“Lin Ze, what do you think should be done with them?”

The emperor looked at Lin Ze and asked.

The others in this court all set their sights on Lin Ze.

The emperor’s unintentional move pushed Lin Ze into an almost dilemma.

If he was in favor of the ministers killing the officials, this would inevitably cause the displeasure of General Bude and other loyal ministers, and General Bud might even doubt the authenticity of Linze’s previous agreement with him.

And if you deny the behavior of the minister, this also means standing on the opposite side of Minister Ernest, and the position of general he has just obtained is difficult to guarantee, not to mention that the emperor of the current empire is sitting in front of Lin Ze, even if he can retreat at this time, he will face the pursuit and killing of the entire empire later.

However, Lin Ze only thought for less than a second, and he had already thought of a countermeasure.

“Of course they won’t be sentenced to death.”

Lin Ze raised his head to look at the emperor.

Minister Ernest’s expression instantly became solemn, his fists clenched, and his joints made a slight noise.

“Then Lin Ze, do you think what the minister said is wrong?”

The emperor’s expression also became serious.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the imperial court was already tense.

“No, Your Majesty, this is the minister’s painstaking care for you.”

Lin Ze’s words made everyone present puzzled.

Minister Ernest was even more incomprehensible.

“What do you mean, tell the government well.”

The emperor even stood up excitedly from his seat.

“Your Majesty is on top of a temple, and naturally faces officials with different ideas and positions, and their words may not be correct, but their purpose is also to make Your Majesty and the country better. And the minister also knows that their intentions are not bad, and sending them to prison is just a lie to scare them, let them learn a lesson, and at the same time let Your Majesty understand what kind of words should be listened to and what should not be heard, and when you give advice to hundreds of officials in the future, you can screen out the correct words. ”

Lin Ze said calmly.

“I didn’t expect the minister to have such good intentions, and the government was really moved!”

The emperor looked up at the minister, his eyes shining.

“Haha, that’s right.”

The minister smiled awkwardly, but his expression was much more relaxed, although these words could not withstand scrutiny, but it was more than enough to fool a child less than ten years old, and the emperor’s trust in himself was even higher.

Moreover, this also made the little emperor even less likely to obey the advice of other officials in the future.

These small officials only saved their lives temporarily.

It is not too late to settle the accounts after the autumn.

The minister looked at Lin Ze and showed a meaningful smile.

And General Bude and the civil servants who opposed the ministers also breathed a sigh of relief, at least the lives of their colleagues were temporarily saved.

“Then Lin Ze, it should be said that General Lin Ze, you can retire, and then we will build a new general’s mansion for you, and there will be people to help transport things, or buy new ones!”

The emperor sat back on the dragon chair with an excited smile on his face.


Lin Ze faced the emperor, slowly retreated to the gate, and then turned around and walked out.

He had temporarily saved the lives of those civil officials, but Lin Ze also understood that although the ministers in the imperial court made concessions, he would definitely use small means to let the civil officials who had just opposed him in the imperial court die in various accidents.

Whether General Bude could protect them, Lin Ze did not care.

His journey has accomplished his purpose and squeezed himself into the high echelons of the empire.

Neither Minister Ernest nor General Bude was prepared to cooperate seriously with them.

They are all stepping stones for Lin Ze to crawl upwards

Including Esders too.

However, at least on the surface, he still had a close relationship with Minister Ernest.

Presumably, another force has also begun to notice itself.

Lin Ze looked at the sky, and there were birds flying in the sky.

A falcon stretches out its claws to catch the bird.

He stretched out his hand and seemed to include the sun.

“Revolutionary Army.”

Lin Ze muttered to himself.

What Lin Ze, who is now a general, needs most is battle merit.


Outside the Empire.

In the secret base of the revolutionary army.

Several high-ranking members of the revolutionary army gathered around the table.

“There is big news on the imperial side.”

One of them said

“There was another person who was elected a general.”

“It seems to be called Lin Ze, who killed Oka before and became the chief captain of the garrison.”

The man standing next to him added.

“Kill Oka and maybe it will be an object that can be wooed.”

“No, although he killed Oka , he still allowed the rich businessmen who had colluded with Oka to go unpunished, although those rich businessmen have recently stopped, but I heard that they are still secretly trading with Lin Ze.”

“Killing Oka and becoming a great general is too smooth for such a career, right?”

“According to reliable sources, he has an extremely close relationship with Minister Ernest.”

“Will that make him a general because he is a close confidant of the minister.”

“We are not in the imperial capital, we don’t know his strength, at most we have only heard some unrealistic rumors. However, prepare for the worst, send a team to investigate this Lin Ze, and see what his strength is. ”

All eyes shifted to one person.


“Just let [Night Raid] go and see if this person will become a threat to us.”

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