Infernal Affairs

V2.Chapter 462

The relationship between liangbo and Baobao is really unusual. After Wang Fan untied the two people, liangbo first checked the situation of Baobao, and then blocked her behind.

"Come to me if you have something, don't hurt her!" The thin liangbo said with trembling body.

The former detective Liang Sir has long lost the prestige of that year, but in the face of Wang Fan and Akutagawa shin, he still showed the courage of that year.

After all, she is a woman. In front of such a big scene, she can't help but want to rely on men.

"Liang Bo, do you know what we are here to ask you?" Wang Fan also moved a chair and sat down steadily.

Liang Bo frowned, but soon he said calmly, "I caught many people in those years. How do you know that you two want to revenge on me?"

I didn't expect that liangbo suddenly changed his tone. Wang Fan was stunned at first, and then said with a smile: "liangbo, we are not here to seek revenge. Thanks to your Divine detective's hand, we can solve the case so quickly. We are entrusted by elder brother to thank you specially."

"Big brother? Zhao Zheng? " Asked Liang Bo.

"No, Zhao Zheng is only the adopted son of leader Zhao. Our eldest brother is his own son." Wang Fan returned with a smile.

Hearing Wang Fan's report, Liang Bo's eyes brightened and asked nervously, "who's your elder brother? Is it the child that Zhao Shanhe's wife gave birth to later? "

Confused by liangbo's words, Wang Fan turns to see Akutagawa Shin behind him, but sees that the expression on his face is very calm.

Why does Liang Bo ask, is Wang Fan's eldest brother the child that Zhao Shanhe's wife later gave birth to?

Didn't you know about Zhao Ya's birth?

What does the calm expression on Akutagawa's face mean?

Wang Fan, sitting opposite Liang Bo, suddenly had a different feeling. He thought Liang Bo's words must not be so simple.

Since liangbo asked, Wang Fan did not deny it. He nodded with a smile and asked, "liangbo, you seem to know something about my elder brother."

"Damn it! I knew it would pay off sooner or later! " Liang Bo glared and scolded.

Liang Bo was a little emotional, and Wang Fan felt that there was something wrong with it. But because he didn't know the truth, he didn't go on.

The scolding liangbo mumbled for a long time, and then said to Wang Fan: "you go back and tell your elder brother that I can't manage the affairs of their brothers, and I don't want to manage them. Whoever should manage this matter, I don't want to get involved."

"Liangbo, since you know this, you should stand up and say something fair!" Wang Fan said with a smile.

"To be fair? Damn justice. I've been a policeman for so many years. I've been penniless by those people because I said a fair word. Now tell me, let me say a fair word? " Liang Bo cursed, his face was very ugly.

The more excited Liang Bo was, the more Wang Fan felt that it was not easy.

But he can't be too direct. After all, liangbo is not a fool. If he suddenly finds out that Wang Fan's eldest brother is not the same as what he said, it will collapse completely.

Wang Fan turned his eyes and said with a smile: "liangbo, our elder brother said that as long as you are willing to stand up and say a fair word for him, he will make up for your losses in these years."

Money is the only way to start everything.

Liang Bo, who was very emotional, heard that Wang Fan wanted to make up for his losses in recent years, and his eyes lit up with greed.

Looking at Wang Fan carefully, Liang Bo said, "how much can your elder brother give me?"

"This number." Wang Fan grinned and stretched out a finger.

"Grass! I thought how much! RMB ten thousand yuan? Are you going to send a beggar? " Liang Bo scolded angrily.

"A hundred thousand! Dollars Wang Fan said with a smile.

Hiding behind liangbo, the charterer heard Wang Fan say $100000. She immediately pushed liangbo behind her back and whispered: "old man, it's $100000! You've got to take care of it

At the same time, Wang Fan, who heard the old woman's words, quickly said: "liangbo, now you write down what happened in those years, and I can give you 50000 US dollars as a deposit immediately! How's it going? "

"Boy! You mean what you say? Won't you lie to me? " Liang Bo asked in disbelief.

"As long as you don't cheat me, I won't cheat you!" Wang Fan said sincerely.

As soon as they hit it off, Liang bodang even went to find paper and pen and began to recall those things.

When Liang Bo wrote all the things in those years on a piece of paper, it was almost noon. Wang Fan, who had smoked half a box of cigarettes, yawned and took the paper from Liang Bo's hand.

On the 16 open white paper, there are some things densely written. In the lower right corner, there is the name and date of liangbo.

"Boy! Bring me the money When Liang Bo said that, he would take back the paper full of memories from Wang Fan's hand.

"Don't worry! Liang Bo, I always want to see. What you write on it is different from what my elder brother said Wang Fan's hand dodged, and Liang Bo reached out to him.

"What's good to see, isn't it that little mess? You big brother, do you want to find a reliable answer from me when you hear something Liang Bo asked mysteriously.

"Liangbo, sure enough, Jiang is still hot. You can guess our elder brother's mind all at once, hehe! As long as you write the previous things clearly on this piece of paper, money will not be less than you! " Wang Fan also said with a smile.

Seeing that Wang Fan didn't seem to be deceiving himself, Liang Bo pulled a chair, sat down beside Wang Fan, smoked a cigarette and said, "shangguanhao, that son of a bitch, killed Laozi when he fell into the well. He should have thought of today!"

Wang Fan, who is reading carefully with the paper in his hand, just smiles when he hears what liangbo said, but he doesn't answer. His mind is now on these dense small words. How can he have the mind to listen to what liangbo said.

Although Wang Fan didn't pay any attention to him, liangbo didn't stop talking. He continued: "it's a pity that Zhao Shanhe is a character! It's in the hands of a woman. He's the only one to blame. He has no brain, and he has no ability. How can he play with Shangguan hao? "

Wang Fan, who had already seen half of him, could not help sweating when he listened to Liang Bo's words. He looked at Liang Bo in disbelief and asked in a trembling voice, "Liang Bo, are these things you wrote true? You don't want to blackmail Shangguan Hao for revenge, do you

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