Infernal Affairs

V1.Chapter 75

I don't know whether Tong Jiahui didn't hear Wang Fan's words, or whether she thought Wang Fan was looking for a step for him to leave. In short, when Wang Fan left the box, Tong Jiahui didn't even stand up.

However, Wang Fan was not surprised at all. On the contrary, he walked very easily. Even when he walked out of the box, a sly smile appeared on his face.

Take the elevator to the first floor hall of Caesar Hotel. Looking at the dusk outside the gate, Wang Fan takes out his mobile phone and dials a phone number, walking to the gate while waiting for the other party to answer.

Less than half a minute after the bell rang, Wang Yue's voice came from her mobile phone. However, Wang Yue was obviously not happy. She asked, "Wang Fan, where are you dead? Why not in the hospital? "

"I'm at the Caesar Hotel, penniless." Wang Fan did not answer Wang Yue's question, nor was he unhappy because of Wang Yue's words. He said it calmly to Wang Yue, as if he was talking about an ordinary thing.

"Good! You wait for me Wang Yue finished and hung up.

Wang Fan, who takes his mobile phone back to his pocket, takes out his cigarette box, draws out a cigarette, lights it up, takes two puffs, goes out of the gate of Caesar Hotel, finds a rest place in the parking space, and smokes the cigarette leisurely.

Most of the time, men don't want to turn to women for help, not only because of face problems, but also because they can't find a woman to turn to.

When they went to the police academy, the relationship between Wang Fan and Wang Yue was like a pair of lovers and a pair of brothers.

Even for a long time, Wang Fan has always called Wang Yue brothers. In order to let Wang Fan recognize his female identity, Wang Yue has been fond of wearing red clothes since then.

In Wang Yue's words, red can not only show her personality, but also keep her beauty as a woman.

Anyway, Wang Yue is to let Wang Fan know that she is a living woman, and a woman who can share weal and woe with Wang Fan.

Sitting there smoking, Wang fan is thinking about the future between him and Wang Yue, as well as his own.

The news from ghost uncle made Wang Fan have a new plan for his life. However, many things hidden in his heart have not changed and have not been forgotten by him.

Before applying to ghost uncle for white washing, Wang Fan thought of his family on the one hand, and Wang Yue who thought he was dead on the other.

The purest feeling in his heart has been secretly buried in his heart by Wang Fan. Every night when he can't sleep, he will think of Wang Yue's appearance, her present appearance, her future appearance and whether he can meet her again.

For a long time, Wang Fan even thought that these things could only exist in his heart, his dream, his imagination, until the attack on Han Chen happened, Wang Yue suddenly appeared in front of him again.

"Do evil!"

Wang Fan threw away his cigarette butt and said to himself in a deep voice.

"What a sin! You are so poor that you still come to Caesar Hotel. Do you want to find a rich woman here to support you? " Wang Yue, who has gone to the back of Wang Fan, continues to talk about Wang Fan's words coldly.

Hearing Wang Yue's voice, Wang Fan stood up with a smile and said, "don't tell me, I really found a rich woman, but she didn't have sincerity. I threw her away when I was angry!"

Wang Fan said this is true, but listen to Wang Yue's ears, it can be a fool's dream, white Wang Fan one eye, Wang Yue not angry said: "don't every day without a serious, I'm not to listen to you boast!"

"Hey, hey! I haven't got dinner yet Wang Fan said with a smile.

"I came here just to see if you have a relapse of old injuries and need rescue. After all, if you hang up, I will be held jointly and severally liable! I can't do anything else! " Wang Yue said with some displeasure, and the expression on her face was very displeased.

Knowing that Wang Yue said this before he was angry, Wang Fan stepped forward and said, "brother Yue, you are responsible for me! I have no money now. If I can't eat, I have no immunity. If I don't have immunity, I can easily die because of the previous trauma. If I really die, you can't regret it! "

"Cut! I'm not a rich woman. I can't afford to support you! " Wang Yue ignored Wang Fan's words, and even said that she was about to turn and leave.

Knowing Wang Yue's temper and character, Wang Fan stepped on a small step, stopped in front of Wang Yue and said, "brother Yue, are you really angry? I'm just joking with you. There's no rich woman to support me. Even if there's one, it's just a matter of making fun of each other and getting what they need. It's like us... "

"Well! All right! Shut up Before Wang Fan finished speaking in front of her, Wang Yue put his hand to stop him.

When they went to school, once they had differences, Wang Fan could always convince Wang Yue with various reasons. Sometimes, even when he knew Wang Fan was talking nonsense, Wang Yue could not find any reason to refute him.

After a long time, Wang Yue stopped arguing with him. If it wasn't a particularly important issue, Wang Yue didn't even bother to talk to him. After all, the result of their quarrel was that Wang Yue followed Wang Fan's advice.

Seeing Wang Yue's "hearty and sincere" expression, Wang FanMei Zizi said: "brother Yue, do you know there is a very good barbecue stand in H city?"

"I don't know. I don't go out to eat at ordinary times. I have no relatives here, and I don't go out of the dormitory of my unit!" Wang Yue said something in her words.

"It's very sad to say that you have no relatives! I feel the same way Wang Fan agreed and nodded his head, showing a look of distress.

"Come on! You say place, I invite you Wang Fan's action made her feel irritable, and Wang Yue's tone of voice also seemed impatient.

At this time, Wang Yue couldn't say why she was upset. At the moment of receiving Wang Fan's phone call, she deliberately pretended to be angry and wanted to give Wang Fan a little color to see. However, after hearing the news of his downfall, Wang Yue didn't care about anything. Her heart was just thinking about everything about this man.

Just now, Wang Fan was still cynical, without any touching and warm words because of her appearance, which made Wang Yue really disappointed.

Wang fan doesn't want to mention the things between the two people, or he is deliberately avoiding, which may be the reason why Wang Yue is upset.

Wang Fan, who stopped the taxi, opened the door for Wang Yue and said with a smile: "cousin, you can sit in the front! It's more convenient to pay the fare later! "

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