The Ice Dragon King, at this time, really turned into an icy, headless corpse, falling towards the bottom.

The entire huge head turned into blood rain powder and continuously fell from the sky.

As the headless body of the Ice Dragon King fell to the ground, causing a burst of dust, the expressions of countless giant dragons around him, including the Dragon King, changed.

The body inadvertently took two steps backwards.

Ordinary giant dragon. There was even a burst of fear in his heart, even if the weakest dragon king, can slaughter ordinary giant dragons arbitrarily.

What's more, the strength is the leader among the dragon kings. The ice dragon king, at this time, was unable to resist Lin Kui. With one blow, he turned into a corpse.

To say that people can't be scared, there's no such thing.

"How could it be possible to get rid of Small with just one blow?"

One head. The scales are flashing with purple crystal halo Dragon King, with an unbelievable face, looking down at the ice dragon

Wang, said tremblingly.

"Don't panic! I just underestimated Small!"

"This guy's attack just now is unusual! As dragons...

How can you feel scared so easily!"

Ibinos looked at the surroundings and continued to retreat towards the rear. The giant dragons, with a flash of anger on their faces, immediately roared, and began to be timid towards the rear. The giant dragon roared.

"It seems that among the dragon clan, the status should not be low."

"It should be a little bigger than the Dragon King."

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Chapter 4: Three-Party Battle (4/[-])

Lin Kui had a playful look on his face. He smiled and looked at the golden scales in front of him. The giant dragon said slowly.

"I am the Dragon King of the Dragon Clan, the strongest dragon in the last Dragon King Festival."

"Lei Yanlong Ibinos, remember this life-ending name!"

Ibinos looked at Lin Kui in front of him, and was not angry because of Lin Kui's words.

Being able to sit on the Dragon King's position, how could that kind of ordinary Dragon King's character, on the contrary, countered Lin Kui verbally.

Let's talk about the Dragon King Ibinos, and bursts of flames gradually emerged from his body on the dragon's claws, and a thunder light flashed in his eyes.

The sky was originally clear. The weather began to change gradually, dark clouds began to cover the entire sky, and thunder light continued to fall on Ibinos Dragon Drive from the dark clouds.

It brought a burst of thunder, and kept flashing around Ibinos.

"It's kind of interesting, it's actually a compound type. Dragon King."

"Ray Flame Dragon"

, feeling the increasing aura in front of Ibinos, Lin Kui took a deep breath and spit it out.

A cloud of white air.

When the breathing method was fully opened, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

With Lin Kui as the center, a cyclone was sent out towards the surroundings, and the red and blue arcs in his hands wrapped around the left and right: two palms, one dodged and rushed towards Ibinos.

"Lei Yanlong Iron Fist!"

Ibinos dragon claw clenched his fist, and flames and thunder light constantly enveloped the fist and moved towards Lin Kui.

: bombarded.

Feeling the terrifying energy contained in the dragon's claws, Lin Kui's whirlwind slashing iron fist. The red arc gradually dissipated.

The arc of flowing water began to cover Lin Kui's right arm, and there was a black aura that was hard to detect, which enveloped Lin Kui's entire right hand.

A black light flashed, and Lin Kui's arm made a light sound, and then it was like black metal. The luster flashed past, and a pitch black. The arm bombarded Ibinos with a flowing arc.


With one person and one dragon as the center, an extremely cold cyclone erupted all around.

The giant dragons behind Ibinos were blown back [-] meters by the powerful force, and the city walls of the Kingdom of Dragunov behind Lin Kui were all blown back by a strong cyclone.

It was blown away, leaving only a rubble.

After one person and one dragon fought each other, the entire sky seemed to be cracked into a huge gully, and countless dark clouds continued to pour in along with the gully.

"As a human being, to be able to have this kind of power."

"It is worth applauding, but if it is this kind of strength, I am afraid I will explain it here today."

After one person and one dragon fight, the balance of power collided.

One person and one dragon opened the distance in an instant.

Ibinos, with a face of approval, looked at Lin Kui, and moved his claws to a place where the clansmen behind him could not see.

Resisting the pain for a while, he couldn't help but cursed Lin Kui secretly, "monster".

Ibinos can't remember how many years he hasn't fought against others, and suffered such a big loss.

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