Infernal Affairs

V1.Chapter 41

In the evening, Wang Fan sits at the gate of the gambling house smoking cigarettes, waiting for Liu pangzi to pick up the ho Guan. Several old gamblers in Liu village also had dinner early and came to Wang Fan's dark room with money. Seeing that the ho Guan has not come yet, they gather around to smoke cigarettes and talk about what they have seen and heard recently to kill time.

That day, the blind Master's words can be said to give Wang Fan great inspiration.

Today, with the development of society, the standard to decide whether a person is successful or not has become very simple, that is, the amount of wealth.

Even the bloody River and lake has already got rid of the era of fighting and killing, and entered a period of seeking economic development.

Although Nange never talked about the internal affairs of Sihai gang with Wang Fan, Wang fan can also see the declining trend of Sihai gang in recent years.

Casinos, though still a lucrative way to make money, are no longer what they used to be.

It's just like the arena behind Wang Fan. Although it has been expanded from the first one to the present three, the gamblers who come here to play are still familiar faces.

It's already open, but the old bald man and the spitting old man are not people with brains. After listening to the old man with white beard, they looked at each other, and then asked in unison: "what's the matter?"

I thought they would understand the mystery when they heard what they said, but I didn't expect that they were still at a loss, which made the old man with white beard impatient.

"Uncle, what's the matter? As you know, our brains don't work well. We can't understand what you say. " The spittle old man blocked his mouth and asked anxiously.

"You think, the developers have signed a contract with us and paid us a part of the demolition payment here. Now we start from the ground price. Can people agree?" Said the old man with white beard to the old man with spittle.

"At the beginning of the contract, Liu was able to negotiate with the developer for us. Now he wants money, isn't he also the one who talks for us? Why don't we just wait for him at home? " The spittle old man frowned, still didn't hear the white beard old man's meaning.

But the old bald man seemed to understand something. He was scratching his head with his hand and patting his head hard. He scolded: "this dog, Liu Neng, really plays us like monkeys! He's an ancesto

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