Anna leaned on the bed and looked at the ceiling, not knowing what she was thinking, but at this moment, the door of Anna's room was pushed open.

After the wooden door opened, the sound instantly caught the eyes of the two women.

This kind of thing will happen in this manor. There is absolutely only Lin Kui alone.

With the sound of footsteps on the floor, Lin Kui appeared in front of Irene and Anna.

Anna looked at the dust on Lin Kui's clothes.

As well as the tattered cuffs, the brows instantly wrinkled.

"What's the matter, this expression"

Looking at Anna's blushing expression in front of her, Lin Kui was a little puzzled.

He immediately sat beside Anna's bed with a puzzled look on his face. He asked.

". Know this dress. How much did it cost someone to do it. Well."

, "Also. Knowing this. When the dust sits on the bed, you have to change the sheets!"

Before Anna Hatfilia, her weakness seemed to disappear in an instant, and she yelled at Lin Kui loudly.

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Chapter 2: The Unsettled Capital, the Beginning of the Dragon King Festival (4/[-]/)

Hearing Anna's voice, it was like a roar of Hedong's lion. Lin Kui was so frightened that he instantly bounced off the bed.

"Really, like. I'm short of a little money."

"Looking at the body, it shouldn't be a big problem, then. Let's go."

Looking so energetic. Anna, Lin Kui naturally let go of his worries, and immediately yawned, ready to leave.

"By the way, let's go to the royal capital of Dragunov tomorrow."

"I feel a little tired of eating dragon meat during this time, and I want to eat some of its food."

Lin Kui suddenly turned his head with a look of surprise. In front of the two women, after speaking, he turned his head and left Anna's room.

Anna and Irene smiled at each other, looked at Lin Kui and left. The door.

"Really. Not frank, obviously I hate it.

Inside the royal capital of Dragunov. Food."

"I also told you that I would never go to any restaurant in the Dragunov capital again."

Anna looked at Irene with a smile on her face. She said, remembering the scene when she and Lin Kui went to the royal capital of Dragunov.

So far, Anna feels a little bit dumbfounded.


Carnivore. Lin Kui, it is indeed difficult to live in the royal capital of Dragunov.

Although it is a country and a royal capital, the royal capital of Dragunov is not very prosperous. On the contrary, it is even a little poorer than its town.

There is no breeding industry in the surrounding area. Pastures, the place where breeding can be done is far from the capital. There is a certain distance:


And there are many monsters around, so basically the commoners near the capital of Dragunov have planted some common vegetables and soybeans.

The food in the capital is also mainly. These two are the main ones, supplemented by seasonings.

And this was the most unacceptable to Lin Kui. To this day, Anna still remembered that Lin Kui forcibly swallowed the food that made him feel disgusting.

"This time, with Lin Kui joining in, I'm afraid the Dragon King Festival will take place in three days."

"It's going to make a big difference. Change it."

Irene looked out the window, the direction of the Kingdom of Dragunov, and suddenly a mist of water rose in her eyes.

"Even without Ignilu's help, even if it's only Lin Kui, I don't think I'll lose."

Watching flashes in his eyes.

Water mist Irene, Anna patted Irene. Hand, said softly

Time turned, and the day passed, and Anna Hatfilia could get out of bed and walk.

Although the body is still a little weaker, it does not affect a group of three people walking towards the Kingdom of Dragunov.

Today, the three of them set off early in the morning, and at noon, they arrived outside the capital of Dragunov.

"From the outside of the capital, there is a sense of poverty."

Lin Kui passed through.

Looking out from the carriage window, he sighed and said.

On the other hand, Irene showed Lin Kui a fierce look on her face. Looking at Irene's dissatisfied expression, Lin Kui smiled shyly and covered it up.

I just made a blunder.

On the side, Anna, was almost laughing at the side.

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