just like the sound of the handle of a ceramic cup when it is broken.


This punch makes Han Chen wake up instantly. Under the stimulation of pain, he widens his eyes and looks at Wang Fan in front of him like a different person.

Han Chen is indeed a bit conceited.

From the beginning, when he saw Wang Fan, he didn't take the little gangster in front of him seriously. Later, he taught him in the police car and punched and kicked him in the police station. Han Chen had a sense of teasing.

And Wang Fan just that kind of begging for mercy, also let Han Chen think Wang fan is just a small role.

So when Wang Fan was clamoring to fight him alone, Han Chen never thought that this little gangster, who looked so dreary, would really dare to fight with him.

I'm afraid that's what it's called. A mistake can be a permanent hate!

However, Han Chen is not an embroidered pillow. He has been working in the anti drug front line for so many years, but he relies on his real skills.

Although Wang Fan's two fists in succession made Han Chen suffer losses, Han Chen soon adjusted. He slipped backward and kicked Wang Fan's head.

Han Chen used a lot of strength in this kick.

The legs of the trousers were full of strong wind, and the shining shoes reflected the cold light. It was like kicking Wang Fan's head.

However, something unexpected happened!

Wang Fan, who had the upper hand just now, did not wait for Han Chen to kick him, but fell to the ground with his hands covering his chest.

Han Chen, who kicks empty, stands firm, frowns and looks at Wang Fan on the ground in surprise. He doesn't understand what happened to the boy.

Lying on the ground, Wang Fan's mouth groaned in pain, and his body twisted like a spotted snake.

"Officer, I'm afraid. Don't hit me!" Wang Fan on the ground wriggles his body and shouts loudly on the ground.

"Damn it! Are you trying to plant me Wiping the blood stains on his nose, Han Chen angrily points to Wang Fan and scolds.

Wang Fan, who was rolling on the ground, looked up at Han Chen with a smile, and then yelled: "my chest hurts so much, officer, you can't beat yourself and plant me!"

"Damn you!" Being furious with Wang Fan's rascal spirit, Han Chen raised his leg and kicked him.

Left dodge right dodge Han Chen's kick kick, Wang Fan on the ground can be strong roll, mouth is hysterical loud cry for help.

At this time, Wang Fan also wants to understand, rather than waiting for the ghost uncle to save himself, it is better to find a way out of danger!

In front of him, Han Chen has already determined that he is the man of mourning Kun, so he won't give up. If Han Chen goes on trial like this, Wang fan can hardly hide his identity.

In front of Wang Fan's eyes, there are only two ways. One is to shut up and let Han Chen torture him. The other is to wait for the arrival of ghost uncle. The other is to make a lot of noise and end the damned trial earlier.

Wang Fan, who has been completely disappointed with ghost uncle, finally chose the last way.

Lianben takes advantage of the vent on Hanchen, Wang Fan began his performance, which is also Wang Fan's good plan.

Han Chen said just now that the monitoring in the house was broken, so Wang Fan's two fists were absolutely dead without proof. As long as Wang Fan insisted that Han Chen wanted to plant himself, the police had no way to deal with him.

Moreover, if Han Chen dares to go deep into the matter and wants to send Wang Fan to prison, then uncle GUI will surely come forward to explain. At that time, when Wang Fan's identity is clear, let alone beating Han Chen violently, it will be solved easily, even if he wants to apply for his restoration.

As for the investigation of Mahou and Jin, that's not what Wang Fan needs to consider.

Two people in the room, one on the ground somersault Dodge, one angry fists and feet, and Shi want to teach each other.

For a moment, the sound of footsteps, the friction between the chair and the ground, and Wang Fan's cry for help made the whole room lively.

Just when Wang Fan was overjoyed, an inattentive body pressed on the handcuffs that Han Chen threw in the corner.

"Damn it

He was stabbed in the back by the saw teeth on the handcuffs, and Wang Fan cursed.

However, for such a moment, Han Chen still caught the chance. He kicked Wang Fan in the stomach. The hard front end of the leather shoes was like a dagger without a sharp end. He tried his best to contradict Wang Fan's internal organs.

This kick made Wang Fan cry out in pain and nearly fainted. He didn't have time to dodge, so he was picked up by the red eyed Han Chen.

Did not expect Wang Fan carp stand up, a move "double wind irrigation ears", hit Han Chen eyes.

Without giving Han Chen any chance to react, Wang fanmeng bumps his head into Han Chen's nose.


Han Chen, whose nose bone was damaged twice, stumbled and fell to the ground. After all, he was an anti drug policeman who had experienced the test of life and death. When he fell to the ground, he kicked Wang Fan's ankle with his feet.


Ankle was kicked, Wang Fan a scream, face the ground fell, nose heavily hit on the ground.

"I'll kill you!"

Han Chen, who was badly hurt by Wang Fan, became angry and angry. Seeing that Wang Fan was kicked down by himself, he didn't care about his injury and rushed to Wang Fan on the ground.

Two people pinched each other's necks, their eyes were covered with blood, and their ferocious faces made people dare not look directly at each other.

"Stop it

The door of the room was kicked open. A fiery figure rushed in and kicked open Wang Fan who was riding on Han Chen.

Wang Fan, who had already killed his red eyes, rolled on the spot, then stood up, clenched his fist and hit the person who kicked him.

Just as his fist was about to fall, Wang fan saw the appearance of the man. He was just like a lion, but now he stood there, looking at each other awkwardly.

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