Infernal Affairs

V2.Chapter 481

The rescue of Liu pangzi is not complicated. Except for Wang Fan, when they first appeared, some people regarded them as robbers, they did not encounter any trouble.

The policeman guarding Liu pangzi didn't even know how to fight with Wang Fan, so he ran directly from the stairs of the safe passage.

Liu pangzi didn't get much hurt, so Wang Fan took a simple look at his wound, asked for some anti-inflammatory drugs from the nurse station, and left the hospital building in a hurry with him on his back.

It was not until Wang Fan drove away from the hospital that the police officers in the hospital ran out of the inpatient building. But at this time, Wang Fan had disappeared, so the police did not catch up.

After the patients and their families in the hospital recovered from the previous riots, the police officers quickly evacuated the hospital.

Things come fast and go slowly. Soon people in the hospital are busy with their own things and forget everything that happened just now.

In the corner of the hospital hall, Chen Xu, dressed in plain clothes, looks at the people coming and going in the hall, calmly takes out his mobile phone and dials the mobile phone number of Songzhuang.

As soon as the tone for telecommunication connection rang, Songzhuang on the other end of the line got through.

"How's it going?" Asked Song Zhuang.

"Big brother, everything is going according to your plan. The mainland boy surnamed Liu has been taken away by them!" Chen Xu returns with a smile.

"Let our people, in six hours, send out some of their photos for the newspaper to see tomorrow!" Song Zhuang ordered.

Hearing Song Zhuang's order, Chen Xu quickly asked: "brother, the boy surnamed Wang, they are wearing masks. We take a screenshot of them from the surveillance. They don't look like they don't wear masks. What should we do?"

"Wearing a mask? That's better! " Song Zhuang said excitedly.

"Better?" Chen Xu asked confused.

"This boy can do things, ha ha! You just send photos of them wearing masks instead of the fat one, saying there are masked bandits and hijacking important police witnesses. Do you understand? " Song Zhuang said with a smile on the phone.

Song Zhuang's words make Chen Xu still some don't understand the situation, but since his boss said so, he didn't dare to question too much, so he nodded his head and said: "OK, brother, please don't worry, I'll do it right away."

"Yes! If someone asks about it, do you know what to say? " Song Zhuang asked heavily.

With a mobile phone, Chen Xu said with a smile: "brother, I know. I just said that the police reported this to the newspaper without authorization. Brother doesn't know. Hehe, I promise I won't give you any trouble!"

"Smart! Work hard, I won't treat you badly in the future! " Song Zhuang said with a smile and hung up his cell phone.

After Song Zhuang hung up, Chen Xu stood up and walked out of the hall of the hospital. He had been waiting for several plainclothes policemen at the door of the hall for a long time. When he saw Chen Xu coming out, he quickly took out the prepared photos.

Looking at the blurred appearance of Wang Fan, Akutagawa shin and Liu Juan in the photo, Chen Xu tears the photo into pieces and then shoves it into the hand of an undercover policeman beside him.

The plain clothes police officer who is responsible for preparing the photos looks confused. Looking at Chen Xu tearing up the photos, a layer of cold sweat has appeared on his head. He carefully asks, "brother Xu, this is the clearest photo we can find. Are you not satisfied?"

"Fool! You go to the security room of the hospital, take two photos of them wearing masks and give them to the guys in the newspaper office. " Chen Xu glared and scolded.

"Brother Xu, I heard you right! You want me to look for pictures of them in masks? What's the use of that? " The plain clothes policeman was puzzled.

"Damn it! Can you understand such a profound thing when I explain it to you? " Chen Xu scolds impatiently.

The plainclothes policeman who was scolded didn't dare to answer again, and turned around to go to the security room to get surveillance.

Looking at his subordinates turning to leave, Chen Xu scolded again: "Damn, I said if you drink too much! I haven't finished what are you doing in such a hurry? To be reincarnated? "

The policeman in plain clothes, who was scolded again, turned back and walked to Chen Xu. He lowered his head and said with a smile, "brother Xu, I just drank two liang in the car. You found out about it. Hey, I dare not next time!"

"Damn, I knew you must have been drinking again!" Chen Xu glared at the policeman in plain clothes and then said, "don't send out the picture of the fat man. Tell the people in the newspaper that there are three masked bandits who hijacked important witnesses of the police. Do you know?"

"OK, brother Xu, I'll do it now." Plain clothes police said, but did not leave, still standing beside Chen Xu.

After a look at the man standing still, Chen Xu scolded, "hurry up and do something. What are you doing standing there?"

After Chen Xu scolded him, the plain clothes policeman made sure that he had nothing else to do. Then he turned and left the door of the hospital hall and went straight to the security room of the hospital.

When several of his men disappear from sight, Chen Xu walks to the parking lot with a cigarette in his mouth.

Instead of starting the car immediately, Chen Xu sat in the car and waited for a while before taking out a cell phone wrapped in a leather bag from the storage box in front of the co driver.

After looking around and making sure no one was nearby, Chen picked up the mobile phone in the cowhide bag and dialed a number.

"Mr. Chen, do you have any good news?" Zhao Zheng's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Mr. Zhao, the boy surnamed Wang, has rescued the fat man surnamed Liu from the hospital 20 minutes ago. You can go to them to settle the accounts!" Chen Xu fiddles with the car key in his hand and says to Zhao Zheng on the other end of the phone.

"Twenty minutes ago? Why do you call me at this time? " Hearing that Wang Fan had left the hospital for 20 minutes, Zhao Zheng asked anxiously.

"The hospital is full of people. How do you want me to call you? If I didn't hide in the toilet, I wouldn't have a chance to tell you the news! " Chen Xu tone some impatient said.

"All right! I'll have the money put into your account. You have to keep it a secret, you know? " Zhao Zheng said on the phone.

"Mr. Zhao, please don't worry. I understand the truth of using people's money to eliminate disasters for others." Chen Xu returns with a smile.

"I hope you do what you say!" Then Zhao Zheng hung up.

Listening to the busy sound in the receiver, Chen Xumei Zizi turns off the power supply of the mobile phone, and then puts the mobile phone back into the cowhide bag.

Chen Xu, who is smoking a cigarette, happily takes out his mobile phone in his pocket after hearing a note. He checks the information he has just received. After seeing that there are more than 100000 yuan in his account, he is satisfied to throw away his cigarette butt and drive the car out of the hospital.

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