Infernal Affairs

V2.Chapter 579

Abuse soon attracted the attention of the people nearby, but these people are just watching, did not go up to help stall owners intercede.

Liu pangzi, who heard the abuse, also looked in the direction of the voice. Then he saw clearly that several young people were surrounded by the boss of the rice noodle stand. A young girl hid behind the boss in horror.

"What are you looking at! I'll kill you again! " A young man with a ponytail on his head and a plaid shirt on his body swears at fat Liu.

"The trough! Are you a fool to scold me Liu pangzi, with a cigarette in his mouth, was very upset when he was asked to say hello to his family. He stood up with the stool under his ass.

Ponytail see Liu pangzi is not good stubble, but with his own people, also did not put him in the eye, raised his hand, and then scolded: "boy, you do not want to live? Don't ask, who am I? "

"Little brother, stop talking. It's all a misunderstanding. It's a misunderstanding!" Lest ponytail and Liu pangzi fight, the owner of the snack stand in the middle of the two people and say good words with both hands.

Wang Fan, who has been back to the snack stand, hears the voice of the boss, then turns around and looks behind him.


Hiding behind the owner of the snack stand, the girl saw Wang fan turning around and cried out in surprise.

Hearing the girl shouting "brother", Wang Fan quickly looked at her and saw the girl's appearance clearly. He stood up with wide eyes and cried in disbelief: "Beibei! Why are you here? "

"Brother!" Hearing Wang Fan ask himself, Wang Beibei ran over crying and hugged the surprised Wang Fan.

"Beibei, don't be afraid. There's a brother here! Don't be afraid Touching his sister's head with his hand, Wang Fan comforted her in a low voice.

The recognition of brother and sister stunned everyone.

Liu pangzi and they never thought that Wang Fan would meet his sister here. What's more, Wang Fan's sister, who was worried about day and night, worked in the snack stand here.

"Van Gogh, isn't Beibei in high school? Why are you here? " Liu pangzi came forward and asked in a low voice.

Hearing someone mention his name, Wang Beibei wrongly said: "my mother is sick, she is not willing to spend money to see a doctor, I come out to work to make money, I want her to go to the hospital to see a doctor."

"Mother is ill?" Wang Fan frowned and asked.

"Brother, my mother has been ill for a long time, she has been hard to carry, not willing to go to the hospital to see a doctor, she is afraid of spending money ah!" With that, Wang Beibei's eyes were full of tears.

At this time, the owner of Wang Fan's snack stand, who had already recognized Wang Fan, came up to Wang Fan and asked, "are you the greedy young man who likes to have free soup with me?"

By the boss said so, Wang Fan quickly nodded back: "uncle, thank you for taking care of my sister."

"Nothing, nothing, this girl is also diligent, that is The owner of the snack stand said something and looked at the young people behind him.

The ponytail that I scolded with Liu pangzi just now said with a sneer, "since you are her brother, please pay for my clothes as soon as possible. Otherwise, I will take her away tonight and let her make money for me!"

"Brother, he hit me on purpose, so I spilled the soup on him. These days, they have been following me. They did it on purpose." Wang Beibei hid in Wang Fan's arms and whispered.

Wang Fan immediately understood what his sister said.

In front of these flowing young people, they must have seen Wang Beisheng's beauty and wanted to bully her, so they would deliberately make trouble at the snack stand.

Since these young people don't know what to do, there's no need for Wang Fan to talk nonsense with them.

Taking Wang Beibei in his arms to Tong Jiahui, Wang Fan said, "take care of her!"

"Good!" Tong Jiahui put Wang Beibei in her arms and said with a relaxed expression.

With a smile at Tong Jiahui, Wang Fan turned and walked to ponytail. As he walked, he said with a smile, "third brother, right?"

"What's the matter? Boy, you mean to be unconvinced! " The ponytail that is called the third elder brother by the boss asks provocatively with chin raised.

"I'm really a little unconvinced. You bully my sister and greet my family. I think you'll be unconvinced if you are anyone else." Speaking Kung Fu, Wang Fan has come to the horsetail three brothers in front.

Seeing that Wang Fan didn't want to compromise, the third brother immediately waved to his subordinates behind him and said, "do him for me!"


Before waiting for the hands of the third brother Mawei to start, Liu pangzi, who followed Wang Fan, hit one of the young men on the head with a bench.

Suddenly, the young man was hit so hard that he didn't even hum, so he turned his eyes and fell to the ground.

Although the young man was knocked unconscious by Liu pangzi's bench, Liu pangzi obviously didn't plan to stop. He swung his bench and hit the young man again.

Several young people standing behind the third brother of horsetail saw that Liu pangzi was so fierce and didn't leave any room for others. They were so scared that their legs softened and they turned around and ran for their lives.

Also frightened by Liu pangzi's violence, the third brother Mawei is also a little scared. His followers are running around behind him, which makes him want to run away.


Wang Fan quickly grasped the horsetail behind the head of the third brother horsetail and asked with a smile: "third brother, where are you going?"

"Brother, spare your life! Brother, spare your life The third brother, who was caught in a pigtail, begged for mercy.

"Spare your life? Ha ha Laughing Wang Fan kick in the third brother's leg nest, looking at his legs a soft kneel in front of him.

"Boy! I love my sister most in my life, and I can't hear other people scold my family. You not only scolded my family today, but also want to bully my sister. Tell me, how can I forgive you? Ha ha Facial expression gradually become ferocious, Wang Fan Pressure in the bottom of the heart of the evil, also instantly released.

"Big brother! eldest brother! Ah

The third brother horsetail didn't have time to finish his words, so he let out a scream.

Wang Fan, who holds the horsetail behind the third brother's head, is pressing the head of the third brother with his hand, rubbing hard on the rough ground.

With every friction of Wang Fan, the third brother would make a terrible cry, which was like the sound of a cat with its neck pinched. People could not help but get goose bumps.

"Friction! Friction! Like the devil's step

Wang Fan, with a ferocious expression, despite the scream of the third brother and the panic expression on the faces of the people around him, even hummed this network divine comedy.

The scream of the third brother became smaller and smaller, but the smell of blood in the air became more and more intense. Seeing the third brother who was pressed on the ground by Wang Fan, the flesh on his face had been blurred by the friction of the ground. The owner of the snack stand stopped Wang Fan in a hurry.

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