Turn the time back in now.

Early in the morning, at the time of the dynasty.

Minister Ernest saw his son Sheila walking towards the court, and a frightening smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Soon to be staged was a “stage play” that he had set up in advance, in which Sheila would come to the court to report on the attack on the garrison base, and Minister Ernest would advise the emperor at just the right time that Cyrus Eubikitas was incapable and should be committed.

Even if Lin Ze can return alive from Esders’s men, presumably Cyrus, who is controlled by the minister, will make him hinder everywhere.

Minister Honor was a little impatient, but he looked around and noticed a hint of abnormality.

It is not trivial that such an incident as the attack on the garrison is extraordinary, but why is there no one around to talk about it.

This shouldn’t be.

Sheila walked into the palace, but her hurried steps showed the panic in his heart, the forked scar across his face was full of anger and sorrow, his brows furrowed, and the corners of his eyes twitched from time to time.

Minister Ernest noticed that something was wrong with Sheila and quickly left the emperor’s side and walked to his son.

“What’s going on!”

Minister Ernest’s tone was fierce, but he had to try to keep his voice down.

“Something went wrong…”

After listening to Sheila’s words, Minister Onest’s face sank, and then he turned to look at the emperor.

“Your Majesty, this is the courtier’s dog Shila, he is not sensible, he wants to come to the imperial court to report when he encounters some small things, I think this does not need to disturb Your Majesty, so I took the dog and left first.”

“Okay, the government is approved.”


Go to the no-man’s corner,

The minister grabbed Sheila by the collar.

“Accident? What an accident, can’t even do such a simple thing! You are such a shame on me! ”

“Shut up!”

Sheila broke free from her father’s hand, her face full of anger and dissatisfaction

“Isn’t there something wrong with the intelligence of this old thing of yours?”

Sheila’s facial features almost condensed together, and the forked scars on her face trembled

“Didn’t you say that the garrison was unattended, and Cyrus was just a very ordinary [Imperial Envoy]?”

“yes, what’s the problem?”

Minister Ernest’s expression became serious

“What the hell is going on!”

“My two subordinates are all [Emperor Envoys], and their strength will definitely not be lower than that of ordinary [Emperor Envoys].”

Sheila’s tone became calmer

“Yesterday I sent them to the garrison to give the woman named Cyrus a little color—but today, Cyrus Eupikitas appeared in the garrison intact, without even a single scar, and without any special movements or behaviors. What does this mean? This means that either Cyrus killed both of them and pretended that nothing had happened, or that Cyrus did not meet our men at all last night. ”

“What about your subordinates?”

“Gone, gone, the world has evaporated! There is no trace at all! ”

Sheila smiled wryly and spread her hands.

“Your subordinates, could it be defections?”

Minister Ernest snorted coldly.

“It’s impossible! They are my hand-picked subordinates, and they will not betray me – nor do they have the guts! ”

Sheila’s emotions became agitated again, and Minister Ernest did not know what to say for a while.

At this time, a herald hurried past with a letter, and the direction of advance was the main hall where the emperor was, and Ernest hurriedly stopped him.

“Hey, what’s going on?”

“It’s a letter from the Northern Army.”

The herald replied breathlessly.

“North! Show me now! ”

Minister Honor stretched out his fat hand and grabbed the letter, and Sheila couldn’t wait to approach it.

“But, Your Majesty, he hasn’t…”

“Shut up! I am a minister, I can help the emperor to counsel, and naturally I have the qualifications to read the letter first. ”

Minister Ernest’s body trembled slightly, and he quickly opened the letter and read it word by word.

Immediately, he fell to the ground in panic, his face turned red, and he breathed heavily as if his trachea was blocked.

“Medicine… Medicine… ”

“It’s high blood pressure! Go get your medicine! ”

Sheila immediately realized the reason why her father had become like this, and immediately ordered the surrounding palace maids to get medicine. Minister Ernest lived an absurd and extravagant life, without restraint, and also suffered from many diseases.

This letter made my father guilty of high blood pressure, what is written on it?

The herald ignored the minister who had fallen to the ground, picked up the envelope that had fallen on the ground, shook off the dust on it, and walked straight to the palace.

“Hey, stop, show me that letter!”

Sheila shouted at the other, but the latter did not stop in the slightest, not even turning his head.


The bruises on Sheila’s forehead burst out, and she clenched her fists, ready to attack at any time.

Ernest grabbed his fist and stopped his movement.

Sheila lowered her head and glanced contemptuously at her father on the ground.

Although the sudden illness made it impossible for the minister to utter a complete sentence, Ernest’s fierce eyes like lions also stared at Sheila, and the strength in his hands became greater.

“Got it, got it.”

Sheila reluctantly lowered her hand, and could only watch the herald’s figure disappear from her sight.

What exactly was written in that letter?

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