Infernal Affairs

V1.Chapter 89

Wang Fan and Tong Jiahui are not idiots. They know very well that Liu Dazhuang's condition is manic for some reason, and the most likely reason is taking drugs.

However, Liu pangzi firmly believes that Liu Dazhuang can't take drugs. Without waiting for Wang Fan to speak, he grabs Cai Chang's Tiao Tiao Tang and pours it into his mouth.

Fortunately, Wang Fan's quick eyes and quick hands grabbed Liu pangzi's Tiao Tiao Tang. He glared at him and yelled, "are you crazy! I don't want to live

"Brother fan, I grew up with Dazhuang. Although he doesn't have enough brains, he's definitely not a fool. He won't take drugs! I believe him Liu pangzi's face turned red. Facing the angry Wang Fan, he tried his best to defend Liu Dazhuang.

Liu Sanye, who was helped to one side by the big spout and the bald man, was already relieved. He said to Cai Chang feebly: "Sir, my grandson won't take drugs. I'll guarantee with my life that you can't wrongly a good man!"

With a sneer, Cai Chang turned his head to look at the Third Master Liu behind him and asked, "do you guarantee your life? Do you think it's just playing around and talking about rules? I'm a policeman! It's not a big social brother! "

Cai Chang's attitude is very tough. Even in the face of people of Liu's age, he doesn't have the slightest sympathy for each other.

People who are familiar with CAI Chang know that he has always been very rigid. In his own words, he is called "the spirit of reverence for the law". However, in the eyes of those who deal with him, Cai Chang is a creature without feelings.

In addition, he is also very strict with his subordinates, so the nickname of "living hell" is on his head.

After Cai Chang taught him a lesson, Liu was speechless, but he was taken away by the police as his only grandson and the last one in his life. Therefore, Liu must not wait to die.

The people of Liu village can't help!

Now the only one who can give him hope is Wang Fan!

Unable to think about it carefully, Mr. Liu stood up and looked at Wang Fan with tears in his eyes. He said excitedly: "brother Xiaofan! Your life is in your hands! You can't ignore it

Wang Fan, who is holding Liu pangzi, can't help but cry to himself when he hears Liu Sanye's voice.

Third Master Liu wants Wang Fan to stand out for him, but what can Wang Fan do?

In front of them, Cai Chang is cold faced, but they are serious anti drug police. Everyone has a gun in his hand. Is it hard to let Wang Fan fight with them?

But Wang Fan has no way to say these words, and he has no chance to explain them to Mr. Liu. After all, Mr. Liu's current state can be described as unreasonable.

As long as his grandson is safe, as for the consequences of his request, that is not what he will consider now!

Standing there, Cai Chang looks at Wang Fan with his head tilted, and his face is full of disdain.

Tong Jiahui, who is standing behind Wang Fan, is afraid that Wang Fan will do something out of the ordinary on impulse. She pulls Wang Fan's sleeve with her hand and whispers: "Wang Fan, don't be silly!"

This is the first concern Wang Fan heard tonight. Of course, it may be the only one who cares about him.

All the people, including Liu pangzi, regard Wang Fan as their patron saint, and want him to save them safely from Cai Chang.

But who ever really thought about what would happen to Wang Fan?

Just as Cai Chang said, he is not a big brother in society. What he says is not the rules of the river and the lake. He is the deputy leader of the anti drug detachment of H city. Now he is empowered by the law.

Violence prevents the police from handling a case. The only end is to be arrested by the police and sent to prison.

If Wang Fan really does that, let alone uncle GUI can't help him, even his own plan will be a complete failure.

"If you don't think counseling is terrible, you're afraid of counseling!"

Just a few breaths, Wang Fan wanted to understand this truth. He looked at Cai Chang and said with a smile, "Sir, did Liu Dazhuang take drugs? I think you'll find out. And I believe you won't cheat, right?"

"Well! Do you suspect that I will deliberately embarrass you? " Cai Chang is not very angry.

"No! Dare not Wang Fan put his hand to answer. Seeing that the expression on Cai Chang's face did not soften at all, he suddenly asked coldly, "Sir, I heard that the Han branch leader of your police station has been investigated? Is it true? "

"What do you want to do?" Did not expect that Wang Fan suddenly asked about it, Cai Chang looked at him warily.

"Nothing. I'm just curious to ask what's going on. By the way, I'd like to remind you that what we can't do is nothing in the eyes of many big people." Wang Fan said to Cai Chang with a smile that the smile at the corner of his mouth is more meaningful.

Cai Chang was surprised by Wang Fan's words. He looked at the gangster in front of him again, but he was secretly wondering the true meaning of Wang Fan's words.

All the people in the room heard Wang Fan's words. No matter the people in Liu village or the policemen with guns, everyone was thinking about why Wang Fan said it and what was the purpose of his saying it?

Without waiting for Cai Chang to speak again, Wang fan pulls Liu pangzi aside, reaches out his hand and makes a gesture of please. He says to Cai Chang with a puzzled face: "Congratulations, officers!"

"What do you mean, boy?" Being caught off guard by Wang Fan's abnormal behavior, Cai Chang stood there and did not move.

"Sir, I don't mean anything else. I believe you will deal with Liu Dazhuang fairly. After all, you've learned from the past, haven't you?" Wang Fan's face is still smiling, but the smile looks very strange.

After looking at Wang Fan for a few minutes, Cai Chang's face sank and his voice lowered. The police officer said, "take the men away! Stop the line

Those police officers who came with CAI Chang escorted Liu Dazhuang into the police car and disappeared into the dark night.

Liu village people in the room and other police officers have gone far away. They come here in twos and threes to comfort Mr. Liu. Seeing that Mr. Liu is not in any serious trouble, they find an excuse to leave quietly.

When there was no one else in the room, with the help of the big spout and the bald man, Mr. Liu hobbled up to Wang Fan and asked carefully, "brother Xiaofan, are you up there? Can you tell the people above to let my grandson go? "

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