Infernal Affairs

V1.Chapter 92

Back in Liu pangzi's room, Wang Fan sat on the bed, leaned against the head of the bed and smoked. After a conversation with the blind Master, he had a plan in his heart.

Since someone wants to play tricks and stir up the relationship between him and Mr. Liu, as long as he finds out the behind the scenes, the matter will come to a successful conclusion.

As for whether Liu Dazhuang will really be calculated and eventually become addicted to drugs, Wang fan can't control him. After all, once he gets addicted to drugs, he will be powerless.

Liu pangzi sat opposite Wang Fan, hands on his thighs, a serious attitude of primary school students, staring at Wang Fan leaning on the head of the bed.

Wang Fan at this time, in Liu pangzi's eyes, is simply too magical.

Can pick up girls, and start is a super white rich beauty.

Can fight alone, and play Dongsheng, those people see Wang Fan leg soft.

You can please the blind master. You can have a few words with him.

Now Wang Fan has even become a detective and wants to investigate Liu Dazhuang's being cheated. How can he not let Liu fat admire him?

It's just that Liu pangzi can't understand. He spent the whole day with Liu Dazhuang. Even when Liu Dazhuang went to the supermarket to buy jump candy, he didn't leave. How can Wang Fan find out the person who made the mistake?

"Fat man, when you said Dazhuang bought jump candy, you followed him all the time?" Wang Fan frowned and asked.

"Yes, he likes to eat jump candy and bubble gum. Otherwise, they all laugh at him for being silly. He always likes things that children like." Liu pangzi thought of what Liu Dazhuang had done in his daily life, and he also felt that there was a lack of string in his mind.

"Dazhuang is not stupid, but he is just a little natural. The spirit of their ancestral grave has been used up by Mr. Liu!" Thinking of Liu Sanye's shrewd calculation, Wang Fan didn't say it.

Liu nodded and said with a smile, "that's what the blind Master said. Hehe, the blind Master also said that the Third Master Liu calculated this and that every day, but he never succeeded. In the end, he suffered losses himself."

"Old fox, let the wolf bite you! If it wasn't for Liu village, we would not have to worry about it if Third Master Liu had to help us! " Wang Fan stretched a waist to see a day guard board to say.

"In fact, Dazhuang is a good man. Third Master Liu is so bad. Dazhuang didn't learn from him at all. I always played with Dazhuang when I was a child, but when I grow up, Third Master Liu won't let us come and go!" Liu pangzi didn't say why, but the expression on his face can make people understand.

Poor, looked down upon, so simple, but Liu pangzi also has self-esteem, he still does not want to mention these sad things.

Of course, Wang Fan also understood Liu pangzi's depression. He said with a smile: "fat man, why? Thirty years of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi, maybe who will look down on who in the future!"

"Also, hehe, as long as you follow brother fan, you'll get ahead sooner or later!" Liu pangzi's gloomy face was swept away and he laughed at Wang Fan.

Although Wang fan can't do it, he appreciates it. After all, it's too hard to live a lifetime. It's not a bad thing to be heartless like Liu pangzi.

"Fat man, do you think the boss of that supermarket is reliable?" Wang Fan brings the topic back to Liu Dazhuang. He is suspicious of the boss of the supermarket. He is bribed to drop the Tiao Tiao sugar.

I didn't expect that when Wang Fan asked, Liu pangzi was a little excited. He said solemnly: "brother fan, the boss of the supermarket is a good man. When my blind Master and I had a bad life before, they took care of us. They can't be big and strong."

"Oh?" The supermarket owner's behavior is so good, Wang fan is a little surprised, but look at Liu pangzi's meaning, Wang fan knows that he did not exaggerate.

At present, according to what Liu pangzi said, he and Liu Dazhuang have been together all day. If Liu Dazhuang really takes drugs or someone wants to count on him, Liu pangzi will surely know.

So in addition to the problem of Tiao Tiao Tang, Wang Fan really can't figure out which link will be calculated.

But the supermarket owner who sold Liu Dazhuang Tiao Tiao candy was ruled out by Liu pangzi, which made Wang Fan scratch his head.

Hearing that Wang Fan didn't trust the boss of the supermarket, Liu pangzi said anxiously: "brother fan, it can't be the boss of the supermarket. When we went to the supermarket to buy Tiao Tiao candy, some children in the village also bought Tiao Tiao candy. I didn't hear anyone say that something happened to some children."

"Who else bought jump candy?" Liu pangzi's words made Wang Fan even more surprised.

If someone is cheating in the candy, how can the kids who also bought the candy not have a thing to do?

Does the person who poisoned know that Liu Dazhuang will definitely buy that bag of jump candy?

Unless someone replaces Liu Dazhuang's choice of Tiao Tiao candy, and gives him the bag of Tiao Tiao Tiao candy that has been made.

After Liu Dazhuang and Liu pangzi sent the lotus official home, they went back to Liu village. Liu Dazhuang ate half a packet of Tiao Tiao Tang, so there was a scene of going crazy in the casino.

Can understand Liu Dazhuang's preferences, and can accurately replace Liu Dazhuang's hands of Tiao Tiao sugar.

Wang fan can't find a more suitable candidate than the supermarket owner for these two prerequisites, but Liu pangzi's attitude makes Wang Fan unable to express his mind, so he can only rot this idea in his stomach.

Ghost uncle has been reminding Wang fan that when dealing with anyone, you can't always keep an attitude, because the word "evil intentions" was not invented by ancestors for no reason.

People change.

Maybe for money, maybe for something else.

The relationship between Wang Fan and Liu Sanye continues to heat up. As the head of Liu village, Liu Neng can't be unaware of this.

Now that he knows about Wang Fan and Liu Sanye, Liu Neng can't be indifferent. Who can think of what Liu Neng will do for the sake of easy benefits?

Supermarket owners may have been kind people before, but who can guarantee that they will not do anything to hurt others when they are threatened or lured by Liu Neng?

Conspiracy, always accompanied by interests, good, but also ultimately difficult to resist evil.

Don't want to argue with Liu pangzi because of these things, Wang Fan put out the cigarette in his hand, drilled into the bed and said to Liu pangzi, "fat man, sleep. I'll go to work with Mr. Liu tomorrow. You can take care of him at home."

"Van Gogh, won't you take me?"

"Fat man, Dazhuang has already had an accident. I don't want blind master to have an accident." Wang Fan said with his back to Liu pangzi.

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