Infernal Affairs

V1.Chapter 98

After seeing off Liu Qiang and his wife, Liu pangzi pesters Wang Fan all the time and asks what Wang Fan and Liu Qiang said. However, Wang Fan just smiles at him and doesn't explain to him, which makes Liu pangzi as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

"The debt belongs to the owner!"

In fact, Wang Fan said these three words. Although Liu Qiang and his wife didn't understand the meaning of these three words, they didn't ask further questions when they saw Wang Fan's relaxed face.

Some things, if the other party is not willing to say, then even if you ask how, he will not explain to you.

Moreover, Liu Qiang and his wife are not so curious. As long as they know that this matter is over, no one will bother them any more. As for who should repay you, it is not their consideration.

The blind Master in the yard began to listen to storytelling again. The content of storytelling is still "seven heroes and five righteousness". The blind Master's face is still a look of enjoyment, but his present appearance is more like honey in his mouth.

It's almost noon.

Wang Fan, who is sunning in the yard with the blind Master, receives a phone call from Wang Yue. Wang Yue inquires about the conflict between Wang Fan and Cai Chang last night, and then asks Wang Fan a very unexpected question.

"Han Chen's accident, is it Wang Fan's revenge?"

This is Wang Yue's original words, and when Wang Yue said these words, his tone was not joking at all, even a bit like interrogating Wang Fan.

Of course, Wang Fan didn't dare to make such a fuss this time as he did last night. On the phone, he and Wang Yue talked about the situation at that time, voluntarily admitted their bluff mistakes, and repeatedly assured Wang Yue that they would never make the same mistakes again and would never bluff again.

Maybe it was Wang Fan's sincere attitude that moved Wang Yue, or maybe Wang Yue didn't believe it at all. After Wang Fan was expelled from the police academy, he had the courage and ability to mingle with the society. Anyway, the final result was that Wang Yue scolded Wang Fan severely, and he didn't ask about Han Chen.

He also secretly told Wang fan that Liu Dazhuang, who came back to the police station from Liu village last night, had been checked and ruled out the possibility of taking drugs, and the packet of Tiao Tiao Tang was sent to the higher authorities for further identification by Cai Chang.

Since Liu Dazhuang didn't take drugs, he would inform his family to take them back soon. Wang Yue also knew that Wang Fan had some relations in Liu village, so telling him about it was a small help for him.

Although it is said that Liu Dazhuang didn't take drugs, Wang Fan had a guess in his heart for a long time, but the words came out from Wang Yue's mouth, and his hanging heart really fell down.

And the person who deliberately sabotaged the relationship between him and Mr. Liu and made trouble for Mr. Liu Dazhuang behind the scenes had a real impact in his heart.

After chatting with Wang Yue on the phone for a while, Wang Fan worried about being asked about the hotel that night, so he found an excuse to hang up the phone. However, Wang Yue was obviously angry because of this, and Wang Fan felt sad again.

Wang Fan, who has hung up the phone, is sitting on the bench smoking a cigarette and watching the ants crawling around at his feet. He suddenly feels like one of these ants. He is busy running around all day. When he finally wants to die, he finds that he has nothing to gain in his life.

In fact, who is not as busy as ants, with the initial dream in mind, and then rush forward with blood boiling, finally dying to find that the only thing left for themselves in this life is regret.

Liu pangzi was very dissatisfied with Wang Fan's insincere attitude, but his dissatisfaction was due to his dissatisfaction. His lunch was very rich, and he was sent by the blind master to stew a chicken at noon.

Waiting for Liu pangzi to cook for them, the blind Master smokes the cigarette Wang Fan gave him and asks Wang Fan a question.

"There is a tiger in front of him and a hungry wolf behind him. How can the man trapped in the middle escape from bad luck?"

I don't know where the blind Master heard this question from. He said it was a question of brain twists and turns, and he must ask Wang Fan to give him an answer.

Wang Fan, who has nothing to do, can't resist the stubborn blind master. He has to smoke and pretend to ponder for a while before he says casually: "there is a tiger in front of him and a hungry wolf behind him. With the gun in his hand, he will kill the tiger first and then the hungry wolf. Isn't this problem solved?"

I thought that after listening to my own words, the blind Master would only laugh at him. But who would have thought that the answer given by Wang Fan didn't make the blind Master laugh, but let him teach him a lesson.

The blind man turned his eyelids and turned his gray eyes. He looked up at the sky as if he had seen the sun. His face was so dignified that he said to Wang Fan slowly for a long time: "the road ahead is difficult, and there is no way back. You have to learn to be flexible. There is no danger left or right. Why can't you go around? You don't have to be a jerk to be a man and do things. Only a fool can be a jerk. "

Of course, Wang Fan could understand what the blind Master said, but he didn't expect that the blind Master would use such a question to tell him this truth.

Looking at the blind Master in front of him, Wang Fan savors all kinds of things after he meets the blind master. He suddenly finds that every time he encounters difficulties or problems, the blind master will always say something that makes him open up, and these words from the blind master can make the problems solve.

It's just that what the blind Master said to him was never as specific as what he said today, and his expression was not as serious as it is today.

Wang Fan, who had doubts in his heart, asked tentatively: "blind Master, do you want to remind me of anything when you tell me this?"

After teaching Wang Fan, the blind master didn't speak any more. He just raised his head and stared at the sky with those eyes that could not see anything. It was like completing a ceremony.

Knowing his temper, Wang Fan didn't dare to ask him all the time. When Liu pangzi brought up the meal, Wang Fan waited on him for lunch, helped him with Liu pangzi and sent him back to his room.

When Wang Fan and Liu pangzi put everything in order, Tong Jiahui calls. After receiving Tong Jiahui's call, Wang fan knows that the girl is at the entrance of the village. After talking to Liu pangzi, Wang Fan hangs up and goes to the entrance of the village.

When he came to the village and saw that Tong Jiahui's car was still parked at the place where she was last night, Wang Fan went up to greet her and prepared to take her back to the blind Master's residence.

However, Tong Jiahui, sitting in the driver's seat, didn't wait for Wang Fan to finish his speech, so she said something serious with him.

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