Infernal Affairs

V2.Chapter 792

After the crowd dispersed, Wang Fan sat on the sofa, with an unhappy face on his left and an expressionless face on his right. His face was even more cloudy.

"After all, it's not to let you take refuge with CAI Ji and find a way for shangguanjing from Cai Ji?" Qian Xue said with some worries.

"It doesn't work at all." Miao Qing shakes her head and looks at the gloomy Wang Fan. She then says, "how can you persuade her to help shangguanjing by approaching Cai Ji as a Jian?"

"Yes! What's more, you were arrested by the police at the beginning, but because you want to hurt shangguanjing, it's difficult. Can you have any reliable reason to explain all this? " Thousand snow also suddenly wake up, worried asked.

Looking around at the two women, Wang Fan shrugged and said, "I didn't want to do this at all. Don't say I can't explain all this. Even if I can find a suitable excuse to explain the relationship between shangguanjing and me, do you think Cai Ji will give me face?"

Wang Fan's worries are not superfluous. Although Qianxue and Miao Qing haven't dealt with CAI Ji, they can guess Cai Ji's character and style if they know more about the politicians' character.

For a moment, the three people in the living room fell into silence again.

The sunlight outside the window gradually recedes, the darkness replaces the light and covers the earth. All beautiful things gradually disappear with the sunshine. The only happiness in the world is still barely supporting all this.

"I'm going to meet shangguanjing. I should listen to her." Wang Fan stood up from the sofa and said softly.

Miao Qing, sitting on the sofa, saw that Qian Xue wanted to open her mouth and said, "sister Xiaoxue and I are waiting for you at home. You go and come back early!"

"Good!" Wang Fan promised, the whole body of the suit, then did not return to the door.

Waiting for Wang Fan's back to disappear from the sight, Qian Xue said with some worry: "sister Qing, do you think he won't come back tonight?"

"According to Wang Fan's character, I will!" Miao Qing returned.

"Yes? Will you come back? " Qian Xue asked in a low voice.

"What do you think? How can he come back to sleep with such a scum? I'm afraid my sister will sleep with you again tonight! " Miao Qing said and laughed at Qian Xue.

Listen to Miao Qing's words, Qian Xue is not happy at all. She says with a bitter face: "sister Qing, when is it? You still have the mind to joke. He's going to bed with shangguanjing!"

"Why do you have such a bitter face? Even if there is no shangguanjing, there will be others. People like Wang fan are not short of women. If you worry about it every day, you really don't have to do anything!" Miao Qing sits beside Qian Xue and puts her in her arms.

Qian Xue, who was held in her arms by Miao Qing, put her head on her soft chest and whispered, "sister Qing, can you really see it? Am I the only one with a small mind? "

"What if the card is open? What if I can't open it? Do you and I still have the ability to stop it? " Miao Qing returned.

"Alas! Elder sister, why are our women's lives so bitter? " Thousands of Snow said.

"Actually, I admire Liu Juan." Miao Qing sighed.

"Sister Juan?" Qian Xue looks up at Miao Qing's eyes and asks.

"Yes, although I pretend to be indifferent to Wang Fan's pornographic news, in my heart, there will be some bad taste. After all, it's the man I love. It must be hard for me to watch him cuddle other women like this!" Miao Qing said with a bitter smile.

Miao Qing's words are very emotional, Qian Xue can't help nodding, said bitterly: "sister Qing, to tell you the truth, although our feelings are very good, but when I see Wang Fan embracing you, I'm still very jealous, but what can I do? Fortunately, you are also very good to me, which gives me a little comfort. "

"But Liu Juan doesn't think so at all. She did her best to help Wang Fan and you, and as far as I know, Liu Juan also played a key role in Wang Fan's relationship with the woman of e country and the princess of T country." When Miao Qing said this, he was also puzzled for a while.

What is the reason for a woman to try her best to find a new lover for her man?

Does Liu Juan not love Wang Fan at all?

This is absolutely impossible.

If you don't know what they have experienced together, you may still have such suspicions. But after you have some understanding of what Liu Juan and Wang Fan have experienced, Miao Qing will not question their feelings at all.

But this result really makes Miao Qing confused.

She admits that there is a gap between her and Liu Juan in this matter.

Just as she said, although she doesn't say anything on the surface, it doesn't mean that she doesn't mind in her heart. On the contrary, in her heart, she has always been resentful to Wang Fan.

At the beginning, he watched Qianxue come out of Wang Fan's room. Although he guessed that nothing had happened to them, Miao Qing retaliated and went into Wang Fan's room and did what he and Qianxue didn't do.

Including Wang Fan's return from prison, Miao Qing also played a trick, eating Wang Fan in the bathroom first, and then pushing him to Qianxue's side.

Although she knows that her small skills can't be concealed from anyone, she can't help but show her possession of Wang Fan in this way.

Because of this, Miao Qing can understand Qian Xue's mind.

Qian Xue, a young girl, is just when she puts her love in her heart. Naturally, she has a stronger desire to possess Wang Fan. It's not difficult to see her mind from her experience with Wang Fan and Miao Qing.

However, due to many reasons, Qian Xue doesn't want to have a conflict with Miao Qing because of these things. What's more, everyone can see that Miao Qing's status in Wang Fan's heart is second only to Liu Juan's, so Qian Xue will really call Miao Qing a sister.

Two women who love the same man, in this dark night, hold each other tightly, as if seeking comfort from each other, as if pouring out their inner pain to each other.

Wang Fan, who came out of the villa, didn't know what was happening in the house. After he drove out of the garage, he went straight to the main road and drove to shangguanjing's residence.

The trees beside the road fly past the window, Wang Fan holding the steering wheel in his hand. At this time, his mood is very complicated.

In fact, up to now, he has no clear answer in his heart. How should he face shangguanjing? Although he really wants to meet shangguanjing at this moment.

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