Infernal Affairs

V1.Chapter 62

Just as Wang Fan's dust settles and learns Liu pangzi's safety news, Wang Yue and Wang Yue drive back to the police station.

Just park the car to the gate of the police station, Cai detachment said to Wang Yue: "Xiaoyue, you come to my office."


Along the way, Wang Yue thought about how to explain her indecision in the hospital, so she was psychologically prepared for the conversation with CAI detachment. However, she was still a little flustered when she saw the expression on Cai detachment's face.

Many colleagues walking into the police building behind Cai detachment, seeing the gloomy face of CAI detachment and Wang Yue's gloomy appearance, knew that she was going to be taught a lesson by Cai detachment. Those who had learned the official power of CAI detachment cast sympathetic eyes on Wang Yue one after another.

Wang Yue's heart was even more flustered when she was seen by people's eyes. She nervously pinched the corner of her clothes, and once again passed the speech she had thought of on the road like a movie in her mind. After she was sure that she could justify herself, she was a little relieved.

The office of the CAI detachment used to belong to Han Chen. Since Han Chen was taken away for investigation, the newly promoted Cai detachment moved into this office.

Cai Chang is an old anti drug police officer in the anti drug detachment. Although he is only in his late 40s, he is generally acknowledged to be old-fashioned and serious in his work.

Moreover, since Cai Chang became the deputy team leader, many people complained about him because he was very strict with his colleagues. Some even gave him the nickname of "king of Cai Yan".

However, Wang Yue came to the anti drug detachment late, and she is a new female policeman, so she has few opportunities to deal with CAI Chang, and she has no deep understanding of the power of the king of hell CAI. Naturally, she thinks that this time, she can easily muddle through.

I don't know, when Han Chen was the deputy leader of the branch, he had different feelings for Wang Yue, so he turned a blind eye to Wang Yue. Most of the time, he was confused and didn't compare with her. This also made Wang Yue have these illusions.

With CAI detachment into his office, without waiting for Cai detachment to speak, Wang Yue rushed to say: "Cai detachment, today's thing, I think you misunderstood, that Wang Fan and I are relatives, we grew up together when we were children, that's why we made such a joke."

While listening to Wang Yue's explanation, he went to his office chair and sat down. Cai Changzheng saw that Wang Yue was going to take a seat on the sofa. His face was immediately gloomy and he said, "did I let you sit?"

"Ah?" Being embarrassed by Cai Chang's voice, Wang Yue straightens her hair at the tip of her ear and looks at Cai Chang blankly.

"Wang Yue, you don't work long, but you always have to understand the rules." The tone of CAI Chang's speech was very bad. He was not as gentle as he was in the hospital.

Some do not adapt to Cai Chang's attitude, Wang Yue Lengleng looking at him, do not understand what rules they want to sit on the sofa, what on earth violated, she said some wronged: "Han detachment in the time..."

"Han Chen has been investigated! Don't talk about Korean detachment any more Cai Chang did not wait for Wang Yue to finish, then he interrupted her with a cold face.

"Just being investigated, I believe there is no problem with Han detachment. He will be back soon!" Wang Yue looks at Cai Chang stubbornly.

Although the investigation of Han Chen by the organization has been widely spread, Wang Yue has not believed that there is a problem with Han Chen. Moreover, the former subordinates of Han Chen also have great opinions on the investigation of Han Chen, but although they are dissatisfied, there is no place to complain.

Cai Chang, who took over the position of deputy team leader of Han Chen, naturally became a thorn in the eye of these people.

It is even rumored that the thing that Han Chen was reported to was that Cai Chang got the devil out of him. He just wanted to walk away from Han Chen and then sit in this position himself.

Of course, this kind of groundless rumor is only spread among the Junior Police officers at the bottom, but no one really takes it to the table.

However, Wang Yue's comments on Cai Chang are obviously unfair to Han Chen, and even make her feel that Han Chen's affairs have something to do with CAI Chang.

Seeing Wang Yue's unconventionality, Cai Chang leaned back in his chair, looked at Wang Yue with a sneer, and asked in a poor tone: "do you want to say that I reflected to the above what Han Chen was investigated, that I was planting and framing him?"

I didn't expect that Cai chang would suddenly say that, which made Wang Yue feel a little embarrassed. Looking at Cai Chang who was sneering there, Wang Yue felt that this person was so strange.

Seeing that Wang Yue didn't speak, Cai Chang continued: "as far as I know, Han Chen was attacked by people in his own community before. It's Wang Fan who did it! You seem to be involved in this

"Yes, but it was Wang Fan who recognized the wrong person. Han Chen didn't care with him, and we also dealt with Wang Fan at that time. We didn't let him go just because he and I were relatives!" When Wang Yue said these words, she especially emphasized the handling of Wang Fan's affairs. She didn't want King Cai yanwang to pull this matter off with her.

But Cai Chang didn't let Wang Yue go. He looked into Wang Yue's eyes and asked, "are you really related to this boy Wang Fan?"

"Yes! He's my cousin. What? Cai detachment, do you still want to investigate me? " Wang Yue neck a stem is very stubborn answer, did not be scared by Cai Chang's eyes.

If you do something else, Wang Yue is likely not to be so determined, but this matter involves Wang Fan and Han Chen, so even if she pretends, she has to pretend not to be doubted.

Cai Chang elbows on the table, two fists against his chin, eyes blinking at Wang Yue, the corner of his mouth is still a trace of sneer.

Like interrogating Wang Yue's soul, Cai Chang examines Wang Yue from head to toe. This feeling makes Wang Yue feel uncomfortable, but there is no way to get rid of this embarrassing situation.

After a long time, Cai Changcai said, "as far as I know, Han Chen was investigated by the organization because of Wang Fan. Do you know?"

"No way!" When she heard that Han Chen was investigated, it was Wang Fan and Wang Yue's face changed greatly. She frowned and retorted firmly.

"Wang Yue, I warn you, as a policeman, you'd better stay away from those little gangsters and don't do anything to smear the police badge. I don't care if he is your relative or not. I only know that you are a policeman, understand! If you understand, go back to work! " When Cai Chang spoke, his face was as gloomy as dark clouds, and his tone of voice was severe to the extreme.

Wang Yue, who wanted to argue for a few words, looked at Cai Chang's gloomy face, closed her mouth, nodded and turned to leave his office.

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