Infernal Affairs

V2.Chapter 235

From the look on Hu Xiaomei's face, Wang fan can see her worry.

Last night, she went through a battle of life and death. Although Hu Xiaomei didn't take part from beginning to end, she could still feel the danger Wang Fan experienced with the corpse on the ground and the blood in front of the door.

In the morning, Hu Xiaomei saw that Tailong's men appeared. She naturally thought of the things that Tailong had brought people to look for trouble before, so it was normal for her to panic.

However, Wang Fan, who heard the news, was not nervous at all. He nodded to Hu Xiaomei and said with a smile, "if Tailong comes to me later, let him wait for me in the hall."

"Do you need to inform the fat man?" Hu Xiaomei asked uneasily.

"No, Tyrone's not here for trouble." Wang Fan comforted.

Hearing Wang Fan's self-confident words, Hu Xiaomei was at a loss, but she didn't dare to ask more. After all, there were still people in the teahouse, and it was inappropriate to say too much.

Wang Fan, who had comforted Hu Xiaomei, turned and walked to the stairs. Now he could not care to explain anything to Hu Xiaomei. The blind Master waiting for him upstairs was the one Wang Fan wanted to see most.

When he came to the door of the blind Master's room, Wang Fan knocked on the door a few times. After hearing the voice of the blind Master in the room, he pressed the doorknob and walked in quietly.

"I know all about last night!" The blind man sat on the sofa, smoking a cigarette and said slowly.

"I met with a friend last night to discuss my future plans." Although he didn't say ghost uncle, Wang Fan knew that the blind Master knew who he was talking about.

He walked to the sofa next to the blind Master, and Wang Fan sat on it steadily. Looking at the blind Master who was still there, he waited for the blind master to speak first.

Cigarette end a bright and a dark, blind Ye mouth smoke more and more, let Wang Fan some began to panic.

Just as Wang Fan was about to say something, the blind Master asked with a smile, "when are you going to have a talk with Uncle Hai?"

The blind Master's words surprised Wang Fan. He thought that when he heard about his plans, he would ask about worshiping teachers, or he would tactfully talk about worshiping teachers.

But the blind master didn't ask these questions. Instead, he asked Uncle Hai directly.

To negotiate with Uncle Hai, Wang Fan just talked to Wang Yue. Even uncle GUI didn't know what he thought, but now the blind Master suddenly asked about it, which surprised Wang Fan.

"Blind Master, how do you know that I'm going to negotiate with Uncle Hai?" Wang Fan asked curiously.

"I guess, ha ha!" Then the blind man began to laugh.

Although the blind Master said so, Wang Fan knew in his heart that if the blind master could know his mind, it would not be as simple as guessing for no reason. There must be something in it.

Looking at the proud blind Master, Wang Fan tentatively asked: "blind Master, is someone talking to him?"

Wang Fan thought it was unnecessary to ask.

Even if the ghost uncle already knew the identity of the blind Master, in order to gain the blind Master's trust, he would disclose some unimportant things about Wang Fan to the blind Master, and Wang Yue could not talk about these things with the blind master.

This is not only because Wang Yue doesn't know blind Master, but also because Wang Yue respects Wang Fan very much. Without Wang Fan's permission or complete assurance that blind master will not hurt Wang Fan, Wang Yue will not regard blind master as a real friend.

So the blind master can guess Wang Fan's mind in front of him. It can only be said that the blind master has observed something, not that someone has told him Wang Fan's plan.

When Wang Fan finished asking these questions, the blind Master shook his head with a smile and said to Wang Fan, "I'm a blind old man. I can't even get out of the gate of the teahouse. Who will tell me that you want to negotiate with Uncle Hai?"

"And how do you know about it?" Wang fan is more confused and at a loss.

"In the morning, Xiaomei came to me and told me that someone was wandering in front of the teahouse. It seemed that she was the person who came here to look for trouble and asked me if I wanted to call you and let you come back with Liu pangzi." The blind Master said calmly, smoking a cigarette.

"Xiaomei told me about it. It's talon's man. He should come to see me soon when he knows I'm back in the teahouse." When Wang Fan heard that the blind Master talked about the people wandering at the door, he explained to him.

After hearing Wang Fan's explanation, the blind Master nodded his head and said, "it seems that you have guessed that the man named Tailong came to you to discuss something."

"Talon has no brain. He used to follow Du Shun. Now Du Shun is dead. Talon is like a child without a father. He has no backbone to do things." Wang Fan thought of Tyrone's stupidity, and his face looked contemptuous.

Listening to Wang Fan's comments on Tyrone, the blind man then said, "however, Tyrone will never want to go to you and treat you as the second Du Shun. Are you right?"

"That's for sure. I joined Taoism later than him. According to the rules of the river, I'll call him big brother. How can he go to me?" Wang Fan nodded as if he were telling the truth.

"Well, since he didn't come to trouble, and he didn't want to come to you to pay homage to the mountain, he could only come to you to discuss how to deal with Uncle Hai. Do you think I'm right?" The blind Master analyzed the situation in front of him, and his voice was very confident.

"Blind Master, I think so, so Xiao Mei said she wanted to call the fat man back, so I stopped her." Wang Fan agreed with the blind Master's analysis. In fact, when he heard Hu Xiaomei say that Tailong's people were wandering around the teahouse downstairs, he had already thought of this floor, so he didn't ask Hu Xiaomei to inform Liu pangzi.

Now the blind Master's analysis of this matter is correct. Wang Fan really admires it.

If Wang fan can guess the origin of Tyrone, it is because he has more contacts with Tyrone and has an understanding of Tyrone's temperament and temperament, so he can say such words with confidence as now.

But there is no intersection between blind Master and Tyrone. Even last time Tyrone came to the teahouse to make trouble, blind master didn't ask too much about Tyrone, but he saw Tyrone thoroughly, which is really not so simple!

Never met, just from a few words to analyze a person's character and work style, which requires not only rich experience, but also a very powerful brain.

Without waiting for Wang Fan's deep admiration for the blind Master's extraordinary wisdom, he heard the blind Master say: "you have guessed the intention of talon, but you have not refused Talon's visit, which means that you have something to say to him, and this topic must be to negotiate with Uncle Hai, because if there is a war, you don't need his help, am I right?"

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