Infernal Affairs

V1.Chapter 22

After a day's running, there was a pause. Liu pangzi soon fell asleep, snoring, farting and grinding his teeth.

Wang Fan, who is sitting on the bed in the corner of the wall, smokes a cigarette and looks at Liu pangzi beside him. He also looks at the moon outside the window.

In the dead of night, I am always homesick.

Over the years, Wang Fan has been used to not looking back on the past. However, when he meets Wang Yue today, there are many pieces of memory in his mind, like a movie.

The mother who sent him to school always met his sister at the door of his home, the father who looked vague in his childhood memory, and the fiery figure of Wang Yue.

As for Wang Fan's family, his father did not leave any memory. He only remembered that his father was also a policeman. However, when he and his sister were very young, they died because of carrying out the task.

Mother and sister occupy all Wang Fan's memories of home. Wang fan can recall every expression, every action and every word they said.

But in the past three years, Wang Fan has been afraid to recall these. He is worried that what he should not say in his sleep will bring unexpected disaster to his closest people.

Perhaps every undercover policeman dare not recall things related to home.

Being in danger, they may be in different places at any time, so as undercover agents, none of them is willing to trust, dare not trust, dare not let others know about themselves, especially their closest people.

For Wang Yue's memory, in Wang Fan's life, it should be second only to his family.

In order to protect Wang Yue from being bullied by hooligans, Wang Fan, who was still in the police academy, resolutely beat the two hooligans who pestered Wang Yue into serious injuries. It was because of this that Wang Fan chose to follow the ghost uncle.

He still remembers the day when Wang Yue learned that he was expelled from the school, crying with tears. He also remembers the scene when Wang Yue took his classmates to protest in the principal's office in order to keep his student status.

He didn't know whether Wang Yue's feelings for him were out of gratitude or, like him, the purest kind of love.

In a fake car accident, Wang Fan disappeared from everyone's sight and went to H city thousands of kilometers away to start his undercover career.

However, fate is like a joke with him, here he met Wang Yue.

It's still the eye-catching red, the violent man like character, and the emotion that Wang fan can't give up when he sees it.

Smoke and dust hurt Wang Fan's eyes. He rubbed his sore temple and didn't dare to touch more memory.

Now there is a bigger problem ahead of him.

Wang Yue, who had always thought that he had died in a car accident, would ask what happened in that year when she met him again. How could Wang Fan explain to her?

Now in the detention center, Wang Fan has no way to get in touch with ghost uncle, so he has no way to ask ghost uncle for help, let alone decide how to deal with the relationship with Wang Yue.

In the interrogation room, Wang Yue didn't ask him about these things, but Wang Fan still noticed that the situation was not good.

"Do you really tell her I'm an undercover cop?"

Such an idea flashed through Wang Fan's mind, but it was soon completely denied by him.

According to his understanding of Wang Yue, if he is an undercover policeman, then Wang Yue will certainly do things he can't control.

At the thought of Wang Yuefeng's fiery style, Wang Fan could only shake his head with a bitter smile. He really didn't dare to let the girl know everything, and he didn't want to cause any harm to Wang Yue because of him.

If you can't figure it out, don't think about it!

Wang Fan has been using this way to avoid many problems that he can't face. Although this way is ridiculous, the sadness and helplessness are really beyond the understanding of outsiders.

With Han Chen's care, and the imaginations of the policeman on duty that night in the detention center, there are many amazing versions of Wang Fan's mysterious identity.

However, this also led to Wang Fan's enviable life in the detention center, and even Liu pangzi, who had a lot of light with him, had the idea of not leaving the detention center.

Every morning, when others are working and studying the regulations of the detention center, Wang Fan will carry a small stool and sit in the sun on the playground. There must be Liu pangzi beside him doing massage for him.

In the afternoon, Wang fan is sleeping, let other people on the playground training voice resounding through the sky, also can't affect his private meeting with Duke Zhou, and Liu pangzi is snoring and farting and grinding teeth, never slacken accompany.

This kind of life finally ended on the fifth day.

On the day he left, Wang Fan handed over the new bedding Han Chen gave him to the new comer.

In his words, it's called "blaming others". This kind of thing with bad luck must not be taken with you. Otherwise, you may have to come in for a few days next time, or you may even live in the yard next door if you are not careful.

Liu pangzi, who was very satisfied with the food here, ate too much the day before he left, so no matter what Wang Fan said, he nodded his head hard, then covered his mouth and belched.

When the police officer in the detention center sent him out of the gate, Wang Fan stretched out involuntarily, breathing the air that sobered his mind.

"Wang Fan!"

Not far away, a Land Rover stopped at the side of the road. The window of the driver's seat came down, and the madman called for Wang Fan standing at the door of the detention center without expression.

"Brother fan! Burp! Shout! We! What's the matter? " While burping, Liu pangzi reminds Wang Fan.

After taking a look at the Land Rover, Wang Fanchong waved to the madman and ran quickly.

Seeing Wang fan running to his side, the madman said, "brother Nan has come to pick you up!"

"Brother Nan is here, too?" Wang Fan's face was filled with pride.

The glass on the rear door of Land Rover dropped down. Nange was playing with a string of Buddhist beads in his hand. He frowned and looked at Wang Fan. He asked in a worried tone: "Xiaofan, how did you hurt like this?"

"Yes! Han Chen! Good fight Liu pangzi, who is closely behind Wang Fan, answers quickly for Wang Fan.

"Oh? No wonder Nan elder brother sees Liu pangzi's head that hasn't been completely swollen, and nods thoughtfully.

"I didn't lose either! Hey, hey Wang Fan said to brother Nan with a smile.

"Come on! Get in the car! I'll take you to bad luck Brother Nan's Buddhist beads in his hand, beckoning Wang Fan and Liu pangzi to get on the bus, and then he reached out and closed the window.

With a roar, the Land Rover increased its throttle and drove towards the city.

Not far from the place where the Land Rover just parked, uncle GUI, standing behind the tree, looked gloomy. He took out his mobile phone and pressed down a series of numbers.

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