Infernal Affairs

V2.Chapter 511

Brother Xiaosha's fierce attack on Miao Qing really scared Wang Fan. Seeing that brother Xiaosha's hand was about to be pulled out of Miao Qing's face, Wang Fan cried out anxiously: "don't kill people!"

When he heard Wang Fan's cry, he showed a look of disdain on his face and scolded: "Laozi today..."

Brother Xiaosha wants to say that I'm going to teach this smelly girl a lesson today, but before I finish, Miao Qing grabs her by the wrist.

Without waiting for brother Xiaosha to react, Miao Qing stood up, swung her arm to brother Xiaosha's face, and slapped her face.

"Pa! Pop! "Snap!"

With a calm face, Miao Qing made a series of Allegro rhythms with a crisp slap.

Looking at brother Xiaosha's face, he was beaten by Miao Qing and thickened by an inch. Then brother Shui reacted. Wang Fangang's warning was actually called to Miao Qing.

You can't kill!

If Wang Fan didn't shout out like this, I'm afraid that now the natural and unrestrained elder brother would be cool.

But even so, the situation of chic brother is not much better.

Originally on the face to eat chic brother, is very concerned about his face, usually no less time and mind, spent on his face blowing can be broken.

But now Miao Qing mercilessly ravaged, not only the cheeks were beaten swollen into steamed bread, even a pair of watery eyes, should also be for facial deformation and squeezed into a gap.


Miao Qing was holding hands of natural and unrestrained brother, finally in Miao Qing pause, grievance cry out.

A big man was slapped in the face by a woman and cried. It's really hard to bear to look directly at him.

But if you think it's over, it's a big mistake.

Miao Qing, who is standing face to face with brother Xiaosha, shakes his numb arm because of the slap in the face. Looking at brother Xiaosha, who is beaten like a pig's head, he releases the hand that holds his wrist.

"Shut your mouth!"

Miao Qing's face sank, and he roared at his handsome brother.

Brother Xiaosha, who was startled, opened his eyes and immediately closed his mouth, but the pain on his cheek still haunted him, which made him gasp.

Miao Qing, who won't let him, saw that chic brother dared to make small moves. He immediately swung his numb arm and started a fierce operation against chic brother's face.

"Pa Pa! make love! Bang

This time, the slap is not as crisp as before. After all, at this time, the smart brother's face is not as elastic as before, so the sound is a little dull, which makes people feel like before.

"This rhythm sounds very familiar. Why can't you remember what it is?"

Wang Fan, at the conference table, tilted his head and listened carefully. He could not help sighing.

Listening to the dull slap and Wang Fan's teasing, brother Shui, standing behind shangguanjing, can't help sweating.

Secretly wiped a sweat on the head, water brother secretly congratulated his wisdom.

I knew that Zhao Zheng had paid experts to deal with Wang Fan. So after Zhao Zheng's accident, brother Shui had a big estimation of Wang Fan's strength.

In his opinion, among the people in front of him, Akutagawa shin, who is wearing the traditional costume of r country, should be a difficult role. And it is very likely that the expert Zhao Zheng invited was dealt with by him, so brother Shui has never wanted to confront Akutagawa Shin head-on.

As for the rest of the people in the meeting room, brother Shui didn't really pay attention to them, especially Wang Fan, whose arms are full of tattoos. In brother Shui's eyes, Wang fan is at most a little gangster who can fight.

But now it seems that just a woman in her twenties has a great skill. When she slaps her handsome brother in the face, Miao Qing doesn't cover up the killing in her eyes at all.

This makes brother Shui murmur in his heart.

Although the strength of these people have a fear, but after all, there are still shangguanjing, so water brother is not good to show timidity.

Moreover, brother Shui, who knows shangguanjing's background well, puts all his chips on shangguanjing, hoping to turn the tables with the help of this powerful young lady.

Just as brother Shui was thinking about what to do next, the slap had stopped.

Looking at the ramshackle chic brother, Miao Qing stopped waving her arm. She looked at the bloodstain on her hand and wiped it on chic brother's suit. She said with disdain: "dare to cry again, I'll break your face!"

At this time, the natural and unrestrained elder brother has lost consciousness. His cheeks are red and swollen, like wearing a doll's headgear. His eyes are dull, like a mentally retarded man who may fall to the ground at any time.

Where can I hear Miao Qing's words?

"Elder sister Qing, you just hit, can't be the general's order!" Wang Fan asked.

"Good! A military order for you. I'm laughing Miao Qing, who cleans his hands, looks around the people in the conference room and says with a relaxed face.

Nowadays, Miao Qing is the only one who can slap people in the face!


Finally, he fell at the foot of Miao Qing.

Disgusted to see at the foot of the natural and unrestrained elder brother, Miao green willow eyebrow a pick, lift an eye to look at the hot elder brother behind shangguanjing, stretch out a hand to point to him to say: "you! Come here

"I'm not going!" Hot brother blurted out the refusal.

As soon as brother Huo's refusal fell to the ground, it attracted a lot of boos. Even shangguanjing, who was sitting in front of him, could not help frowning.

The so-called loser does not lose the battle.

Although this is not a formal negotiation occasion in the Jianghu, shangguanjing also specially emphasizes that she is not a member of the Jianghu, but after all, it is a matter involving the Sanlian gang.

As a powerful elder brother in the Sanlian Gang, brother Huo is so timid that shangguanjing can't hang on his face.

Fiery brother seems to have realized his own slip of tongue. He has a red face. He quibble, "I will not do anything with a woman!"

"Fart!" Miao Qing scolded.

"You and I are going to fight each other!" Miao Qing scolded the cheek hot, hot brother quickly diverted everyone's attention, pointed to Wang Fan sitting on one side.

Among them, Wang fan is the only one with an arm. On the surface, it is true that his strength is the weakest.

Although brother Huo is nervous, he noticed the silent Akutagawa Shin early. He and brother Shui both think that Akutagawa shin is not a kind person, so he chose Wang Fan as a soft persimmon.

Wang Fan, who was sitting there watching jokes, saw brother hot pointing his nose to challenge him, and asked awkwardly: "I've been a little dizzy these two days. Can you change me to fight alone?"

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