Infernal Affairs

V1.Chapter 39

As soon as Wang Fan's words came out, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense. Brother Nan stood up with a gloomy face, and the beads in his hands were also pinching and banging. Even the madman felt his hands to his waist.

But the blind man got up slowly and said with a smile, "fat boy, did someone send me a wreath?"

"Blind Master, this son of a bitch came to find fault on purpose." Liu pangzi, who was pressed on the ground, yelled at the blind Master with a red face.

"Nonsense! I must have known that we were poor and that you didn't have the money to buy me a wreath, so they sent it to me The blind Master groped for his way and said gratefully, "what a good man! Have pity on me, blind old man

Seeing the blind Master coming towards him, although he was disgusted, he just said how to treat his guests. Now the blind Master said he would thank him, and he couldn't kick him away, so he could only stand there and look at the blind Master with disgust.

Blind Master's eyes are not convenient these years, and he has already developed the ability to follow the voice and argue. Just now, when he was talking there, blind Master had already determined his position, so he didn't walk a few steps to reach him.

He grabbed the arm that mourning Kun didn't have time to throw away. The blind Master said excitedly: "this friend, you sent such a big gift to the old blind man. I don't know how to thank you!"

"Thank you. Thank you. Go away! Get out of here! Get out of here! Lao Tzu's wreath is for Wang Fan. Why do you join in the fun, you smelly blind man! " Mourning Kun raised his other hand and pushed it to the blind Master's chest. The disgust on his face became more intense.

"Mourning Kun, you don't want to leave today!" Wang Fan steps up to mourning Kun and throws his fist at him.

As a rule, mourning Kun is not a booze bag. Seeing Wang Fan come here in such a fierce way, even if he doesn't dare to fight with him, at least he should have the ability to fight.

But just when everyone thought that a big war was about to break out, just now, with a proud face, he suddenly knelt on the ground with a soft knee, and Wang Fan's fist was also in the air.

"Oh, I can't use it!" Squatting beside him, the blind Master tugged at him by the arm. It looked like he was going to pull him up.

And kneeling on the ground of mourning Kun, but it is the expression of pain open mouth, sweat from his face one by one drop.

Wang Fan, who was close to them, was stunned by this sudden change. But he soon realized that it must be the blind Master's Secret strength under the arm of mourning Kun, or he had restrained his acupoints, which made mourning Kun do such an extraordinary thing.

However, after Wang Fan understood the mystery, he was very happy. He quickly bent down and squatted in front of mourning Kun and said with a smile, "brother Kun, what are you doing? Today is the day when I accept my younger brother. Do you want to join me? "

"Grass... Yo yo..." sweating mourning Kun just wanted to curse, suddenly his arm came up with a sharp pain, and the curse in his mouth immediately turned into a cry of pain.

"Brother, you're not here to send me a wreath, or to find Xiao Fan. Have you gone to the wrong door?" The blind Master is pulling mourning Kun's arm, and there he is deliberately asking mourning Kun.

Poor mourning Kun's arm was restrained, and the pain in his heart made him weak. He couldn't even use his strength to speak. He wanted to ask his hand to help, but his mouth was open, but he couldn't make a sound.

Although mourning Kun didn't ask for help, the two younger brothers he brought with him were not stupid. Naturally, he also saw that mourning Kun was made by others.

Put down Liu pangzi who was pressed on the ground. As soon as his two men were ready to rush over, they beat the blind Master who was pulling his arm. But before they could run two steps away, they were stopped by the madman and the four seas gang.

Since the blind Master and Wang Fan had the upper hand, brother Nan and the madman didn't interfere any more. After all, it's not good for the four seas gang to cheat more.

The onlookers outside also began to talk, but they didn't see that mourning Kun was kneeling there because of the blind master. They thought he was scared by Wang Fangang's fist.

"My mother! The punch didn't hit the body, so he beat the man down? "

"Third brother, what do you know! It's called boxing style. It's powerful! "

"I also heard that the people of the four seas gang are very good at fighting. I didn't expect that they could fight like this! It's amazing

"It seems that Liu pangzi has a good backing! The blind master will also enjoy happiness! How blessed are you

... ...

For a moment, everyone marveled at Wang Fan's bravery, and even more envied that Liu pangzi could take refuge in Wang Fan's hands. Those young people who had been shining in their eyes before were even more excited and looked inside.

Originally, Wang Fan's position was not far from the door. Naturally, the voice of these people came to his ears.

Looking up at the self-conscious blind Master, Wang Fan said softly: "blind Master, I..."

"Xiaofan! It's not over yet. Blind Master is waiting for the second half of your sentence The blind Master clasped mourning Kun's arm and spoke slowly to Wang Fan.

Hearing the words of the blind Master, Wang Fan knelt down at the foot of the blind master without hesitation, and said in a loud voice: "thick soil, I, Wang Fan, sincerely recognize Liu Jiaxing, a brother. I will do my best to protect him from being bullied in this life!"

Wang Fan suddenly felt dizzy when he knocked his head heavily towards the blind Master and looked up at him.

"Ha ha! Good! It's really good The blind man looked up at the sky and laughed. He let go of the arm that he had grasped. He turned around and walked to his seat. He said to himself, "I'm relieved!"

Looking at the blind Master slowly sitting back to his seat, Wang Fan's heart is like overturning the five flavors.

Liu pangzi, who has run to Wang Fan's side, asks with concern: "brother fan, you're OK."

Awakened by Liu pangzi's voice, Wang Fan turned to look at him and asked, "pangzi, blind Master..."

Before he finished, he saw Liu Puzi wink at him, and Wang Fan swallowed his words again.

Two people speak of Kung Fu, slow to come to mourn Kun grinning, hand to the waist, mouth curse: "Wang Fan, I fuck your uncle!"


Without waiting for everyone to react, mourning Kun has already taken out an object from his waist and steadily pushed it on Wang Fan's forehead.

The cold feeling instantly sobers Wang Fan, but when he sees the object in his hand, Wang Fan laughs. Even other people inside and outside the house also look at him and give out bursts of laughter.

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