Infernal Affairs

V1.Chapter 85

Wang Fan, who was just about to introduce Tong Jiahui to you, just saw Cai Chang at the door. Without waiting for him to say anything, a dozen policemen in police uniform rushed into the room.

Standing beside Wang Fan, Third Master Liu turned pale when he saw so many policemen appear. He could not help hiding behind Wang Fan. He did not even dare to look up at other people.

Even the big spout and the bald man quietly hid in the crowd, looking at Mr. Liu from time to time.

"What do you mean, sir? We have an entertainment license here! " Wang Fan said calmly, his eyes staring at Cai Chang's back.

Wang fan is not afraid of the appearance of CAI Chang and these policemen. In fact, he is more worried about Wang Yue's appearance at this time. After all, there is a tong Jiahui standing behind him!

As for the casinos!

In recent years, the people of China have lived a very comfortable life, so they have different pursuits for entertainment.

Some people like square dance, others like karaoke, of course, some people like entertainment such as playing cards and mahjong.

In order to meet the various entertainment needs of the people at the bottom, the cultural department has already allowed individuals to register and operate as entertainment places with chess and card as the project, but the cultural department does not allow gambling in the chess and card room.

In fact, the casinos run by Sihai gang are doing gambling business under such a banner.

Since they are engaged in such a business, the four seas gang naturally has a set of countermeasures. They register in the real name chess and card room of the cultural department and use chips instead of cash in casinos to avoid being seen through by the police.

So although Sihai Gang's Casino has been open for such a long time, it has not been investigated or dealt with by the police because of gambling.

Cai Chang, with a gloomy face, takes a look at Wang Fan, and then notices Tong Jiahui standing behind Wang Fan.

Tong Jiahui, with her beautiful face and temperament, is obviously different from all the people here, especially compared with Wang Fan standing beside her.

Cai Chang's eyes only stayed on Tong Jiahui for a few seconds. Then he glanced at other people in the room. Seeing the nervous expression on people's faces, he frowned and asked coldly, "someone reported that you are hiding drugs here!"

People in the room immediately widened their eyes one by one when they heard Cai Chang's words, and their faces were blank when they looked left and right.

Hiding behind Wang Fan, Mr. Liu's face gradually eased when he heard that Cai Chang was here to investigate drugs. He touched the white goatee with his hand, pretending to be calm and said: "the officer is here to investigate drugs. Don't worry, don't worry!"

Although these people in Liucun are fond of gambling, no one really touches drugs. When they hear that these policemen are not here to investigate their gambling, they are here to investigate the possession of drugs. Their expressions are not as tense as before.

Hiding in the crowd, the big spout also followed Mr. Liu's words and said, "let's cooperate with the chief's inspection! There's no one in our village to do that. We're not afraid to check! "

"Yes! I'm not afraid to check! " The bald man also said in his voice.

With courage, people's hearts will be more stable. The tense atmosphere just now has gradually eased down with the opening of Liu Sanye and others.

Standing at the door, Cai Chang takes a look at Mr. Liu. His eyes are finally fixed on Wang Fan.

Wang Fan, who has been looking at Cai Chang, also sees his eyes. He knows that Cai Chang is coming to find fault on purpose, but Wang Fan has no way to explain anything. He just laughs and says: "Sir, since everyone is so cooperative, please check it!"


Cai Chang's face didn't soften because of the cooperation of the people. With a cold hum, he waved to the police in the room and looked around the people in the room again with sharp eyes.

The policemen who came with CAI Chang took action after they got the order. They divided the people in the room into several groups, made everyone stand against the wall, and then checked them one by one.

Wang Fan and Tong Jiahui are standing together, and Liu Sanye is also standing next to Wang Fan. Beside him are the big spout and the bald man. Five people stand in the southeast corner of the house, watching the police search the people in the house one by one.

After the police checked several people, there was a sound of walking outside the room. A police officer with a police dog hurried into the room. After saying hello to Cai Chang, he led the police dog to check around the room.

"Brother Xiaofan, how can these policemen suddenly come here to check?" Third Master Liu asked Wang Fan in a low voice. His face had softened a lot, and his brow was slightly wrinkled, as if he wanted to say something.

Without waiting for Wang Fan to open his mouth, the big spout said, "Third Master, no one is going to pit us on purpose."

"Fuck! I'm not sure The bald man made a rude remark.

After these two people finished, Liu San Ye looked at Wang Fan and said in a low voice: "pit us? We are a group of people without money and power. Who will pit us? "

The meaning of Third Master Liu's words is nothing more than to say that Wang Fan provoked all these things today, and they were completely implicated.

Of course, he didn't mean to embarrass Wang Fan. He just wanted to remind Wang fan that Wang Fan owed them.

However, Wang fan is not in the mood at this time to ponder the meaning of Liu San Ye's words, because all his attention now has been put on the policeman with the police dog.

Wang Fan's face gradually became ugly. He said in a low voice: "don't talk nonsense! Look at the man with the dog. Be careful he trips us

Since all the people in the room cooperate with the inspection, it means that they have no ghosts in their hearts. Moreover, Wang fan knows that these people really don't touch drugs, so he doesn't worry about what the police will find from those people.

What's more, just as Mr. Liu said, if someone wants to play tricks, it's Wang Fan who wants to pit him.

And the most direct way is to hide drugs in a corner of the casino. Then the policeman who is leading the police dog around the room becomes the most likely person to put drugs. Therefore, Wang Fan did not dare to relax his attention for a moment when the policeman appeared.

Third Master Liu is such a smart man. When he heard Wang Fan's words, he immediately realized his worry. Now that the gambling house has become his lifeblood, how can he not worry about someone doing things here.

Several people's eyes were fixed on the police officer who was holding the police dog, while Tong Jiahui said nervously: "Wang Fan, what did the policeman leave in the corner?"

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