Infernal Affairs

V2.Chapter 285

Only Wang Fan, blind Master and ghost uncle were left in the room. After talking about Tong Jiahui, Wang Fan was embarrassed.

All along, Wang Fan felt that he was excellent. He paid attention to many details that were not noticed by others. Finally, relying on these details, he found out the hidden truth.

But after hearing the words of ghost uncle and blind Master, Wang Fan suddenly felt that he was like a weak chicken in front of these two people, and his ability could not be put on the table at all.

Don't want to continue to be looked down upon by the two elders, Wang Fan had to find some favorable topics to say, he cleared his throat, very proud to say: "say something serious, now in the underworld of H City, no one can give me trouble! I think I have achieved something! "

With his great achievements, Wang Fan glanced at the ghost uncle and blind Master, hoping to see some expressions on their faces that could make him continue to pretend to be 13.

However, two people not only face expression, unity is so calm, but also God synchronous, where calm smoking.

This result made Wang Fan feel a little embarrassed. He scratched his short hair and then said, "blind Master, I've been thinking about taking me as an apprentice recently, but..."

Before Wang Fan sold out the pass, the blind master took a puff and interrupted him, saying in a deep tone: "this matter, I haven't thought about it for the moment!"

"What?" Hearing the words of the blind Master, Wang Fan, who wanted to hang the blind Master's appetite, cried out in surprise for a moment.

"Let's talk about taking you as an apprentice later. There's a very important thing at the moment. I need to talk to both of you." He didn't explain anything to Wang Fan because of his surprise. The blind Master spoke seriously about the reason for looking for Wang Fan.

With his brow locked, uncle GUI, who was just as surprised as Wang Fan, was relieved when he heard what the blind Master said. He asked, "blind Master, what do you want us to do?"

Ghost uncle's attitude to blind Master surprised Wang Fan again. He looked at ghost uncle with wide eyes. He couldn't believe the tone of his conversation with blind master.

Wang fan knows more about Uncle GUI's temper than anyone else.

Not to mention the big brother in the Jianghu, even the high-level police, uncle GUI is not easy to give face.

But now the tone of speaking with the blind Master, and the look he showed, are so humble, just like a pupil who saw the teacher.

Is it because of the blind Master's position in Hongmen?

Before that, Wang Fan had learned something about blind master from ghost uncle, and he also knew that blind Master had a high position in Hongmen when he was young.

However, that's what happened to blind master when he was young. Even though he was a powerful man at that time, he can't stand the devastation of time. Now he has become a bad old man. Does ghost uncle need to be afraid of him?

What's more, even if the blind master has a special identity, he can only be regarded as a man of the hour in the underworld.

But the ghost uncle in front of us is a member of the Chinese police. No matter what, there's no need to be so polite to a gangster, right?

Does ghost uncle want to cover up his identity in front of blind Master?

With a lot of questions, Wang Fan sat and watched the two people silently. He listened to their conversation and looked at their faces. He didn't dare to say any more nonsense.

Although Wang Fan's attitude towards ghost uncle was unexpected, blind master didn't seem to be surprised at all. He said politely with a smile: "I can't tell you what to tell you. Just now, from Wang Na's mouth, he asked me something I was interested in. I want you two to help me check it."

"What are you interested in?" Ghost uncle doubts of ask a way.

"Yes! A long time ago, I have been investigating, but I have never found out the result. " At this point, the smile on the blind man's face gradually faded, and replaced by a worried look.

As soon as I heard that it was a long time ago, Wang Fan couldn't help asking: "blind Master, a long time ago, that girl Wang Na was only about 20 years old. Is it hard for her to succeed? She knew what you were looking for when she was a child?"

"I said, was it something she knew when she was a child?" When the blind Master heard Wang Fan's question, he said angrily.

The ghost uncle sitting next to him, fearing that the blind Master would be annoyed by Wang Fan's words, quickly rebuked Wang Fan with a tiger face: "young man, what's the hurry? It's not too late to ask after the blind Master's words!"

After being reprimanded by ghost uncle, he saw that blind Master's face was not happy. Wang Fan closed his mouth wisely, picked up the purple clay pot on the tea table and poured tea for blind Master and ghost uncle.

Of course, the blind Master was not angry with Wang Fan. He just thought of some things in those years and was a little upset. So after hearing the ghost uncle's reprimand, he didn't get angry with Wang Fan any more.

Hearing Wang Fan pouring tea for himself, the blind Master's face softened a lot. He sighed and said, "I've checked this matter for so many years, and it's become my heart disease!"

"Blind Master, tell us, what is it that you have been investigating for so many years?" Ghost uncle was also aroused by the blind Master's words, looking at the blind Master asked.

"After Mr. situ was assassinated in those years, when my two apprentices and I pursued the assassins, we met some people's obstruction. Although I finally killed the assassins, I also found out who was behind the assassins." Speaking of what happened in those years, the blind Master's brows were tightly twisted together, and he was not excited because of the hand blade assassin.

Wang Fan became more curious when he heard that the blind Master was talking about assassins and Mr. situ. However, seeing that the expression on the blind Master's face was very melancholy, he didn't dare to ask the truth.

But the ghost uncle, who was sitting on one side, handed a cigarette to the blind Master and asked, "blind Master, since you have found out the black hand behind the scenes, why do you say it's on your mind?"

Taking the cigarette that uncle GUI handed him, the blind Master lit it with a lighter and took two puffs. He said in a deep tone: "check it out, but I don't know who is behind the scenes!"

"I don't know who it is? If you don't know who is behind the scenes, doesn't that mean you haven't found out? " Listening to the blind Master's words, Wang Fan couldn't help but ask curiously.

This time, Wang Fan's question didn't make the blind Master angry. Instead, he said with a bitter smile: "yes, I just found out that it was a very secret organization that ordered the assassins to assassinate, but I didn't find out the information of anyone in this organization!"

"Organization? What kind of organization? " Wang Fan asked.

"High table meeting!" The blind master frowned and said, biting his teeth.

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